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Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

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    Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

    Morning all.

    Sorry to hear about all the ppe shite, must be a worry with ones so vulnerable

    Richs aunt is STILL in hospital after 3 weeks and they STILL have not confirmed what is wrong with her. I am not sure if it is because it is only old people dealing with her care ie Richs mum and Dad who are in their 80s and do not ask the right questions or what. I spoke to MIL on Thursday and gave her a list of questions to ask the doctor and said to write them down. when she called me on the Friday she had forgotten them all so still none the bloody wiser

    In other news, the 65 year old who was managed out of my workplace is loving her retirement and just bought herself a little house Life really does not depend on work


      Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

      Morning folks, as I read back and see how we are all going through our own personal situations and challenges, I am very aware how much more serious problems than my moans about work exist all around me.
      These days I do cherish the times when I feel at peace and this is so much more frequent since I kicked the poison out of the park and I believe my anxiety levels are much reduced, it is easier to keep some perspective in place.

      Thank you all for your replies to my work related question of a few days ago. There were to have been three different meetings of senior management last week where I had planned on raising the issues mentioned previously, however all were canceled as the decision has been made to close the company until lock down ceases. I however may needed to 'pop in' occasionally, MD will let me know. Seriously am I too easy going by agreeing to this? Anyway that is how the land lays but I am seeing this as an opportunity to take a step back take a deep breath and put some perspective on this. I have come to the decision that in fairness to the powers to be it is difficult to justify the decision to take on extra staff in the near future given the uncertainty that surrounds everything and despite the projected work load I will have to play a waiting game. That said I have come to the decision I am not going to take on the work load as previously encountered FULL STOP. If the work materialises along with the additional equipment I will be very quick off of the mark in demanding extra staff and will not be fobbed off or my coat will be put on and the door slammed behind me in true Bridget Jones style.

      Originally posted by mollyka View Post
      okay -- now I could be misreading the situation - but it sounds to me like you are more than essential to the Directors and they are only dealing with you and your worries about the future situation and the expansion in that fashion because you are letting them (not a criticism -- just how I'm reading it) -- it depends on how much you are willing to call their bluff -- but I really am guessing from what you are saying that you are a lynch-pin at the moment and if you threatened to leave (in the nicest possible way of course) that they will more than listen to you... it is very reasonable to want to start winding down - once we hit 50+ the 12 hour days really should not even be in a discussion -- maybe email them - CC them all so they can't say they didn't know -- you are really good with words - so pretty much tell them how you feel as you've just told us - what you are willing to do (which is probably 100% more than some young upstart straight out of college anyway!!!) and what you frankly don't feel you can or want to do... if they are stressed by lockdown - they can read the email anytime - you are not cornering them with in person chat or telephone calls - so they can think about it and give you a measured response...

      That's just my opinion -- I will go back to what I said a week or two ago -- and it is especially pertinent when we are over 50 -- we shouldn't let ourselves be in jobs that stress us or make us unhappy - and a lot of slightly older folk think they have to 'prove' something - myself included sometimes - and truthfully - we have nothing to prove - we've given a lifetime to work and it's more than acceptable to want to wind down stress and hours... if they did decide you are surplus to requirements on your new terms is there any alternative you can do?
      Hi Molly, 'they are only dealing with you and your worries about the future situation and the expansion in that fashion because you are letting them' Yep thats bang on. 'it is especially pertinent when we are over 50 -- we shouldn't let ourselves be in jobs that stress us or make us unhappy'. Absolutely agree, nothing to prove here, I have been there and done that, that boat has sailed.

      Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
      What are your thoughts KTAB? Ready to give them the finger?
      Hi Bridge, as above, nope not cutting off my nose to spite my face just now, I will jack it in when it is the right time, with the caveat that I am very aware that people wait their entire life for the 'right time' to arrive for things to change.

      Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
      Hi, Army

      I've really liked a lot of your posts over the last few days and only slipped once to 'like' Tabber's post, laying out his job situation. It sounds like many of us have had very similar work experiences. A few years ago I was feeling so overwhelmed by all of my new responsibilities but I was saved from quitting by thinking about it differently. Once I considered it a 'job' instead of a 'career', I was able to let a lot of stuff go. I guess when I was 25 I wanted to Be Somebody but now I just want to Be. I also hate to feel like I'm behind and love to be 'caught up' but as the work load increased, I never was. So, I redefined 8 items to work on as zero and started to enjoy workloads of -2, -5, and sometimes even -8! I realize that I have the benefit of working pretty much independently with no one breathing deadlines down my neck so just rethinking things isn't going to work for everyone.
      Hi NS, you have nailed it there, that is exactly how I see it in recent times, perhaps accelerated by the last year's events. It is a job for me, no more and no less. Irrelevant of the current situation as soon as I have funds in place to scrape by I am quitting all full time employment. I suppose I am playing the long game, two years max is the aim and hopefully less.

      Originally posted by starty View Post
      Morning all.
      In other news, the 65 year old who was managed out of my workplace is loving her retirement and just bought herself a little house Life really does not depend on work
      Ain't that the truth, a means to an end personally these days.

      I was off yesterday and spend about 6 hours digging and clearing an overgrown area of garden, very hard going and I was wrecked last night but very content. Such a change from my being barraged by constant emails, calls and demands on my time in the workplace. I know where I want my life to be and believe it is achievable, and that my friends is a luxury afforded to few.
      Last edited by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB); March 13, 2021, 05:34 AM.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21


        Originally posted by brit View Post
        Good afternoon/evening. Just checking in and having a read back.
        Up and down with my tears and distress but getting loads of support from family and friends.
        Funeral is next Friday morning and dreading it.
        We will all be with you at the funeral on may not see us but we'll be standing with you.
        Ahh our darling, Whizzy. There's no time limit on grieving. :hug:

        Oh and send the letter registered post. That way makes sure they've received it and put a date on when you want a reply.

        [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION] there a way that you or Mr. S can go as her advocate.

        And tomorrow's Mother's day.............I hate it............I feel like I should give our children gifts for putting up with me.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

          Tabbers, I think you have a good plan. I hope you are aware that you probably need MUCH less to live a comfy life than you think you do? I have made so many savings overr the last 2 years and realise that I really need very little money to be OK.

          If we are asked, absolutlely. All we can do at the moment is offer assistance from afar. We cannot see her or even travel to where they live so its difficult plus I dont want to tread on any toes and make them feel we are sticking our noses in. All I can do at the moment is keep on asking questions myself in the hope that soon answers will come.


            Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

            Good morning everyone. As JC said Brit, the army will be with you in spirit on Friday. Hope you enjoyed your walk. You sound good Tabs and things have a way of working themselves out. This pandemic has taught us all that we don’t need half the stuff we have or think we need.

            About to go for walk, need to be back for book club meeting on zoom. Was crocheting all morning. That is my excitement for the day.


              Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

              My birthday's in April.............think I'll ask for a skip. Still a ton of stuff that needs to be got rid of.
              Very cleansing.

              Had to take our bubble and her cat Sidney to the vets this aftie..........he's 10 years old, he's not eating or drinking. The vet's keeping him in overnight.

              Mother's day tomorrow which means I can sit on the settee and do nothing but I get remote TV control for a whole day I might drag West Side Story out.

              Sleep well, lovelies. :hug:
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                Morning everyone

                JC you must have needed that sleep. Just as well you weren't planning a day out going to all the places. I will order you a skip for your birthday, although I've got to say it's a first. No idea how I'll fit the bow around it.

                Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                Aw sorry to hear the @byebyebridgetjones :hug: just keep a good eye on her.
                If it's any consolation - my mother's memory loss has stabilized and I put it down to each time she gets a UTI they are on it immediately. Not sure of the connection but it works when antibiotics are given ASAP.

                This is a woman who wanted to put her head in the oven 3 years ago. Depression is another side effect of UTIs in the elderly I'm told.
                She's 91 this year.
                UTIs are much more serious than people realise. I used to have patients with psychosis type symptoms because of a burgeoning UTI. In a couple of people that's how we knew to jump straight on it. Urinary alkalisers really helped as well. I wouldn't be caring what they thought at the care home. It's your Mum that you're here for. We just had a huge inquiry into aged care here and the outcome was not good. Hopefully the recommendations will help both residents and staff. I'm sure it's the same where you are, but when care moved to the private sector some of it was very good, but some of it was a cheap grab for money by overcharging and understaffing. I have relatives working as RNs in the system and they are worked half to death.

                Originally posted by starty View Post
                Your mum sounds amazing Satz. As does Bridges mum. Extra special as this sunday is mothers day.
                Mother's Day must be very hard for you too Starty.

                Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                What have you noticed with your Mam Bridge? It will probably stay tiny for ages.
                Weve noticed micro changes in my Dad, we maybe have to tell him the same thing 3 times instead of 2. Hes the most inquisitive man on the planet, so probably forgets hes asked it already in his list of a million questions. As kids we'd be mortified - everyone was interrogated, no such thing as waiting outside the door for 2 minutes.. my dad would be there with his long list of what, where + how!
                Short term memory loss Mers. Nothing concerning but this was a woman who remembered everything to fine detail much like your Dad. I expect it from myself, but not her!

                Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                Can swop 18 month old Letriever/ Goldie cross NoSugar. He is gaining some sense but it is slow. Adorable though.
                I'll have him!

                Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
                There were to have been three different meetings of senior management last week where I had planned on raising the issues mentioned previously, however all were canceled as the decision has been made to close the company until lock down ceases.
                I was off yesterday and spend about 6 hours digging and clearing an overgrown area of garden, very hard going and I was wrecked last night but very content. Such a change from my being barraged by constant emails, calls and demands on my time in the workplace. I know where I want my life to be and believe it is achievable, and that my friends is a luxury afforded to few.
                Is this a blessing in disguise? To give you time to consider your next move? I know that monetary survival is always a worry but Starty is right, we can live on a lot less than we know. What it will give us is time - that most precious of things.
                As we're the same age, I think there's every chance that we are in the same head space. Another 10-ish years to go in the workforce and I will not tolerate any misery.

                Sunday again.
                How fast the time is flying! I'm actually getting really excited about what is to come. I would love it if I can pull off a three month plus break before looking for work. Some time to myself to garden. I won't be able to afford expensive plants but will have the time to propagate my own, which I love. That amount of time would tip me into Spring, so perfect. I've been thinking about a plant based diet for so long, maybe now is the time to put that in place as well. It's all so do-able.
                Last edited by byebyebridgetjones; March 13, 2021, 06:26 PM.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                  Originally posted by brit View Post
                  Good afternoon/evening. Just checking in and having a read back.
                  Up and down with my tears and distress but getting loads of support from family and friends.
                  Funeral is next Friday morning and dreading it.
                  All I hope is that it is a meaningful and supportive experinece for you all. I really do feel for your poor girl in Norway but at least there are some small ways around it these days. As the others have said, we will all be there in spirit.:heartbeat:
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                    Hola troopers,

                    Thinking of you and family Brit.

                    Big wave and hello's to all. Take it easy.

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                      Good morning Mr G..

                      Sounds similar Bridge on the folks front.
                      Could you possibly get away with part time work do you think?

                      Tabbers, my husband is in a similar boat. Hes working from home, so its not as bad right now, but just doesnt know which door to take next. And when to take it. He would tear the hand off the powers that be, if a package was offered. Maybe he will take the plunge like Mr Starty, one of these days. He would happily spend his days in the shed and garden :happy2:

                      Off to bed, preparing to be showered with endless love tomorrow
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                        Morning and Happy Mothers Day,

                        Just waiting for the newest Mr & Mrs. JC to appear in the front garden so we can have a somewhat shouty conversation at each other. They can make themselves useful and take Mikey for a walk.

                        [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]..........ta for the skip will reciprocate with many sick notes.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                          Good morning and happy Mother’s Day to all those of you this side of the pond. Bum planted on couch all morning crocheting. Bliss, not very nice out so don’t have to feel guilty about taking the dogs out. Will bring them on a short one later. Enjoy your day everyone.


                            Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                            Evening all
                            Sorry was working all weekend & fecked.

                            Talk tomorrow


                              Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                              Happy mothers day, well, the end of it.
                              Hope youve a few days off now Satz.

                              I could do with a skip too Bridge..

                              Nothing weird or wonderful. Run. Caught up with the mammies. Youngest goes back to school tomorrow, the start of normality. :yay:
                              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                                Re: Spring Army Manoeuvres - March 21

                                Morning and waves to the undies.

                                Got the most beautiful flowers from the S&H and wife and another from Jenny & Ads for Mother's day. Even had a 2-metre distant shout with the S&H and his missus.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

