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September Army 2021

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    Re: September Army 2021

    Howdy folks -- Bi or otherwise ;-) fair dues Bridge -- can't even manage one job at the moment! Our hours are being extended so it's now fulltime+ -- nice to know I can count down in months and weeks now! You sound a bit brighter MrsA -- nothing like a bit of sleep to clear our minds --

    No news from this neck of the woods -- great you have somewhere else to go while renovations going on Mary --- can't abide workmen in the house... best thing about working really is that I'm rarely here - there's a carpenter due for broken double doors and a host of other things to fix -- I'll leave them at it!

    Right -- feet up now and a bit of reading -- just the slightest little taste of autumn today -- love it!!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: September Army 2021

      Love that we can all see the same moon :happy2: it was beautiful last night.
      Only 2 weeks in the folks unfortunately, we have another 4 of banging builder noises. Did you move out Rustop?

      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
      We still wear our masks when we're shopping despite the vaccinating being taken up in droves. The nose uncovered drives me insane...........we also have a mask hanging from one ear morons.
      Do you have an option not to JC? We dont have to outdoors, but indoors its masks (unless your sitting).

      Originally posted by Guitarista View Post
      You're bi? So cool!

      Remind me again about your job [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]? why have you ended up with 2 and when will you have 1?
      whats the vaccine take up like there? dont tell me, I googled it. Slow enough. Then again, youve had way less cases + deaths than we have, and your population is much bigger.
      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


        Re: September Army 2021

        Morning and waves to the world,

        [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]...............a little light reading for you. In short, we have to wear a mask on any public transport (does that include planes) and the rest is left to personal choice.............or to put it simply............its yer own fault if you get it. Saying that most people are still wearing a mask.
        What are the rules and guidance for face masks and coverings? - BBC News
        Covid rules: What'''s in England'''s '''Winter Plan'''? - BBC News

        As I'm ancient I'll be getting a booster jab. Mr JC's three years younger than me so I'm not sure if he's in the ancient category yet.

        Do you remember when Bess and I went to a hotel when they fitted the new kitchen? We'd got 20% off as the manager was a friend of the S&H so basically cost us nothing.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: September Army 2021

          Originally posted by IamMary View Post
          Only 2 weeks in the folks unfortunately, we have another 4 of banging builder noises. Did you move out Rustop?
          Good morning everyone.

          Yes Mary we lived on a building site for 4 months, definitely not to be recommended. The one advantage about doing up the place in the west is that we won’t be living in it. I am very busy picking out what we will need on a temporary basis in IKEA, quite enjoying it.

          Another beautiful morning here and had a lovely walk. Glad you got a good nights sleep Brit, very hard to function when you don’t. Waves to everyone else.


            Re: September Army 2021

            Hi Army friends. Wishing you all a wonderful day, evening, or night wherever you may be. Blessings x
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Re: September Army 2021

              Evening all, bedtime for me but just a thought before I go Bridgeypoos, two jobs might mean early retirement is even closer.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Re: September Army 2021

                Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
                Evening all, bedtime for me but just a thought before I go Bridgeypoos, two jobs might mean early retirement is even closer.
                Does it work that way???? Morning Tabs and all others -- heading to Mayo now for a couple of days --- going to measure up the house - see what furniture needs to come with us and what won't --- staying in a nice guest house tonight in the nearby town and will have a mooch around the area -- even bringing my swimming togs -- it's really really warm here -- dunno WHAT'S going on -- dreaming of autumn now!

                We had our bathroom and kit hen done ( separately ) bout 10 years ago Mary --- no -- more -- must be 11-12 years - and the kit hen was a WAY bigger job - supporting walls getting knocked etc... but the bathroom was a NIGHTMARE whereas tbh the kit hen went very smoothly -- so efficiently done -- it was clockwork -- each tradesman was booked in to the hour -- whereas the bathroom used to get abandoned for days on end... so it mightn't be too bad.

                Right off we go -- dog to boarding kennels and a little road trip -- mad getting excited about two days in Mayo :welldone:

                Take care all -- hopefully can log in tonight xx
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Re: September Army 2021

                  Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                  Right off we go -- dog to boarding kennels and a little road trip -- mad getting excited about two days in Mayo :welldone:

                  Take care all -- hopefully can log in tonight xx
                  Bon voyage Molly and good morning everyone else.

                  Check out Moorehall while you are there Molly. Only Ruin of house but woodland walk and access to Lough Carra. No signs but ask and someone should tell you where to go. It was gas we came across this sign near the house in memory of some Moore ancestor and it said he was the first president of Ireland. Both of us said at the same time, wasn’t that Douglas Hyde. All I can think of is that locals were taking the proverbial out of some poor American and they believed it and put up the plaque.

                  Beautiful morning here again and just back from lovely walk. Off now to do the dreaded grocery shop.


                    Re: September Army 2021

                    Morning (just)........
                    Only two weeks until we depart to the Yorkshire'll do Mr. JC a world of good. Over the pandemic, Mr. JC's only taken a couple of days here and there. Its a very small firm. To be honest I've worried about him not getting any proper time away from work. I'm actually hoping we don't have wifi. We're not spring chickens anymore.

                    [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION].........another bon voyage from moi (look I'm bi-lingual)

                    I was supposed to meet an old pal today but he drank his way through the weekend and has canceled. I have a horrible feeling he's never going to get sober. He's done re-hab 4 times, AA, a psychiatrist and SMART. He gets a few months under his belt and then goes on these benders.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: September Army 2021

                      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                      I was supposed to meet an old pal today but he drank his way through the weekend and has canceled. I have a horrible feeling he's never going to get sober. He's done re-hab 4 times, AA, a psychiatrist and SMART. He gets a few months under his belt and then goes on these benders.
                      That crap JC, at least he's being honest.
                      Your right about the WiFi, the lack of it would be so much better.

                      Thats hilarious about the 1st president Rustop!
                      Well my kitchen renovation sounds like it's the norm after a period of contemplating (what else can I do)! If you all got through it, I will too:nevreness:
                      Supporting walls coming down too and windows moving. Slightly extending, new floors, rads. It's a lot of work!

                      Just started a new book, Gas man, about an irish anaesthetist. So far it's v good!

                      Have a lovely trip molly..
                      Last edited by IamMary; September 23, 2021, 05:38 PM.
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: September Army 2021

                        Morning and waves to the world,
                        [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]...............I'll give him a call, later on, to see what triggered him this time. It took me donkey's years to cotton on so I'm can't judge. I was on and off the wagon so often I used to carry step-ladders.

                        Mr JC needs a new phone. I'll go with him and can just have a nap while they explain how super dooper his upgrade will be. My input will be what colour he's getting.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: September Army 2021

                          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                          Morning and waves to the world,
                          [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]...............I'll give him a call, later on, to see what triggered him this time. It took me donkey's years to cotton on so I'm can't judge. I was on and off the wagon so often I used to carry step-ladders.

                          Mr JC needs a new phone. I'll go with him and can just have a nap while they explain how super dooper his upgrade will be. My input will be what colour he's getting.
                          Ha ha JC, that would be my input too. Glad you have your break to look forward to and I am sure Mr JC will benefit from it. Just back from crochet class and it feels so good to be able to go again. None of us can judge and I really hope that your friend finds his way out.

                          Afternoon everyone else. Another beautiful day here so going to try and get out in the garden for a while.


                            Re: September Army 2021

                            Afternoon folks -- just back from Mayo --- had a lovely time - didn't get to Moorehall Rusters - we heard about it alright - so will investigate further next time -- we went out to Tourmakeady -- the forest walk and the waterfall -- omg it's so gorgeous -- and we had it all to ourselves as well even though it was a glorious day... what a treat on our (future) doorstep!!!

                            Measured up the house and assessed how much (or otherwise) work is needed on it -- it's minimal tbh -- quite a bit to be done to the garden - but that's ok -- that's my bag --- but the house really is walk-in ready... so that was a relief!

                            Still feel a chill when I hear of people relapsing - even after a fair wee while -- it's still fresh in my memory -- I'm sure we are all the same really. Don't think I'll ever master crochet Rusters -- will stick with the knitting -- it's still summer here tho - quite bizarre considering it's nearly October -- there isn't so much as a leaf off a tree yet... climate change alright!!

                            Now - gonna put my feet up with Stephen King -- talk later folks
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Re: September Army 2021

                              Hey Army - back from travels.
                              Great excitement here altogether.
                              New houses all 'round. :wow:

                              Are you moving lock, stock etc to Mayo Molls ?

                              Wish you best of luck with it Molls & Rusters.


                                Re: September Army 2021

                                Hey Benjy! Welcome home...we missed you!...
                                Well as lock stock and barrel as it can be but we aren't selling our house here..we'll rent it for a while and see how that goes. Tied up with kiddies since we were in our early 20's...this is our adventure...and we're only 2.5 hours away from them all anyway!!
                                Tell us about your hollier?
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

