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Army August 2021

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    Army August 2021

    Pinch, punch and all that.

    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009

    Re: Army August 2021

    Morning, evening and welcome to August!
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Re: Army August 2021

      Happy August Army XOXO
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Re: Army August 2021

        Good afternoon and welcome to August. Off to Sherwood Forest tomorrow morning for a week with the family.
        Seems so strange going without Mr A.
        I am getting out a good bit and never refusing any invitation of a or a meal. I just hate coming home to an empty house.


          Re: Army August 2021

          [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION]...........can't begin to imagine how hard it is.:hug: But I'm glad you're getting out. Keep at it, you're an inspiration to us all.

          Just a few more things to get out of the living room/dining room and I'll be living in the back bedroom. I've got the usual anxiety coming out of my ears when I get there are strangers in the house.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Re: Army August 2021

            Hola army!

            Happy August. Brit, Sherwood forest?! Wowza! Please give Robin Hood my regard's if he strolls by, and Maid Marian my number.

            Take it easy out there evabody.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              Re: Army August 2021

              Evening, White Rabbits! Quickest July in history.
              Good for you [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION]. I always leave the radio on in the house, its a little thing, but I always come home to chatter (news and current affairs).

              In laws worried again about Delta. They have had covid & are fully vaccinated, but wont visit or let us visit, even in the garden. Getting worried about them now, not sure if they will ever feel safe.
              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                Re: Army August 2021

                Morning and wave to the underoooos from my back bedroom cell. Keith AKA known as Arthur arrived spot on 8am. I was still in my dressing gown and looked like I'd been pulled through a hedge backward.

                I've got my crochet, knitting and tapestry, and the Olympics to keep me going.

                [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION]...............we'll have to start calling you Maid Marion.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: Army August 2021

                  Hallo Army!!

                  Greetings to Mrs. A, the Undies, Mers, the back room at the JC Mansion and anyone who may be lurking!!
                  The heat wave continues - temp was 36.5C at 9 a.m. today. On my way home from work on Friday, it hit 43C at 6:15pm. TG for aircon!!!

                  Techster - I have heard various stories about reaction to the vaccines. Nothing really long term - mostly short-term stuff. I had Pfizer - breezed through the first shot but not so with the second. Two days feeling like I should be in bed and then another week feeling really "off" - tired and very irritable. Hope you are both feeling better soon!!
                  [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION] - Mrs. A - My Mom's companion died on March 22nd. She had a rough time in the beginning - the Covid restrictions didn't help at all - but she is now starting to get back into a routine and planning little jaunts with her friends - a drive in the country, shopping, coffee, etc. I can see a huge difference in her the past month or so. She still talks to an empty chair but things are getting easier as time goes by. I like Mary's suggestion of leaving the radio or TV on when you go out. Maybe give it a try. Sending you hugs...

                  Satzybum - we are waiting with baited breath for news of the wedding. Pleez check in!

                  Back to the filing - catch up with youz laterz...

                  For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                  AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                    Re: Army August 2021

                    Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                    Evening, White Rabbits! Quickest July in history.
                    Good for you [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION]. I always leave the radio on in the house, its a little thing, but I always come home to chatter (news and current affairs).

                    In laws worried again about Delta. They have had covid & are fully vaccinated, but wont visit or let us visit, even in the garden. Getting worried about them now, not sure if they will ever feel safe.
                    Afternoon everyone. Just back from a lovely relaxing few days. That is so sad Mary. We were just talking about it while away. First time eating inside and they were all making such an effort. Yes there might have been a risk, one of the restaurants I tried to book was closed because of covid but we have to start living again.

                    Hope you are soon feeling better Techie. The only person I have heard getting the moderna vaccine was my SIL and she was really sick for two days after the second one, I was Pfizer and apart from my arm being sore am fine since.

                    Glad you are getting out and about Brit, you are a real inspiration. Hope the wedding went ok Satz, look forward to hearing all about it.

                    Need to put on a few loads of wash as I have work in the morning.


                      Re: Army August 2021

                      Luckily if I'm out there's a bouncing Mikey dying to go in the garden for a pee to greet me.

                      [MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION] sorry to hear about your mum's friend. They'd been together for a long, long time. My deepest sympathies to her.

                      After the last 18 months, we're now going to have to learn how to live a 'normal' life again. [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] may be worth a chat with their practice nurse or doctor. Perhaps someone in 'authority' might put their minds at rest.

                      Have to admit I've made the back bedroom into my own little nest. I've got my knitting, tapestry, TV and the bathroom close by. Apart from a panic when I lost the TV remote control (Mikey was asleep on it) its been rather relaxing. And I get to do it all again tomorrow.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: Army August 2021

                        Hi and goodnight folks...sorry I'm missing a lot lately..just a lot happening in the house...not all bad things..just decisions to be made and sometimes feel a bit scary and overwhelming ..anyway..home from my holliers and back to work tomorrow..tbh looking forward to a bit of routine
                        Amazed at Mikey that he'll stay in a room while you crochet or knit or whatever..Mad Max would be rolled in balls of wool and the stuffing eaten out of the mattress in 5 mins..looking forward to when he'll 'grow up!!!
                        Hi to everyone no knowledge of side effects Techie..very few got that vaccine here tho..hope you're getting better xx
                        Night all xx
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: Army August 2021

                          Well here I am and I survived.
                          Ceremony was fab, guests said the Hotel was the nicest place they'd ever stayed. It is gorgeous Hotels in Kildare, Spa Hotels Kildare | 4-Star Cliff at Lyons, Celbridge
                          Me, Bride + 3 bridesmaids stayed over on Thursday night & were pampered on Friday with the arrival of a hairdresser & beautician . The latter told me I had best skin on a MOB she's seen. So I'm going to adopt her.
                          Spanx were ok for about an hour but as soon as I ate they started to constrict. :egad:
                          I managed to only be in the 'official' photos - I hate photos. No matter how good I feel I always look shite in photos - so I avoid as much as possible.

                          SIL not so much and did her usual vying for attention & jumping into every photo she could.
                          Jesus she irritates me ...... my other SIL spent ages giving out about her .... saying she was trying to upstage me .... as she worked the room moving from table to table talking to people even as they were eating.
                          I said let her off she'll get drunk & make a show of herself soon ....... & she did ... up dancing on her own at one stage - morto for her :haha:

                          I feel such a moan but you'd need to meet her.

                          Anyway great day had by all.
                          How's everyone & I've just realised I'm on the wrong thread :egad:
                          Last edited by satz123; August 3, 2021, 03:07 AM.


                            Re: Army August 2021

                            Morning and waves to the underoos and those across the pond,
                            [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]............Mikey's is very placid fact too placid and timid. We're having to teach him how to have fun. All we can think is that when he was in Romania the quieter he was the less likely he'd get caught and killed.

                            [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]..............moan away, pet. I'm surprised you didn't stick her head down the toilet and press flush.
                            How's the bride and groom? :heartbeat:

                            Had one of those sleeps where I woke up every 10 minutes just in case I missed the plasterer arriving. He has and I'm now in the back bedroom.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: Army August 2021

                              in fact too placid and timid. We're having to teach him how to have fun. All we can think is that when he was in Romania the quieter he was the less likely he'd get caught and killed.
                              That is so sad Jacks makes me cry to think of it.

                              Funny incident from the pre wedding party ..... I don't cry easily - and the bridesmaids nearly choked laughing when I said "I haven't cried since 1984 at the Live Aid video". The Cars - Drive (CBC Ethiopian Famine Film) - YouTube
                              Of course the song was played at every opportunity after that :haha:

