I am back home from PA. I am very, very sad about losing Lindsay, and my heart breaks for my sister and her family. But having the time to read all of your kinds words helped so much.
The funeral was, of course, very sad, but also very touching. During the graveside service, there was a bird that sang overhead. Lindsay knew the species of every bird, and my sister kept thinking that if Lindsay was alive, she would be able to tell us what kind of bird it was. After the service, someone who knew birds told her that it was a mocking bird. This was really amazing. Lindsay was buried with her very favorite book..."To Kill a Mockingbird". I don't know what to make of that, but it really touched us all.
If any of you would like to see a wonderful pic of Lindsay and my sister, you can go to The Hun School of Princeton and click on news and calander. This is her previous High school website, and they did a blirb about her passing.
Thank you all again for all your support.
With love,