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Drinking and being sick

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    Drinking and being sick

    Stupidity abounds!!!!

    How many of us drank while hacing a cold or not feeling so hot? I know I have. The only thing that stopped me was having a fever or something that would cause me to call in sick to work. Shamefull.

    At least I never called in sick if I was hung over. Allthough I stopped getting hung over long long ago.

    Just curious. Anyone else? I shudder to think about doing that now. I have bronchitus and feel like crap and I cant even imagine having a beer atm!

    Drinking and being sick

    hablur;152668 wrote: Stupidity abounds!!!!

    How many of us drank while hacing a cold or not feeling so hot? I know I have. The only thing that stopped me was having a fever or something that would cause me to call in sick to work. Shamefull.

    At least I never called in sick if I was hung over. Allthough I stopped getting hung over long long ago.

    Just curious. Anyone else? I shudder to think about doing that now. I have bronchitus and feel like crap and I cant even imagine having a beer atm!
    With the exception of a true real influenza that flattens me for two to three days I drink nightly. Come to think of it this sorry ass has even gotten mup from my death bed to have a few. Nightly habbit only, I wouldn't even think about it any other time.



      Drinking and being sick

      because i have to pick kids up, even if i am dying i would pick them up then go to shop to make sure i got beer in !!
      only exception was baaaadddd hangover !!!!! LOL
      I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
      I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

      Marilyn Monroe


        Drinking and being sick

        Nope, when really sick I go to my bed and don't come out until 100% on the mend. If just a cold sure I drank!


          Drinking and being sick

          Im suffering from hay fever at the moment and the only thing that makes me feel better is alchol.


            Drinking and being sick

            I always drank unless I was throwing up no matter what i had.
            When I was younger I would go to work hung over or still drunk. As I got older I couldn't go in to work hung over, but most of the time was set up to be able to work from home. I always managed to meet my deadlines so got away with it.

            Not proud of it but it's in the past now so it doesn't matter any more.
            If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


              Drinking and being sick

              A bad cold with sore throat seemed more fun with a hot toddy! Usually I just had one. Since Nyquil and all that stuff has alcohol in it, I'd rather have the real thing ... and might still if I catch another cold. Wine or beer though are really bad for colds. The yeast seems to like wine and beer. Better to stick with spirits.
              "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                Drinking and being sick

                I can drink through anything, can't think of any illness I have had that I couldnt face a drink ! Always made it to work too, wonder if all the most 'conscientious' of the workforce are drinkers? Hmmm that's a thought, all those that always make it to work no matter what are there through guilt???? My hand is up straighaway LOL.

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  Drinking and being sick

                  Sadly, sick or not sick it wouldn't matter. I would convince myself that drinking would make me feel better no matter what. Unless I had some stomach flu that would be the only thing to stop me from drinking because I wouldn't be able to keep anything down anyway and why waste the money if it was going to come up anyway.

                  I've come a long way.
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Drinking and being sick

                    i ve always had brandy in my coffee (helps with the cold, ) beer if im sick, (dosent burn so much comin out) i think the only times i havent drunk when ive been ill was on the few occassions i think i had alcohol poisioning, throwing up yellow bile, heaving, a head that felt like it was split an running with sweat, i cant even smoke a fag or sip water for about 12 hrs, any other time brandy used to make me forget how rough i felt an get on with running around for every1, gonna have to find a new medicine soon tho , and work out whats actually wrong with my poor body !!
                    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                      Drinking and being sick

                      Rachel, I wish you luck, sounds like you've been on a true alcoholic merry go round as many of us have.

                      Hope u have a good visit with the dr.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Drinking and being sick

                        cheers i just realised how bad i used to b, i was drinking a lot a vodka an beer ltr s a day, i think i had poisioning a few times, with my partner i cant get in the states i used to, an im much happier now, so im a happier drunk not a self pitying wallowing 1, well mostly, !!! i still drink a ridiculous amount 4 my height an weight, im only 8 stone an a short ass, im drinking more than my bfs builder mates!! an cant seem to stop, but next week is looking good, i think im gonna get a big shock, i think i need 1 tho, the dr was ok i think, hard to tell, i just asumed he was disgusted with what i was saying, but at least im tryin to change, if only he knew the real amount an time i drank, im disgusted wiv that,
                        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                          Drinking and being sick

                          Yep... I'm another one who would drink through any illness, other than a throwing up bug. *Shudder*
                          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                            Drinking and being sick

                            Gee-unless I vomited & couldn't hold things down the alcohol hole was always open. The thought of alcohol being "my relief" convinced me that it was helping. Dumb.
                            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

