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September Army 2021

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    Re: September Army 2021

    Indeed it has been a glorious morning...power tools and lawnmowers phwet....if I'm up...everyone else should be up!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: September Army 2021

      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Re: September Army 2021

        That looks like it could be a close shave Techie.
        I did the decent thing and waited till 10.30 am lest there be any of the head stuck to the pillow, mouth like a camels armpit people in neighbouring houses. Drunken Saturday nights eh, us sober people are so boring....
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Re: September Army 2021

          Originally posted by techie View Post
          Mary, gave you ever done an ultra? 50 or 100 miles? Since I’m giving up the triathlon after 2022 Escape From Alcatraz, I was thinking of training to do an ultra. I wish I could just do regular stuff like fishing or bowling, etc. Hahah!
          We have a lovely ultra in Donadea here, that a few in the club do every year. Dont think i could manage it yet with work, kids etc, this marathon is already taking its toll, Ive never had so many gaps in my days not checking in! Early flexibility class in the morning, but most niggles are ok. 2 weeks tapering now :yay:

          Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
          Good morning everyone.

          Yea it is definitely exciting. Love Lough Carra, the water is so so clear. Spent a weeks holiday there last summer. We could indeed have been close neighbors Molly. Mask and Carra were well up the list but nothing was for sale. Well there was but it was close to a million! Ended up on Lough Conn instead.
          Can you imagine if you have both been bidding on the same place :haha:
          Ive google image those places and they are STUNNING! its so exciting. Maybe a lot of work, but its all yours, in your own time.

          Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
          That looks like it could be a close shave Techie.
          I did the decent thing and waited till 10.30 am lest there be any of the head stuck to the pillow, mouth like a camels armpit people in neighbouring houses. Drunken Saturday nights eh, us sober people are so boring....
          Oh I beg to differ, its those drunk ones that are so boring the next day (also after 5 pints in fairness). Rustop has 8.5 acres of chopping in Mayo, you can knock your self out :horse: (thats you on a horse with a chainsaw - I dont have much to work with here!)
          Last edited by IamMary; September 19, 2021, 05:49 PM.
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Re: September Army 2021

            Good morning everyone. Off for a walk as it looks like another nice day.

            I am missing my proper running training as I am getting slower and it is taking me longer to run even 5k.

            Molly and Rusty those new homes sound so wonderful. They are something to look forward to in these difficult days.

            I am looking forward to going to Norway in early October with a mixture of happiness and dread, as we always went there to see our daughter together.

            Must get myself washed and dressed and face the day!


              Re: September Army 2021

              Hi MrsA -- I understand the feeling about going to Norway - you were used to going with himself... I can't put myself in your shoes -- but I imagine the first time may seem really strange and even a bit lonely - but like when we do the firsts post alcohol -- first wedding/christmas etc.. the 2nd time is so much more normal --- I really hope the joy of seeing your daughter will help so much and I'm sure it will. Everything is 'firsts' for you at the moment -- bless you xx

              Morning all else.. gorgeous morning here -- is this summer never going to end? I'm ALL over it now -- ready for my jumpers and boots -- truly am!

              The house was jammers here yesterday -- all the sprogs seemed to want to put their tuppence worth in about the house... think poor young Joey thought he'd never see us again -- seemed quite maudlin at first -- told him all the advantages - and that we'd be coming to Dublin loads as well -- he cheered up then.

              Doing our claim on our health insurance this morning -- god be with the days you just posted off a sheaf of shit to claim on -- each damn receipt had to be individually uploaded -- ALL the info already on the receipt -- then they wanted a form filled out for EACH of the receipts with all the details on the form that were already in the uploaded photo --- 25 poxy receipts -- anyway -- it's done -- another job done and dusted PTL!!!

              How's everyone -- Benjy must be on her holliers I guess --- she usually goes this time of the year....just had no interest this year -- need all this nonsense over with!
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Re: September Army 2021

                Morning.............. just,
                [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION]...............all these firsts, my heart goes out to you. :hug: I know the first time my Aunt flew to the USA to see her son on her own................ her daughter and I went to the airport with her. We told the staff (behind her back) why she was traveling alone and wondered why she was treated like a queen.
                She is hoping to go over this Christmas, her son lives just outside of Boston

                [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]......they'll never be away from your new house so much you'll have to pretend your out.
                Last edited by JackieClaire; September 20, 2021, 05:52 AM.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: September Army 2021

                  [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]......they'll never be away from your new house so much you'll have to pretend your out.[/QUOTE]

                  Oh no JC, never thought of that! Mind you the fisherman’s cottage has barely enough space for even the two of us so might be in no hurry to do any renovations.

                  Big hugs Brit. It’s no wonder they say the first year is the hardest, all these firsts. You will get through it and it will be so nice to be with your daughter.

                  Yea Satz on her holidays, should be back soon. Beautiful day here too, wish I was in the garden.


                    Re: September Army 2021

                    It will be odd [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION], but lots of distraction too I suppose. I wouldnt worry about how fast you are running, its great you are getting out and when your ready, there will be loads to train for (we can get [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] to be our virtual coach )

                    Youngest finally got a 2nd neg test back. Freedom after 10 days. Her 2nd vaccine is tomorrow, so that should make life easier for the winter.

                    Windows and doors have been measured. The deck if up. Bookshelves are down. This is happening :hopelessness:
                    Thankfully Biden is lifting the travel ban, so my folks can visit my brother, so we can move in to theirs for a couple of weeks. 6 weeks with no Kitchen will be an interesting experiment!
                    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                      Re: September Army 2021

                      Morning everyone from a very busy bi-employed old woman. Ironically, I'm not all that keen on having one job, let alone two. I am too old for this shit.

                      A massive congratulations to Molly for the new house/new start. How. Bloody. Exciting.

                      Good luck to Mers with all that happening in the environment lease:

                      Interesting JC, all one has to do to sustain an injury these days is to turn one's head too fast or roll over in bed. I used to get so annoyed when my father grunted every time he moved. Now I'm worse. Anyway, hit the anti-inflammatories and we'll see you back in the trenches soon.

                      Our cases are higher than ever in my local area but we are allowed to go see five (5) people this week. Outdoors, distanced and paranoid. So it's beggars belief that I drove through town yesterday to see mask free folks everywhere or with them hanging off their noses. If they haven't got it by now, they're not going to. Maybe natural selection will come into play with some of them... A family member has Delta (not in this house) but luckily symptoms are mild. Someone went to his workplace with symptoms for two days before being told to go home. Darwinian...

                      Have a great day everyone.
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Re: September Army 2021

                        Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                        Morning everyone from a very busy bi-employed old woman. Ironically, I'm not all that keen on having one job, let alone two. I am too old for this shit.

                        A massive congratulations to Molly for the new house/new start. How. Bloody. Exciting.

                        Good luck to Mers with all that happening in the environment lease:

                        Interesting JC, all one has to do to sustain an injury these days is to turn one's head too fast or roll over in bed. I used to get so annoyed when my father grunted every time he moved. Now I'm worse. Anyway, hit the anti-inflammatories and we'll see you back in the trenches soon.

                        Our cases are higher than ever in my local area but we are allowed to go see five (5) people this week. Outdoors, distanced and paranoid. So it's beggars belief that I drove through town yesterday to see mask free folks everywhere or with them hanging off their noses. If they haven't got it by now, they're not going to. Maybe natural selection will come into play with some of them... A family member has Delta (not in this house) but luckily symptoms are mild. Someone went to his workplace with symptoms for two days before being told to go home. Darwinian...

                        Have a great day everyone.
                        Good to see you posting, Bridge. Sorry to hear you are overworked. BTW, refusing to wear a mask and doing ill to others is the true spirit of Coronavirus!
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Re: September Army 2021

                          Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                          Morning everyone from a very busy bi-employed old woman.
                          You're bi? So cool!

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            Re: September Army 2021

                            Morning and waves to the undies and those over the pond.
                            [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]........our own little bi. Did exactly what you said......My shoulder is so much is now at niggle stage in the evening. Trouble is its so much better that I can now do housework again.

                            [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]........delighted that Biden has lifted the ban on the UK & most of Europe. Means my fully vaccinated Aunt will be able to see her son in the USA for the first time in over two years this Chrimbo.

                            We still wear our masks when we're shopping despite the vaccinating being taken up in droves. The nose uncovered drives me insane...........we also have a mask hanging from one ear morons.

                            Must get wriggle on.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: September Army 2021

                              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                              Morning and waves to the undies and those over the pond.
                              [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]........our own little bi. Did exactly what you said......My shoulder is so much is now at niggle stage in the evening. Trouble is its so much better that I can now do housework again.

                              [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]........delighted that Biden has lifted the ban on the UK & most of Europe. Means my fully vaccinated Aunt will be able to see her son in the USA for the first time in over two years this Chrimbo.

                              We still wear our masks when we're shopping despite the vaccinating being taken up in droves. The nose uncovered drives me insane...........we also have a mask hanging from one ear morons.

                              Must get wriggle on.
                              Morning everyone.

                              Good to have some good news for a change. Bans being lifted, JC’s improved shoulder and our very own bi. Also Mary’s new deck. From personal experience would definitely recommend moving out while they are doing the kitchen.

                              Another beautiful day here and the most amazing moon last few nights. Mother Nature at her finest.


                                Re: September Army 2021

                                That moon was wonderful last night Rusters.
                                Feeling a bit better about everything today probably because I have had two good sleeps.
                                Hello to everyone by the way!

