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Army July 2021

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    Re: Army July 2021

    Jaysus...just this minute heard there's 50k cases in UK yesterday...Lord Jesus...and we have a border with them!!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: Army July 2021

      Originally posted by mollyka View Post
      Jaysus...just this minute heard there's 50k cases in UK yesterday...Lord Jesus...and we have a border with them!!
      OMG, when is this going to end. We were over 1,000 yesterday, first time since February.

      Morning everyone. Another beautiful morning, going to take the dogs out early as it will be too hot later. Sounds lovely Molly and hope this weather holds. I’m the same, not back in work until August and like you few days planned down west and that’s it. Going to enjoy the weather and do as little as possible.


        Re: Army July 2021

        Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
        OMG, when is this going to end. We were over 1,000 yesterday, first time since February.

        Morning everyone. Another beautiful morning, going to take the dogs out early as it will be too hot later. Sounds lovely Molly and hope this weather holds. I’m the same, not back in work until August and like you few days planned down west and that’s it. Going to enjoy the weather and do as little as possible.
        I know..and the vast majority are linked to Norn Iron apparently....people flying into Belfast then free to roam down's a joke..well it would be if it wasn't so serious...sick sick sick of it! On the plus side went for a gorgeous swim really early ..had the beach to myself..heavenly! Max loved running through the water too
        Thank God for the West Rusters or where would we be!?
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: Army July 2021

          Morning folks, out earlier this morning getting some of the heavier garden chores done, already 22 degrees here at 8.45am so it’s going to be a another scorcher (in Irish terms). A day for relaxing and eating ice cream me thinks.
          Sat out on the deck last night eating Greek salad, warm homemade bread and Taverna music in the background, lovely. It could almost have been abroad, anyone remember holidays abroad?
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Re: Army July 2021

            Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
            Morning folks, out earlier this morning getting some of the heavier garden chores done, already 22 degrees here at 8.45am so it’s going to be a another scorcher (in Irish terms). A day for relaxing and eating ice cream me thinks.
            Sat out on the deck last night eating Greek salad, warm homemade bread and Taverna music in the background, lovely. It could almost have been abroad, anyone remember holidays abroad?
            Yeah but in this weather MORE than happy to stay in good old Ireland...the water was turquoise this morning...stunning..and all across the road!
            Has the job situation settled down at all?
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: Army July 2021

              Good morning and waves the universe,
              Hate to tell you, Molls, its nearer 100K new cases. I blame the Euros. Loads of sweaty football fans full of beer don't mix.
              The weird or is it odd thing is Rugby supporters aren't morons.
              We've been lucky oop here in the North East............nobody visits. So our numbers are low.

              Anyhoo sent Mr. JC off to get some gravel then we're off to get some food in.

              [MENTION=21798]Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB)[/MENTION]...........sounds like bliss.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: Army July 2021

                Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                Good morning and waves the universe,
                Hate to tell you, Molls, its nearer 100K new cases. I blame the Euros. Loads of sweaty football fans full of beer don't mix.
                The weird or is it odd thing is Rugby supporters aren't morons.
                We've been lucky oop here in the North East............nobody visits. So our numbers are low.

                Anyhoo sent Mr. JC off to get some gravel then we're off to get some food in.

                [MENTION=21798]Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB)[/MENTION]...........sounds like bliss.
                Janey Mac...that's shocking...and is he still opening everything up?? If so I spose it's herd immunity by any other name:egad:
                Now must away and escape Max...get some garden work done...laters xx
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Re: Army July 2021

                  Hi folks. The covid cases are soaring here too. In California, we are getting close to another state mask mandate. Los Angeles has already implemented. Like you all, I’m sick of the whole damn thing. However, I refuse to allow fear to immobilize me. I have been training and continue to train. although the Malibu Triathlon will most likely be suspended. It is a great distraction for me. It gives me purpose. It gives me positive focus. Realizing the benefits of a regular routine, I have decided to end my Triathlon career by entering the Alcatraz event next year. It is the toughest event in the sport. Especially the swim. The point here is this, when we divert our attention from the covid fear, the media, and negative people, it helps us raise our vibration. Self care & self love overrides fear every time. So, you don’t have to do a triathlon, but everyone can do something to tip the scale toward love. Try meditation, yoga, reading a classic, etc. love you all. Blessings x

                  Last edited by techie; July 17, 2021, 11:21 AM.
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    Re: Army July 2021

                    Evening all!

                    The numbers are up here as well. We were down to 350 to 400 new cases a day and now we are around the 3000 mark. So much for the great job that getting vaccinated did towards keeping the numbers down. Basically everyone who is over 35 has been vaccinated so what has happened is they have all slacked off as far as wearing masks, etc., goes. We have several customers a day who come in our store not wearing masks. They think if they are vaccinated that they are immune. Nope, nadda! Yes, the deaths are down and the number of people on respirators is down but the new cases are high. And those are only the ones that are reported. My guess is that there are many people who have been vaccinated and have a mild case and won't report it so as not to be quarantined.

                    Anyway - weather is hot but breezy here today. It is after all, July in Greece. Had a bit of a heat wave about 10 days ago but nothing in the mid-40's like we usually get. And for some good reason, there has been a hugely reduced number of forest fires this year, thank goodness.

                    [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] and [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION] - thank you for asking about my family. All are well so far. Grandson, son and son's Godfather coming for lunch tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be too hot to BBQ but if it is, the oven will do just fine. Too warm to eat outside which I enjoy greatly but that's OK. Am looking forward to their company. [MENTION=21798]Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB)[/MENTION] - Greek salad part of the menu - young Master Alvertos has one with practically every meal. In spite of being just 4-1/2 years old, he really goes for salads, veggies and lentils. I guess that's one reason he has so very much energy - he eats well!!

                    Off to bed innabit. Waves to all and wishing you a great Sunday!

                    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                      Re: Army July 2021

                      Nighty night Stirls,
                      Same here.............numbers are up but its in the younger ones its hitting. The criminal lawyer at Mr JC's office said is was like mild flu and was back to normal in three days.
                      Over 53 million (just worked it out that's over half) fully vaccinated and now its the under 30s they're doing. Jenny and Ads are getting their second one this week.
                      But as kindly as our government has been about letting us make our own decisions as of Monday............shops, pubs, restaurants are still keeping to the old rules. There'll be a few 'a' holes standing up for their right not to wear a mask. My next door's daughter has long covid............she's only just getting back on her feet after 15 weeks. She's a surgeon and caught it while helping out in the Intensive Care Unit.

                      [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] have the stamina of a young man. The most I can do is get dragged round the big field by a dog and just when I think we're at a nice pace he stops abruptly to sniff a blade of grass yanking one of my arm out of its socket.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: Army July 2021

                        Morning all, happy sober Sunday. Another relaxing day planned outside, reading a good book and maybe listening to some chilled music, sure it’s not often I do absolutely nothing. Probably still end up having a gentle potter with a secateurs though.

                        Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                        Yeah but in this weather MORE than happy to stay in good old Ireland...the water was turquoise this morning...stunning..and all across the road!
                        Has the job situation settled down at all?
                        Hi Molly, sure it’s a great country when the weathers nice but it’s more the fact of being somewhere different I miss and although I would be able to book and go somewhere foreign in the near future I just wouldn’t feel safe. But that’s just me.
                        Work wise things have settled down and I have an additional new staff member who is excellent so that helps a lot but we still need to recruit another but that’s an ongoing discussion and while the need has been accepted nothing is being done about it. There have been appointments in three other departments however. So I suppose the biggest change is in my attitude from one of trying to run everything like a well oiled machine and being in total control to one of looking after my own needs and health while bearing in mind the big plan of early retirement in 18 months or so. Don’t seat the small stuff eh. Thanks for asking.
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Re: Army July 2021

                          Morning all...just back from my morning swim....gorgeous!
                          Sounds like they might be getting around to doing something least you're in the private takes 6 months to order a stapler in public sector!!
                          Back to your original suggestion Stirly about fairness he's fully clued in to what needs asking..but also our hospitals are Covid free..well the private ones are no one allowed in except the sick folks
                          Heading to country house tomorrow near Roundstone...very happy cos just discovered they have a private beach YAY!! Never needed a break so much!

                          Agree about long Covid Jackie...pal at work has been really ill since last June (13 months)..she is in pain all the time and has lost the use of one of her arms...shocking stuff...not sure all this opening up should be happening...our indoor pubs and restaurants are closed since March last year
                          Last edited by mollyka; July 18, 2021, 03:51 AM.
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: Army July 2021

                            Morning all,
                            [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION].............sounds like bliss. Enjoy, that's an order.

                            We've got a cottage booked in the middle of the Yorkshire Dales in October. No one apart from sheep and horses for miles. I've had to nag to the nth degree to get Mr. JC to take some time off..........being brutal he's no spring chicken and needs a break. He's had a day off here and there in the last year but he needs a proper break.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: Army July 2021

                              Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                              Morning all...just back from my morning swim....gorgeous!
                              Afternoon all. You are so lucky living that close to the sea Molly, envy you. The beaches around here are jam packed, would not go anywhere near them. Too hot to go walking today. I woke later than normal as I was chauffeuring late enough last night. Have just been enjoying the sun and the garden.

                              Waves to everyone else. Hope you are all enjoying this glorious weather.


                                Re: Army July 2021

                                Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                                Afternoon all. You are so lucky living that close to the sea Molly, envy you. The beaches around here are jam packed, would not go anywhere near them. Too hot to go walking today. I woke later than normal as I was chauffeuring late enough last night. Have just been enjoying the sun and the garden.

                                Waves to everyone else. Hope you are all enjoying this glorious weather.
                                Oh the main front beach is jammers alright..certainly at the weekends but there's much lesser known coves further along..can access them through a field across the road and certainly early in the morning it's all yours...even later on ..only a few locals...we just keep quiet about it:victorious:
                                Watering the garden then off to bed...the heat is exhausting!!
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

