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AA...No No

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    AA...No No

    Hi everyone,i just need express my gratitude.Im sure for the right people A.A is the answer but i looked into it and thought "thats not it" for me.I really thought i was a 'goner' because if A.A was all that there was to offer me then FORGET IT!I couldnt relate to it AT ALL.Thats when i decided to look on the internet. I didnt know where to start so i just typed in Alhoholism and lucky for me i chose this link.I cant say thankyou enough!I guess the fact that this programme saved my life should be thanx enough but its the kindness and understanding of all the 'strangers' here that really work the magic.Thankyou to all you well wishers,you are all worth your weight in gold.mwa. ps:jools1961,where did you dissappear to????You are missed :c :h :d

    AA...No No

    AA no no

    I agree about the AA thing, but am only new tot this program, do you feel this works?? I am truly hoping, cuz it is all I have.....I live in a really small town, sheltered and VERY religious. AAs all over the place. When one sees me I would like to tell them I started a new program and am doing really well instead of being desparate to get better. Does this make sense??

    Anyways, I want feedback, and am dying to get better!!!

    Mary Anne


      AA...No No

      Re: AA no no

      mj and Mary Anne,
      You both seem to fit in great so far , and if you start "getting going" on the program, which I know you are, you will do wonderfully!
      -read, post, participate
      -see your doc or a counsellor if you can (helped me, anyhow).

      Nice chatting with you lately Mary Anne!
      Really great to have you both here. The trick is to stay with it and do what you have to do to reach the goals you have set for yourself. Gotta DO the work will!
      Best to you both.


        AA...No No

        The ironic thing is that my husband went to AA, and years ago my dad went to AA. I think one of the things that kept me from confronting my problem for at least five years was the dread of having someone tell me that I had to go to AA--"Hi, I'm Fran, and I'm and alcoholic. Hi, Fran." All that. And the sponsor thing. And having to be an alcoholic forever. And having to have it be my entire identity. And one day, I said to myself, well, I'll just google and see what I find...just like you. And here is where I landed...just like you. And all of the sudden, everything in the world seems possible. In a week my life has changed. I have had as much wine in a week as I used to have in a night. I'm exercising, and I feel healthy and confident. I can't believe it. I'm connected to people all over the world. It feels miraculous. Like you, I'm very, very grateful.


          AA...No No


          Yeah, I am starting the program, only have supps (no kudzu yet due to lack of resources in this town (Tallahassee), but all the others, didn't receive book yet, or topa, or ordered the CDs due to lack of funds til next week..........

          But glad to have all you guys!! Thanks, and I will keep chatting if that helps, and it seems to have so far (almost) At least mentally I am fine!!:lol


            AA...No No

            Re: WOW

            Hey Mary Ann, Fsoph,Mj, Welcome aboard! I can also relate to the small town sydrome, & dealing with the AA "crippling label" thought proccess! I also started out a little at a time due to finances,... but do whatever you can, and be vigilant! this is a wonderful program! It's the best thing I've found, & I'll say it again.... since SEX & CHOCOLATE!....and alcohol) :happy And believe me ... I've tried just about everything there is to quit drinking.... with this program, now I can still enjoy all of the above!!:P :h ...Judie


              AA...No No


              I love this place!! Yeah, can't wait to get the book!!! I will probably never want to put it down knowing me......

              The topa probably won't be here for a while cuz I ordered from Canada, since my psychologist prescribed me serequel and wouldn't prescribe topa even though I begged her........she knows my situation fully too.. AND the serequel has made me want to eat EVERYTHING in site!!! The last thing I need!!!

              Well tonight is my birthday, and I am already thinking about that cold is only 12:41PM here in HOT Tallahassee, FL

              Going for now, but I will check back...(BORING day at work)!>:
              Mary Anne


                AA...No No

                Re: thanks!

                Mary Ann
                You ordered from Canada?? Where did you order from? Did you need a prescription!? Please help us Canadians out - some of us have had a heck of a time getting this!


                  AA...No No

                  canada pharmacist

                  Yeah, I got the web site from the "newbee" board, Lifehause or somthing like that, they called me last night to ask if I have any questions and said it will be shipped out today. I didn't have a script! Hopefully I get it soon, I need something to help drinking not feel so good!!

                  This is so hard to do, but I know there is hope....

                  Mary Anne


                    AA...No No

                    Re: canada pharmacist

                    I wanted to chime in on the AA thing.

                    I have found AA meetings to be beneficial even though I don't totally buy into it and certainly don't "practice all their principles in all my affairs".

                    I have been in and out of AA for 13 years and found this to be the best strategy.

                    Avoid groups with big meeting houses. Find a small group that is based out of a church. Generally, these smaller groups are people who have some sobriety but have gravitated out of the big meeting house groups that tend to be the first place a newcomer sees.

                    There is a reason that these people left those type of groups.

                    In 13 years of going to AA meetings, I could not tolerate AA until I found one of these groups. I go to one now twice a week (only) and I don't have a sponsor or work any of the steps although others do in there.

                    I enjoy the meetings and I do think, that for the first time, that AA helps me stay sober.


                      AA...No No

                      A.A..No No

                      Thanks everyone for your feed back.Its great to hear such positive talk.:d Well done to you too edward.What a great achievement for you to have stayed sober for so long.It takes alot of strength to do this as we all know.It goes to show though that not matter what works for you,the right support group is essential.As long as its working for you,stick with it.Anyway Keep strong everyone.:h mj


                        AA...No No


                        P.S..and by the way 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY'Mary Anne. Give yourself a real birthday gift by waking up tomorrow without a hangover. I know its easier said than done but try and be strong....have a great B'day:d mj


                          AA...No No

                          Topa source, Canada

                          Seeking, I posted the canadian pharmacy. I used my own dr.s name and requested the meds without a scrip. They call or email if they need to but I've never had a problem. I used the generic topa which was much less expensive than some of the other links that I've seen...I'm a bargain shopper:lol

                          Here's the link.



                            AA...No No

                            Re: Topa source, Canada

                            Edward, I have been to AA w/out a sponsor, but I always find myself at the "Big" meetings, and all the gossip etc makes me uncomfortable, so I will try the smaller ones, cuz they help in a way,but the big ones are a little more political and more gossip goes down at them than maybe the smaller ones........thanks for all the birthday wishes, did have a small hangover though cuz I did drink, but today is a new day!!:P :happy

                            There is a small meeting at one of our churches on tues eve., so maybe I'll try that too....hopefuly I get the topa and book soon!!

                            Mary Anne|I :

