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Army Garrison April 2021

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    Re: Army Garrison April 2021

    Morning and waves to the undies,
    The site was down last night. Tried a few times to get on then gave up.

    Bank Holiday this weekend and its freezing. 4 whole days of Mr. JC mooching around looking for something to do. And all shops shut on Sunday even Tesco. Think the paper shop is open but that's about it.

    [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] :hug:...........its a blessing we've got an in-house human resources expert in the house.

    Its freezing (I'm sitting with a hot water bottle on my knees)........will have to warn Jenny and Ads to bring their own for Sunday as we're predicted snow. They're only allowed inside to use the toilet. The fact they both teach umpteen little snot bags makes you wonder why. The temptation to say feck it and bring them in the house is overwhelming but we've got this far and it'll not be long before we're all vaccinated. My Aunt had her second jab yesterday so she can run amock now.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: Army Garrison April 2021

      Afternoon everyone. You are right JC having come this far they are encouraging us not to risk anything. The important thing is you can see them. You too Molly with the grandkids. Lovely here today but we are promised that cold front in a few days.

      Next two days are meant to be nice so decided to power wash the patio, just the part outside the door where we have the furniture. We put the furniture away for the winter but taking it out tomorrow. Power washing is the most satisfying job. Also going to put up a few Easter decorations and cook a turkey with all the trimmings on Sunday. Anything for a change.


        Re: Army Garrison April 2021

        The very first Easter taught us this: that life never ends and love never dies. I believe that. Have a wonderful blessed Happy Easter, Army friends. xoxo
        Last edited by techie; April 2, 2021, 12:52 PM.
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Re: Army Garrison April 2021

          Happy Easter to you too Techster..and everyone...deffo now is the time to take care..another couple of months and it'll all be history you Rusters..I got a lovely leg of spring lamb and all the nice stuff to go with it on Sunday..we're going to dress up ..(well...get out of track suit bottoms) and actually eat in the dining room...make a bit of an occasion ..delivered some of the Easter eggs today and the rest will pop around for theirs tomorrow or Sunday...just heard Joey is moving into a house Simon had built up the road..spoilt little git..he falls on his feet that one!

          That's all my going to bed with my book ;-)
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Re: Army Garrison April 2021

            [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION].............shove up a bit and I'll get in beside you. I've come over really tired.
            To be honest I thought the shops would be heaving and is was all very civilized.

            I've bought a dress/ pinafore that I can wear a nice white polo under for my Easter Sunday best. Got chicken and dumplings or for Easter Sunday dinner. Jenny & Ads are first in then later on the newest Mr & Mrs. JC will be calling in. Warned them all to bring a hot water bottle.

            [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] ...........Happy Easter to you. :hug:
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: Army Garrison April 2021

              We have loads of lambs in the field next to us, we can see them from our kitchen, so no one will eat lamb in this house!! I still have to decide what to do for Sunday.
              Just about got Easter eggs today, they were sold out in loads of places.

              You're going to have a busy day JC!
              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                Morning.............took a while to get onto MWO kept getting a message that it was going to ruin everything.
                Got a bit of advice and was told to just press agree. And here I am.

                I've got all these plans for food tomorrow and haven't thought about food for today.

                Yep its a case of feast or famine. See no one for weeks and then we're having to hire a doorman.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                  Yeah our AMAZING IT dept..loads of our 'official' websites are similar--- nonsense!
                  Just had a lovely walk on beach...trying to limit dog to short walks...managed it..then he came home and ran riot round the garden...just makes little sense!
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                    Morning.............took a while to get onto MWO kept getting a message that it was going to ruin everything.
                    Got a bit of advice and was told to just press agree. And here I am.

                    I've got all these plans for food tomorrow and haven't thought about food for today.

                    Yep its a case of feast or famine. See no one for weeks and then we're having to hire a doorman.
                    Did the message say that the site wasn’t private and it was looking for personal and financial information? Strange, because I repeatedly received that message yesterday!
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                      Morning folks, I thought for a while there yesterday that the site was no more, what a terrible thing that would be. It also made me think, seeing as I don’t do ‘face-ache’, were that the case then I would lose contact with almost everybody here.
                      So it’s 7 am on a frosty Sunday morning and the joy of waking up after a good nights sleep with not a trace of the poison which held me down for so long in sight is something I think I will never tire of. Today belongs to me and for that I am so grateful.
                      I have been for the past few weeks, in between the day job, redoing my entire veg garden. Hours and hours of digging and moving stuff around . It’s back breaking work and far from finished yet but somehow quite rewarding. I have lots of tiny plants growing in the greenhouse, ready to go out in the next month or so. It always brings me great joy to bring my own fresh organic fruit and veg to the table and Mother Nature is still a source of great wonder to me. Simple pleasures eh.
                      Rather than obliterating my ‘self’ every single day I am embracing sobriety. Only you folks know what that feeling really feels like and it is something that can’t be taken away once we make that choice and cross the line, despite all of life’s trials and tribulations, it is something to embrace and feel proud of for not everyone has the courage and inner strength to overcomes AL grip so feel proud this morning, all of us.
                      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                        Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                        Morning...hi Tabs...and a happy Easter to all...I'll be honest and say I take that feeling of 'self' for granted...I should be proud...And I there !!!
                        Luckily got my Easter eggs last week..believe there wasn't one to be had in Ireland!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                          Good morning everyone and happy Easter. Tried and tried yesterday and could not get onto the site. No message, just refusing to load. It is indeed the simple pleasures that mean the most Tabs. Glad you are enjoying your garden. Beautiful morning here but frost promised tonight.

                          Hope everyone well and that you all enjoy your day. Better get up now and stuff my turkey.


                            Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                            Good oh, back to normal.........if you could call us normal

                            Didn't make much difference having the gazebo and a fire pit going it was still freezing.............but we did it. I couldn't get any more clothes on.
                            Was smashing seeing Jenny & Ads and Buddy, then the S&H and his missus turned up. Its so very hard not to throw your arms around them. But we stuck to the rules. I had to keep saying to myself it won't be long now when we're all vaccinated and can get back to normal. Whatever normal is going to be.

                            Jenny and Ads took their Buddy and our Mikey for a walk and by the time they got back were best mates.

                            Its Line of Duty and straight to bed. I'm zorsted.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                              Evening all - just starting my weekend now.
                              The place was like a mad house today with the Activities team whipping everyone into a frenzy of chocolate Easter eggs, balloons, cupcakes - then the drinks trolly arrived :egad:
                              Death by chocolate for some I'd say
                              Ys is here and DD says she's coming tomorrow & they have another think coming if they think I'm cooking & catering for them all.
                              Feck that !


                                Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                                Happy Easter all..
                                Lovely sunny day here, we did a cliff walk and a garden visit to my folks, then home for dinner. We do a treasure hunt with cryptic or ridiculous clues. They moan, but then go mad if I suggest we wont do it.. At this rate I'll still be putting out Santa presents in their 20s

                                Good luck with all that cooking Satz (can you not just tell them its garden visits only, we wont have much longer with that line!)
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

