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monthly mizzies - women only !!

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    monthly mizzies - women only !!

    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

    Marilyn Monroe

    monthly mizzies - women only !!

    diamond;152684 wrote: Hi everyone,

    look like sh**, feel like sh**, I am sh**.

    My face at 40 plus years looks like a teenagers - join the dots- only thing that's missing is the numbers to join them !!
    Stomach feels like I done 1,000,000,000 sit ups (don't even do 1 day!),
    feel hungover not even had a drink !!

    headache, miserable, urggghhh

    Had argument this morning with husband where a few home truths were said from both sides !! Mostly what I didn't want to hear and now I'm hardly speaking to him - except conversations to do with kids !!

    Just thought I'd cheer everyone else up to, If I've got the miserable monthlies everyone else can suffer too !!!! LOL
    Ladies only............I'm Metro, that should bi me a day pass.

    My wife just went through that this past week, beat the crap out of me daily and now
    out the other end expects some tender lovin care.

    I never knew my mother had any, ahem.....cycles, but my children sure do. They are smart tho cuz they hide.:nutso: When Hyde is out that is :H


      monthly mizzies - women only !!

      well, you could look at the bright side...... at most you only have about 10 more years of this!
      i'm 41 and am having perimenopause symptoms... kind of freaks my out but then i think, good god, let's get the menstruating years OVER with.....


        monthly mizzies - women only !!

        Naughty, naughty !! Anyway what does a sponge know anyway ???????????????????????????????

        Imatree - that's true nd no more b**y scares either yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!
        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

        Marilyn Monroe


          monthly mizzies - women only !!

          I felt your pain last week Di. In my posts I was calling it TOM for time of month and some people thought I was talking about my husband! LOL So thanks to Robert we don't need to use acronyms in front of the guys I guess. I've never been shy about it anyway. I'm going to be 50 in two months and still going strong. I guess I'm ready for the symptoms to go away but then I have to decide about HRT and I don't want to have to make that decision right now. It's been enough for me to decide about Topa or no, abs or mods, adrafinil or no, so I hope it waits.

          Take some pain meds and a hot bath, make up with hubby and maybe he will fix dinner???????????

          Hope you get to feeling better soon.

          If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


            monthly mizzies - women only !!

            diamond;152697 wrote: Naughty, naughty !! Anyway what does a sponge know anyway ???????????????????????????????

            Imatree - that's true nd no more b**y scares either yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!
            Having been with the same women for thirty years I have picked up on a few things.
            How aabout this. I can smell the chemical change in my wife, and daughter two days
            before they start their cycle.

            You see, now I know when to RUN .

            My take on the hole thing lol is that women need to remain pregnant . Most women, mine included was radiant during each pregnancy and during subsequent breast feeding periods.
            Other animals in the wild just keep on producing babies until they cannot anymore. We the intelligent uprights of the animal kindom give birth to a few at the most when we decide to.
            The chemistry in the bodies of the these females not having babies or having only a few becomes pretty messed up, me thinks . That is my Hypothosis. Whatayathink ?:help! :huh: :surrender:


              monthly mizzies - women only !!

              methinks you hit it spot on, Robbie.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                monthly mizzies - women only !!

                Spongebob you are funny!!!!!

                Diamond hope you feel better soon. I've recently come off the mini pill so it's back to the pain and irritability.

                Nothing worse than feeling your insides are falling out!! And watch out anyone near me who is audibly chewing gum!!!

                Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                  monthly mizzies - women only !!

                  Perimenopausal here too - yippeeeee !!! After horrific monthlies all my life finally I am THERE (nearly), one period every six to eight months now and NOTHING like they used to be, you know when some women say 'oh I can wake up and they will be there and I know nothing of it' ........... Well it is just like that - bring it on, absolutely fabby.

                  Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                    monthly mizzies - women only !!

                    The main thing I look forward to with getting it over iwth (menstrual years) is never again having to worry about getting pregnant. I HATE that worry!!!!!!!!!!!


                      monthly mizzies - women only !!

                      The headaches are the worst, it's like a giant has a hold of you at your temples and is shaking you with all his might! I don't get persisitent cramps just the occassional one that comes out of nowhere and doubles you over. I'm with you girls. This stinks. Robert do you feel our pain?


                        monthly mizzies - women only !!

                        Lol Mar, Robert do you feel our pain..... All holds hands together girls..... Robert will feel our pain, Robert will feel our pain, Robert will............. Scared Robert??? Be Scared, Be Very Scared......

                        Lorna xx
                        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                          monthly mizzies - women only !!

                          oh yehhhhhhh !!!
                          I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                          I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                          Marilyn Monroe


                            monthly mizzies - women only !!

                            imatree in case your mama never told you there is a sure fire way to never have to worry about babies! Do I need to PM you about it? LMK
                            If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                              monthly mizzies - women only !!

                              Are you talking about celibacy?
                              Aint gonna happen, hon.

