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Army Garrison April 2021

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    Re: Army Garrison April 2021

    [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION]........well there's an offer a girl can't decline apart from one tiny thing I'm right up about 250 miles plus up North. We'll come up with an idea nearer the time. OK. I'd love to meet a legend like yourself.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: Army Garrison April 2021

      Ah Americans that's only a hop skip and a jump! Even in Canada years ago we went on this little mini (mini...yeah right!) road trip from Toronto to Montreal...they looked like they were next door on the map...jaysus it seemed like we were driving for DAYS!!
      Joe got his vaccine..he's sitting downstairs with the chills...other than that..he's'd swear he was dying tho...I'm all outta sympathy:egad:
      Night tomorrow xx
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Re: Army Garrison April 2021

        Good morning. Sunny day again, so off for a run with some friends in an hour. Filling my days up as best I can.
        Hope everyone is OK


          Re: Army Garrison April 2021

          Good morning Brit and all to come. Seems like we are the early birds. Enjoy your run, beautiful morning here too. Plan to spend the day in the garden.

          Glad Joe is ok after the vaccine apart from the chills. Will be great when we all have it. Himself is registering on Sunday. No idea what they are doing with the under 60’s yet.


            Re: Army Garrison April 2021

            Morning! Enjoy your run Whizzy beautiful morning for it alright...registered for my vaccine today understanding is it'll be straight through to the 50's cos they going by age..
            The chills have now turned to nausea...but he's tucked up in the I'm sure he'll be grand later
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: Army Garrison April 2021

              Morning and waves to the universe,
              [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION].............oh I know. My mum went to see some of our family that emigrated to Australia in the early 50s and went over 100K just for lunch.

              We are 'invited' by letter for our jab. The first jabs (for those who ancient, got an underlying problem (like COPD) and we're now the under 45s are being invited for their jab. Being invited sounds like we're all going to get a funny hat and a bowl of ice-cream and jelly.

              [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]...........poor Joe. We've both just had a bit of tiredness and a bit of a bruise.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                Hello to all the Grantys and Gruntys. Quick drop in and read back. I decided to nick off down the coast suddenly.

                Brit I feel so sad for you. Of course some people will not have heard yet but what an ordeal for you.

                I hope Joe's feeling better after the jab Molly. The new job is still up in the air. I've got a few ideas including an application to go part time. We'll see how we go. You know, I often feel resentful of my brother with everything he's put our family through, and now all of a sudden he's OK and off doing his thing like Joe is, and we're all still dealing with the fall out in our own lives from what he's done. Doesn't really relate to Joe, none of it was his fault at all, but I can understand the kind of discarded feeling that you're referring to there.

                I'm glad Mother Techie is at least stable. Very exciting trip coming up at some stage there.

                I was hoping myself Mers, that tracksuits and yoga pants would become de rigueur post lock down much like Mr M. What do you think? Will we all pull it off?
                Last edited by byebyebridgetjones; April 24, 2021, 08:37 AM.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                  Originally posted by brit View Post
                  Sunny morning and feeling a bit more positive.
                  Re the vaccines 12 weeks seems to be the optimum time between vaccinations as it builds up a stronger immunity reaction. This is according to my medical friends.
                  Delighted to hear it Ms A. Get to know a few 'little men' to fix stuff. Garden & house.

                  wrt vaccines I heard a scientist on the other day - I'd say they'd like to gag him :haha:
                  Matter-of-factly said that this is a new virus & it's only settling in. Getting to know us - so to speak. It's learning all the time how to invade us as hosts. ( don't ask me why 'it'd' be bothered)

                  Talked about SARS-CoV-2 like it was a person.
                  Anyhoo he said that the long gap from first vaccine allows 'it' to learn our immune response & mutate. Not get more deadly but just infect as many as possible.
                  He said it'll be with us for generations - so we will get used to it. Like the flu. It's a battle of wills between 'it' & our immune systems + vaccine.
                  We'll win .....

                  Probably all bollox - so carry on regardless ........ :thumbsup:


                    Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                    Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                    I never liked red wine either...have to say no matter how much I fancied a drink I'd never have touched it.
                    I'd have to honestly say if there was nothing else - I would have drank anything - it was the alcohol I was after. Red, white, blue, brown.
                    I think most of us on here, tho , were lucky enough to be in the position never to have to drink cheap sherry from a paper bag.
                    We had the wherewithal to go & buy what we liked.


                      Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                      Oh I did get the cheaper stuff...was never too mad on quality...definitely quantity...Joe would ponder over bottles of wine 15 yoyos each whereas I was more than happy with 6 bottles for 50 ;-)

                      I'd say your man was being a bit alarmist but definitely truth in these vaccines are not 100%'s not the same to say for instance the measles one isn't either..but there are few cases of measles's not Ireland we have 400+ new cases a day..that would be the equivalent of 4000 a day in UK approx. It's not's rumbling around in the young people and schoolchildren ..under 18's aren't even going to be when the efficacy of the vaccine is gone...what happens?
                      We see India with over 300k new cases a day and a variant that they aren't confident the vaccine will handle???
                      Gloomy this eve....sorry
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                        I truly understand how you feel about your brother Bridge...I'm biting my tongue here...he's swanning off tomorrow for the day on his bike after I 'nursed' him through his chills and leaving me with his poxy dog....the worm is turning:thumbsup:
                        Ach I'm only joking's great he's well...just need to assert myself a bit and stop being a moaning Minnie!!!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                          I'm laughing at myself here..I read your post Jackie that your mum went 100,000 kilometres for lunch and I be thinking....'where the F÷×k did she GO?':welldone:
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                            [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]..........I was trying to be clever and up to date..................I'm going back to miles and inches. While I'm at it I'll go back to shillings, pennies and half a crown.

                            We actually found two ten shilling notes. Remember when that felt like you had a £100 and it all went on Woolworth's pick and mix.
                            When we showed Jenny and the S&H looked at them they were gobsmacked.

                            I've had a dodgy tummy all day. So calling an early night. Mikey's going to meet Ma and Pa-in-law tomorrow. I'll lay odds on he'll poop (Mikey not FIL) right in the middle of Pa's perfect lawn.
                            So don't worry if you hear a nuclear bomb has been heard in the NE of England. Its a 93 year old losing his temper.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                              Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                              I truly understand how you feel about your brother Bridge...I'm biting my tongue here...he's swanning off tomorrow for the day on his bike after I 'nursed' him through his chills and leaving me with his poxy dog....the worm is turning:thumbsup:
                              Ach I'm only joking's great he's well...just need to assert myself a bit and stop being a moaning Minnie!!!
                              Don't bite your tongue Molls - it's kinds natural to be put out.
                              Are you missing the 'nursing' :egad: maybe you have 'Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy' :harhar:
                              I'm guessing though if it wasn't for the madra, you wouldn't give a shite. Glad to have some peace ?

                              Do the young 'uns & grandkids not want to mind the dog ?
                              Get them dogsitting-ready for when you go on hols ......


                                Re: Army Garrison April 2021

                                Nighty night - Mers put the cat & Dog out .....

