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does anyone else have red palms?

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    does anyone else have red palms?

    Hi Roxane,

    I forgot, sending prayers to your husband and you, take care of yourself too

    Love Diamond xx
    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

    Marilyn Monroe


      does anyone else have red palms?

      Rox, I have spent the past few minutes reseaching this what I came up with is allergic reaction,pregnancy. Or a non alcoholic fatty liver. So stop worring and adding stress, calm down and see if it goes away.OK?
      I care


        does anyone else have red palms?

        gosh diamond, are you suggesting i lie? lol

        unfortunately i have no relatives i could do that with. mum is in australia, i could see my sisters doctor but she is in yorkshire (i'm in essex) and that would mean leaving Ade for initial appointment and then tests etc, i'm not prepared to do that, he is sick big time and i dont like to leave him. my brother in london doesn't know who his doctor is i'm sure.

        thank you for your prayers diamond

        i'm logging off now, but please anyone who wants to add to this red palms thing, i will look in tomorrow. goodnight.



          does anyone else have red palms?

          just before i log off, simeybear, i saw your post.

          i can see that i am going for the worst case scenario.
          i do not have allergic tendencies, nor am i pregnant.

          i have had the palms for about a year, pains below ribs about 1 month. easily bruised, tired, eyes bordering on yellow.

          goodnight xxx



            does anyone else have red palms?

            Hi Rox, my sister in law has red palms, hardly ever drinks, but has Raynaud's Syndrome, which can be associated with some forms of Arthritis. It is not a serious problem and alot of people have it. Cold temperatures, like holding an icy glass, can make it happen, or stress. Some people have this problem with no signs of Arthritis.


              does anyone else have red palms?

              Go to the doc and have liver enzymes checked asap. Don't worry about privacy your health is more important. Good luck, hopefully this is just a wake up call. :h
              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                does anyone else have red palms?

                hi buffy, i know i just signed off, but went to bed and tried to stifle my tears. as i never cry i thought i should get up and howl away. i've dried up now though ain't that the way.

                believe me, i hope i'm over reacting as i'm in a dark place at the moment. you could also see that i'm possibly being realistic with the other signs that i have and after 20 odd years of drinking, why should it not be me?

                i'm not asking for reassurence in this thread, just that people be aware of certain signs that all is not well. i had a pm that advised that it could be liver disease not neccessarly caused by drinking, such as hepatitis, but it seems with my record of drinking, it seems probable.

                i do not have cold hands, quite the opposite. i used to, but not now. thanks for the thought.



                  does anyone else have red palms?

                  happycamper, as i said before, its not that simple. i have to be squeaky clean for a police check. bad timing i guess, i'll let you all know what its about when i get the nod from the erm, noddies lol



                    does anyone else have red palms?

                    roxane;152744 wrote: hablur, i bruise easily, my eyes arent exactly white and my palms have been red for about a year. the red is very dilineated, i could draw a triangle round it. the rest of my palms are normal.
                    i drink because of stress, guess what i'm doing now?

                    Reading palms ?? :H

                    Don't worry about anything until you have some tests done............really. I'm like you 20years on the juice so
                    I'm concerned too and are always , I think, a little paranoid. Last time I checked my blood work revealed a little
                    rise in Triglicerides only,

                    and all else was fine. Go figure??


                      does anyone else have red palms?

                      lol robert i can see that you're in a quirky mood from your other posts tonight.
                      yeah, f&*k it why should i worry.
                      apart from what i already said that is.

                      roxane (worried)


                        does anyone else have red palms?

                        Can you make an appointment for a complete physical and bloodwork. That way your liver will be checked, but you don't have to say why you want it checked. If any of your liver tests come back abnormal then it doesn't automatically out you w/an alcohol problem because you can certainly have liver problems without drinking any alcohol at all. My poor DH keeps having his liver tests come back bad and he hardly drinks at all (maybe two beers once/month). His doctor told him he had to cut back on his drinking and all we could do was laugh because he's not the drinker. I'm the big drinker in the family and my liver tests are normal. Anyway, I think it would be good for you to have it tested because you certainly seem worried and hopefully it will turn out that you were worried for nothing. But, if you do have liver problems, please realize that the liver is one of the most resiliant organs. If you lay off of the alcohol for awhile or just cut back a lot and start taking some vitamins/supps for your liver (like milk thistle), you can improve your liver function pretty quickly.


                          does anyone else have red palms?

                          Roxanne, I agree with Adagirl. If you simply go in for a physical and have blood work done, and something popped out, there can be no reason for a red flag to pop up. Also, I can't remember where you are (the UK?), but here in the states pharmacies and grocery stores will sometimes do blood draws while you wait. They do a cholesterol check and a liver function test. Several different companies do these, and many businesses offer their site as a host, as it draws people into their business. Those would be ideal for you, as no insurance is involved, they don't keep records, and they give you instant (within 15 minutes) results. Call around to some of the pharmacies and see if that is offered close to you. I think most of their business is made from those of us (I have used their services) that want to monitor their cholesterol and liver function, but don't want to be tagged by the docs or insurance. I am sending positive vibes, prayers, and healing thoughts to you. Gentle hugs:l Sleep well, dear one
                          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                            does anyone else have red palms?

                            Hi Roxanne,

                            Thinking about you missy.

                            Sometimes life just sucks.

                            Easy bruising is a sign of alcolol abuse, can't remember the physiology just now, so is the fatigue. I used to have that damn pain too, right under my ribs and the longer I looked at my eyes the more jaundiced they got. I worried myself sick and poured another drink.

                            I drank Scotch, a lot, for over 20 years. I quit 2.5 years ago and my liver enzymes went back to normal with in months. Your liver is the only organ that regenerates. Thank flipping God.
                            The pain is gone. I haven't paid any attention to my eyes for I don't know how long except to know that it's "me" in there now and not that "other " woman who used to inhabit them.

                            Roxanne, if I touch the base of my little finger with my thumb the palm of my hand directly below my thumb is red. It stops at my wrist and at about the middle of my hand. My right hand is redder than my left.

                            My dear it sounds like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Is there someone with a sober ( I don't mean this unkindly at all) head that you can be completely honest with who could help you think this through? Your husbands doctor? You have enough on
                            your plate.

                            I too send healing thoughts from very, very far away, for both of you.

                            I hope you dried your tears and slept.

                            magic xx
                            ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                            I am in the next seat.
                            My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                              does anyone else have red palms?

                              Hi Roxanne, I'm sorry you are worrying so much. When I confessed to my doctor a while ago that I was drinking too much, I must admit he checked my palms.

                              I also have red palms occasionally with blisters on them, but apparent that's psoriasis.

                              Maybe it's a warning signal before things get too bad. The liver does regenerate as others have said. Try moderating and taking milk thistle. Maybe this will help.

                              Enlightened by MWO


                                does anyone else have red palms?

                                roxane;152895 wrote: lol robert i can see that you're in a quirky mood from your other posts tonight.
                                yeah, f&*k it why should i worry.
                                apart from what i already said that is.

                                roxane (worried)
                                Now that's the attitude, you'll sleep better now! Well I get it's in the
                                past now so I hope you've slept well.

                                The world is nuckin futz, all we can do is not over react to the little things
                                in life and smile as much as we can. Look for the positive, it make a big
                                difference to ones day.

                                Can you hear the tune.............."Don't worry be happy" ??

