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September Army 2021

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    Re: September Army 2021

    Thanks Mary. Really enjoyed that short story. :-)

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Re: September Army 2021

      Morning................I have a stinker of a cold. Believe you me I've checked every last symptom of covid and yes its defo a pure and simple common cold. Apparently, because we've been wearing masks lots of germs have been circling around but not able to attack because of the masks. Now we're a bit more relaxed those germs are out there and are swooping in.

      [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]..........poignant story there. I felt rather sad for him.

      Got an e-mail from my doctors to say the flu jabs are now available and I can book an appointment...............after a right kerfuffle logging in to my GP's surgery website..............I have to go to either Tesco (the pharmacy not the fruit and veg aisle)or Boots to get it.

      [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] ...........ooh sounds like you've got an insider in the Irish mafia. We've got a family just like that up here. The blooming great Jaguar and Mercedes parked outside sort of gives them away.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: September Army 2021

        Afternoon everyone.

        Hope you soon feeling better JC. You are probably right, all the bugs are just waiting to attack. You too Molly, sounds like you have a double dose, although the hernia is probably over exertion, gardening maybe?

        Enjoying Kin Satz. Bet your insider as JC calls her would have plenty of tales to tell.

        Very poignant story Mary, thanks for sharing. Another beautiful sunny afternoon here, enjoying it in my lunch hour.


          Re: September Army 2021

          Wishing a speedy recovery, JC. Hope you had a great trip, Satzy. Actually, everything Rusty said. BTW, I’m in Phoenix dodging Covid left and right. My first plane trip since the pandemic started. It felt strange indeed. Blessings x
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Re: September Army 2021

            Morning and waves to the universe
            Dragged a very heavy head out of is a proper stinking cold. I had to cancel getting my nails done today (now there's a whopper of a first-world problem).

            [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION]...........I don't know about over the pond about flying but the staff at our local airport are bending over backwards to help. Mr and Mrs S&H came back from Spain yesterday................took a bit longer to board here in England and again in Spain but they were quite happy. Just slightly delayed.

            Hope yer resting Molls.:hug:
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: September Army 2021

              Good morning everyone.

              Feet up JC, chicken soup, good book, maybe crochet? At least with the weather colder, you feel more like snuggling down. Hope you dodge all the covid Techie. I have not traveled since this all began. Half thinking of going to Norway for daughters birthday next week. It only opened to us the other day, we are allowed in with covid cert. Need pcr test at airport when I arrive and need to register online. Waiting to hear back from her as she has been thinking of coming home too so will see what she wants to do.

              Beautiful morning here and had a lovely walk so that sets me up for the day. Have dentist appointment in afternoon, just a check up but I hate the cleaning.


                Re: September Army 2021

                Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                Good morning everyone.

                Feet up JC, chicken soup, good book, maybe crochet? At least with the weather colder, you feel more like snuggling down. Hope you dodge all the covid Techie. I have not traveled since this all began. Half thinking of going to Norway for daughters birthday next week. It only opened to us the other day, we are allowed in with covid cert. Need pcr test at airport when I arrive and need to register online. Waiting to hear back from her as she has been thinking of coming home too so will see what she wants to do.

                Beautiful morning here and had a lovely walk so that sets me up for the day. Have dentist appointment in afternoon, just a check up but I hate the cleaning.
                Rain horrible here. May see you in Oslo next week Rusty--I do not need a PCR on arrival are you sure you need one? Also been to the dentist all good.
                Hello everyone else.


                  Re: September Army 2021

                  Originally posted by brit View Post
                  Rain horrible here. May see you in Oslo next week Rusty--I do not need a PCR on arrival are you sure you need one? Also been to the dentist all good.
                  Hello everyone else.
                  You are right Brit, I had a proper read back and it is only if you are not fully vaccinated. My daughter had only had one of her vaccines when she was home in the summer so she needed it. Glad you got on ok at dentist and enjoy your time with your daughter next week.


                    Re: September Army 2021

                    Are clean teeth a necessity to get into Norway :haha:
                    Hope you both have a ball.. if you do end up going Rustop.

                    Got my hair done today, delighted.. changed my hairdresser and she's great and way cheaper (it's in her house).

                    Poor you [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION].. few days moping around with a tonne of vit C and you should be good to go again.

                    Still no Internet here, so off to nod land instead. Zzzz
                    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                      Re: September Army 2021

                      Originally posted by brit View Post
                      Rain horrible here. May see you in Oslo next week Rusty--I do not need a PCR on arrival are you sure you need one? Also been to the dentist all good.
                      Hello everyone else.
                      Because we had been in Greece - an 'Amber' country - the 'pain in the bum' UK authorities made everyone have a neg test before letting us back in.
                      We did x 4 = €160. Took 5 mins.
                      They didn't even ask to see it. :rant:
                      Now from 4th October the traffic light system in UK is scrapped.
                      A money - making racket if ever I saw one.


                        Re: September Army 2021

                        X post [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]

                        Mers you like to hear SIL escapades.

                        Just thinking here to myself what Molls eluded to - how we've accepted drinking to excess.
                        Is this excessive drinking ? ( I've forgotten how normal people drink)
                        SIL had 2 beers at lunch while ordering her lunch + a wine when the food actually arrived.
                        Dinner : she ordered & drank a 1/2 litre carafe of wine + another glass
                        Then back to the local seaside bar & 2/3 more glasses of wine.
                        This was EVERY night for 14 nights :egad:

                        This is not a criticism (for once) of her because I did the same. Just observing how we got to a point where that much alcohol is acceptable.
                        It's exhausting watching it. BIL watches what she drinks & will ask for a glass to stop her drinking it all. Or stop ordering to slow her down. Or decide not to go to the pub.
                        She thinks of ways to either cajole him or lose her temper with him regarding drinking.


                          Re: September Army 2021

                          Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                          X post [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]

                          Mers you like to hear SIL escapades.

                          Just thinking here to myself what Molls eluded to - how we've accepted drinking to excess.
                          Is this excessive drinking ? ( I've forgotten how normal people drink)
                          SIL had 2 beers at lunch while ordering her lunch + a wine when the food actually arrived.
                          Dinner : she ordered & drank a 1/2 litre carafe of wine + another glass
                          Then back to the local seaside bar & 2/3 more glasses of wine.
                          This was EVERY night for 14 nights :egad:

                          This is not a criticism (for once) of her because I did the same. Just observing how we got to a point where that much alcohol is acceptable.
                          It's exhausting watching it. BIL watches what she drinks & will ask for a glass to stop her drinking it all. Or stop ordering to slow her down. Or decide not to go to the pub.
                          She thinks of ways to either cajole him or lose her temper with him regarding drinking.
                          Good morning everyone

                          Hope the patients are feeling better. Got the all clear at the dentist and off to Norway with my clean teeth. Booked last night, it’s only 3 days but will see DD on her birthday and hopefully get to do something nice with her.

                          God that sounds exhausting Satz, especially for the poor husband trying to keep tabs on her. Probably did drink that much on hols, although we never drank during the day when we had the kids with us but out for dinner yea it was a drink before the meal, bottle of wine with meal and then few drinks after. Over 14 days it is a lot of alcohol when you step back and look at it. No wonder people come back wrecked.


                            Re: September Army 2021

                            Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                            X post [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]

                            Mers you like to hear SIL escapades.

                            Just thinking here to myself what Molls eluded to - how we've accepted drinking to excess.
                            Is this excessive drinking ? ( I've forgotten how normal people drink)
                            SIL had 2 beers at lunch while ordering her lunch + a wine when the food actually arrived.
                            Dinner : she ordered & drank a 1/2 litre carafe of wine + another glass
                            Then back to the local seaside bar & 2/3 more glasses of wine.
                            This was EVERY night for 14 nights :egad:

                            This is not a criticism (for once) of her because I did the same. Just observing how we got to a point where that much alcohol is acceptable.
                            It's exhausting watching it. BIL watches what she drinks & will ask for a glass to stop her drinking it all. Or stop ordering to slow her down. Or decide not to go to the pub.
                            She thinks of ways to either cajole him or lose her temper with him regarding drinking.
                            Well he's obviously really worried about her drinking... I could be wrong but I'm guessing what you're seeing is possibly the tip of the iceberg? If her behaviour is so erratic - could be she has a bottle stashed in a suitcase or wardrobe for top-ups -- even tho what you describe is an awful lot of booze -- by the time we are in real trouble I feel that's nearly 'under control heavy drinking' --- my gut would tell me there's more going on in the background --- what do I know tho -- I've never met her -- just the pattern and his increased concerns would make me wonder...

                            Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                            Good morning everyone

                            Hope the patients are feeling better. Got the all clear at the dentist and off to Norway with my clean teeth. Booked last night, it’s only 3 days but will see DD on her birthday and hopefully get to do something nice with her.

                            God that sounds exhausting Satz, especially for the poor husband trying to keep tabs on her. Probably did drink that much on hols, although we never drank during the day when we had the kids with us but out for dinner yea it was a drink before the meal, bottle of wine with meal and then few drinks after. Over 14 days it is a lot of alcohol when you step back and look at it. No wonder people come back wrecked.
                            Hey Rusters -- how lovely getting over to Norway -- delighted for you - and your daughter -- it'll do you both the world of good -- hope MrsA can do similar.

                            Still not feeling mighty -- a few glimpses of feeling really well and I realise it's not 'old age' -- just 'not well' that has me so tired and achy... it'll be heaven to be well again!

                            Right -- out to do a bit of cutting back in the garden -- clearing trees and shrubs that are small enough to bring with us to Mayo... it'll be a long process!!!
                            Hope you feeling better Jackie -
                            Laters all
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Re: September Army 2021

                              Morning and waves,
                              Physically much better.....but it's a year today since Bess died and its still raw.
                              Mr. JC's taken the day off....................first stop is the hair-dresser for me..............the dragged through a bush look is sooooooooooo yesterday. Then we're off for a bimble round.
                              Talk more later as I'd better get gone.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: September Army 2021

                                Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                                Well he's obviously really worried about her drinking... I could be wrong but I'm guessing what you're seeing is possibly the tip of the iceberg? If her behaviour is so erratic - could be she has a bottle stashed in a suitcase or wardrobe for top-ups -- even tho what you describe is an awful lot of booze -- by the time we are in real trouble I feel that's nearly 'under control heavy drinking' --- my gut would tell me there's more going on in the background --- what do I know tho -- I've never met her -- just the pattern and his increased concerns would make me wonder...
                                She will often play the "you're lucky I'm still here" card.
                                She had cancer & recovered. She will say "for long enough I couldn't eat or drink - so I intend doing it now"

                                So ............ who can argue with that ?
                                But I know that is unfair and not true.

