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Big moderation test for me tonight...

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    Big moderation test for me tonight...

    I had to run off quickly because the phone was ringing, but I wanted to come back and tell more about the night. I am so proud of myself...

    Had only one glass of wine while making the dinners. Told everyone I had my Weight Watcher's Weigh-In tomorrow (today) and didn't want to mess it up by drinking too much. Got my dinners done in record speed, took them home, and picked up a Diet Coke while I was there. Instead of going straight to the bar, I went back to the dinner place and hung out w/the moms who were still making their dinners while I had my Diet Coke. I thought this was a good tactic to delay my second drink. Then, we headed over to the bar and I nursed two more glasses of wine for the rest of the evening and drank about two glasses of water for each glass of wine. When my final wine was finished, I ordered a club soda w/lime. Not very fancy, but that's my fav virgin drink I think. I love lime and I love fizzy. And, no calories is good for my diet. Oh, I almost forgot to mention that while halfway through my last glass of wine, one of the moms started pushing shots. She ordered 'cherry bombs' for the table (I think cherry vodka that you drop in a glass of red bull - seems pretty vile to me anyway!). But, I insisted that she not get one for me because of my weigh-in the next day. I was the only one at the table who did not do one and I felt pretty damn proud of myself.


      Big moderation test for me tonight...

      limers;153198 wrote: congrats ada, well done ,no one is judgeing you ,just concerned for you.
      Its OK. I totally understand the concern. I just felt like I better explain myself a little more. I talk very matter of factly about 'driving blacked out drunk' because I don't want to sugar coat my problem anymore, but it occured to me when I read everyone's posts that it may come off like I am blase about it and I would hate to give that impression because I feel truly the opposite about it. It is the worst thing I have ever done in my life and I can not and will not ever let it happen again.


        Big moderation test for me tonight...



        You did well.

        Better than I would have.

        It would have been very difficult for me to resist the shots, even tho I hate hard liquor.

        You had an excuse in place and used it.


        More than :goodjob: , GREAT JOB!!


        PS And, I hope you still had fun. That is what the real deal is. Still being able to have fun!!
        AF April 9, 2016


          Big moderation test for me tonight...

          :applaud: :yougo: Way to go Adagirl!
          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


            Big moderation test for me tonight...

            Oh yeah, I forgot to add that it was definitely fun. This is only my fourth time moderating while on the Naltrexone. The first time I went out I felt awkward. But, now I feel pretty good about it. I don't get buzzed (Naltrexone prevents you from feeling buzzed/good/high from alcohol), but I've learned to enjoy the relaxed feeling and just hanging out w/my friends. I think the hypno is also helping me to feel more comfortable w/my new sober self. The personal suggestions I made for myself were 'drinking is not a contest' and 'I can have fun without drinking'. When you get to the part where it asks you to visualize your ideal self, I visualized myself as someone who goes out and is fun, charismatic, talkative, humorous, and IN CONTROL at all times. And, I really felt that way last night.

            I have to admit that I think the Naltrexone is making a huge difference for me (as in, making this so much easier than it would be without it). I feel very confident on the Naltrexone now. Not to make it out as a magic pill, but given the right motivation to go with it, it is pretty damn near close for me. I love the turnaround I've experienced. The way I am moderating (abstaining most days and only having 3 drinks occasionally - usually once/week when I go out) is the absolute ideal I would love to maintain. The hard part will be when I decide to go off the Naltrexone and do it on my own. I'm not even sure if its possible. I might have to go AF at that point to maintain control.

            Anyway, I am rambling as usual. Need to just enjoy the moment and try not to get ahead of myself.


              Big moderation test for me tonight...

              In no way does anyone think you have a flippant attitude towards drunk driving. Obviously, having driven home blackout drunk, you were also in a state of blackout when you got behind the wheel, so not really conscious of the risks you were taking. Good to see you`re now addressing this and gonna keep safe.

              As for the 3 glasses of wine you had.........GREAT STUFF!!!!! We knew you could do it!!! Glad you had a good time sober.

              Starlight Impress


                Big moderation test for me tonight...

                It`s cool to need the naltrexone as it`s helped you. Am not doing any meds., but would happily take them if I felt it was the only way I could moderate. Am almost at end of my 2nd wk. successfully moderating.

                Best of luck in keeping up the good work,

                Starlight Impress


                  Big moderation test for me tonight...

                  Adagirl, Adagirl!!!! (if you catch my drift)
                  :rockband: :dancin: :crazymonkey: inkele:
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

