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monthly mizzies - women only !!

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    monthly mizzies - women only !!

    Just throwing out all the possibilities, to relieve your stress.
    If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


      monthly mizzies - women only !!

      imatree;152768 wrote: The main thing I look forward to with getting it over iwth (menstrual years) is never again having to worry about getting pregnant. I HATE that worry!!!!!!!!!!!
      Geeze you can fix that too. I had the brick job done by that Russian Doctor, Dr. Ivan
      Kuturkockoff . Then again you might need his wife Dr. Anna Tieurtubesoff.

      Takes away all your worries . Now I`m like a Florida Orange, lots of juice but no seeds.



        monthly mizzies - women only !!

        tea;152835 wrote: Lol Mar, Robert do you feel our pain..... All holds hands together girls..... Robert will feel our pain, Robert will feel our pain, Robert will............. Scared Robert??? Be Scared, Be Very Scared......

        Lorna xx
        Geeze I`ve had a major headache since suppertime, is that you guys and your chant. No kidding I`m dieing with a killer migrane that I don`t normally get . Yea, I am affraid, how do I appease the tomato boat Gods uch: :sulk:


          monthly mizzies - women only !!

          Thanks a lot Robert... it's going to be awhile before I can eat an orange again.......


            monthly mizzies - women only !!

            imatree;152874 wrote: Thanks a lot Robert... it's going to be awhile before I can eat an orange again.......
            Knock Knock
            Who's there
            Orange Who
            Knock Knock
            WHO'S There
            Orange Who
            Knock Knock
            WHO'S THERE??
            ORANGE WHO??
            Orange you going to eat a Bannana


              monthly mizzies - women only !!

              Perimenopause started at the age of 38 for me! Talk about premature aging. I never thought I'd say this, but I'd take back the displeasure of my monthy visitor if I didn't have to suffer through mood swings, weight gain, hot flashes, insomnia, and a rapidly declining body image. Ironically, my husband decided to get snipped just before I started "changing".



                monthly mizzies - women only !!

                Diamond, all the posts were way funnier here than I could have made one. However, PMS was my most awful time to drink. Check out Karma's post today as she lists holistic medicines that have really helped her.

                Tell you family to just run!! I know it can be just hell. But, it's vibrant, you know!!:H
                Enlightened by MWO


                  monthly mizzies - women only !!

                  Sorry to spoil a run of amusing posts here but I am 50 and spent all last night crying and miserable over one word that my hubby said.

                  Me: ...we can't have any more children...
                  Him: We?

                  He is 51.

                  It's not fair.

                  Sorry if this makes no sense.
                  Enough is enough


                    monthly mizzies - women only !!

                    No, It's NOT Fair

                    Waves, makes perfect sense to me.

                    He had no idea how hurtful that was , did he? I do.

                    And no, it is certainly NOT fair, for many reasons.

                    magic xx
                    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                    I am in the next seat.
                    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                      monthly mizzies - women only !!

                      Robert Smith;152715 wrote: Having been with the same women for thirty years I have picked up on a few things.
                      How aabout this. I can smell the chemical change in my wife, and daughter two days
                      before they start their cycle.

                      You see, now I know when to RUN .

                      My take on the hole thing lol is that women need to remain pregnant . Most women, mine included was radiant during each pregnancy and during subsequent breast feeding periods.
                      Other animals in the wild just keep on producing babies until they cannot anymore. We the intelligent uprights of the animal kindom give birth to a few at the most when we decide to.
                      The chemistry in the bodies of the these females not having babies or having only a few becomes pretty messed up, me thinks . That is my Hypothosis. Whatayathink ?:help! :huh: :surrender:
                      you sound like my BF, he says he can smell the hormonal changes coming, although I don't really get nasty or super moody when I am premenses.
                      some women are the opposite of what you explain above. they are vicious when preggers and breast feeding (like wild cats defending their young).
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        monthly mizzies - women only !!

                        Waves 2 - I am in my fifties also and still dream about newborn babies, toddlers, etc. Have no grandchildren, but love babies.
                        Enlightened by MWO


                          monthly mizzies - women only !!

                          its the worst feeling in the world isant it, i ve never had regular periods, 3 monthly usually which is lovely, UNTILL every month when i should b on im insanley paranoid, jelous, snappy go off sex, my poor bf cant work out whats goin on, i had a period 2 weeks ago , which was horrible, bf an i nearly split 4 good this time, i was off 4 4 days and then wham have another 1, so all week ive been TRYING to bite my tounge an not every1s head, i get so tired bf cant work out y, !!! living with 3 males i ll tell u what really really winds me up especially in my condition, PEEING ON THE BLOODY TOILET SEAT!!!! god i could slam there little winkies in the toilet lid sometimes, all 3 cant aim straight, the number of times i ve sat down without looking only to b covered in it an have to get in the shower, i let rip last night about that 1, i have a plan tho, i have done this several times, it works 4 a while! i squirt babyoil all around the toilet seat, everday they come running in from school to go toilet, sit down, slide off and get there little asses all greasy, thing that makes me laugh is they have never asked what the hell it is!!!!! they just aim straighter 4 a while,!!!!
                          :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                            monthly mizzies - women only !!

                            Oh Waves.... Ouch!! Was he joking around maybe??

                            Robert - you remind me of a man I dated a few years ago. He thought of PMS as Pregnancy Missed Syndrome. Intriuging when he said it because it fell into a theory I had had for a long time. We are made to procreate. And our big homosapien brains stop us from doing it as productively as we are capable. Well, it's hell on we gals to not be fulfilling our biological destiny, set in place, mind you, hundreds of thousands of years ago. But then that was before the tragic onset of agriculture which brought on the first overpopulation crisis in the history of Earth, cities, industry, clear cut forests, massive land erosion, displacement of wild life integral to the areas they knew as home, ecological diversity, capitalism, hunger for wealth that further led to monoculture, chemical pesticides, genetic engineering... etc etc etc.

                            So we ain't reproducing as our bodies were designed to do, and THANK F**G GOD. Because all the above has made it too possible to feed too many people while simultaneously making it too impossible to feed too many people.

                            Still, somehow, we have managed to overpopulated the planet.


                              monthly mizzies - women only !!

                              trixietrack;153048 wrote: you sound like my BF, he says he can smell the hormonal changes coming, although I don't really get nasty or super moody when I am premenses.
                              some women are the opposite of what you explain above. they are vicious when preggers and breast feeding (like wild cats defending their young).
                              I've never seen a viscous "Pregger" as you describe, but I have seen some terribly depressed ones. On the whole, most pregnant woman I have encountered are just
                              Here that ladies, pregnant women and young moms are a BIG turn on :bigwink:

                              Trixie, I cannot explain the smell because it is like nothing else, VERY strong, very
                              distinktive (OOps), and very chemical in nature.

                              Then again, I think I may be part beagle as I can smell a lot of things I shouldn't.:H


                                monthly mizzies - women only !!

                                Now that I am passed all that..

                                Back in those pre-menopausal days my husband agreed with Gary Shandling (comedian in U.S.) who said he wanted to be the PMS Poster Boyfriend.

                                However, now that I am waaay passed all that, I am now sprouting the occasional beards on my face (and can't see them well enough to pluck them) and have low estrogen thus higher ratio testosterone versus estrogen so I am reacting more like a man than a female to stimuli. i.e. I am aggressive, impulsive, and pretty much act like an "you know what" :H

                                These days I don't feel sad and sorry for myself anymore, I just get pissed off!!

                                Meanwhile, my hubby, whose testosterone is naturally lowering is becoming this mellow sweetheart!!

                                I sure hope I get to that stage sometime in my life!!

                                It still amazes me that this man I married has stayed with me all these years. I have put him through hell!!

                                AF April 9, 2016

