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Big moderation test for me tonight...

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    Big moderation test for me tonight...

    This will seem like the craziest occasion for getting drunk, but my mom friends and I go out once/month to this place where we prepare meals to take home and freeze. If you've heard of Entrees to Go, My Girlfriend's Kitchen, Super Suppers, etc., it is a place like that. And, we bring wine to share and they also serve sangria and appetizers. Well, somehow its turned into more of a drunk-fest than even our monthly Mom's Night Out. We often go wine tasting before and also go out afterwards. Well, two months ago I drove home blacked out drunk from this night out and told myself that I had to get control of things and never drive drunk again. And, if I drove drunk again, I vowed to myself that I would go to my doctor to get help for my drinking. Well, so last month I went out to this thing and once again drove home blacked out drunk (as in, don't remember driving home or getting into bed). The day after, I found this site. And, the Monday after I made an appointment w/my doctor. And, the Friday after I started on Naltrexone and the whole MWO program.

    OK, so now it that time of month again. I have had three nights out moderating well already, but am still kinda nervous about tonight. It doesn't really make sense because I've been out on other Mom's Nights Out already since being on program and did great (had fun and did not drink too much at all), but I guess this just feels different because this is the occasion that in the past I have gotten the most drunk at and regretted my choices the most.

    Anyway, so my plan is to not drink more than two glasses of wine while we are making the dinners and not more than one glass when we go out afterwards (and to drink lots and lots of water in between). Originally, I was planning to skip the 'after-party', but one of the ladies asked me specifically to go so we could discuss an event she is planning.

    Why does this feel like such a major test??? Wish me luck!!!

    Big moderation test for me tonight...

    I think it feels like a major test because there is a part of you that you know will try to convince you to drink to the level you did before, and it will be diffucult, be careful, and congrats on doing so well so far.
    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
    James Gordon, M.D.


      Big moderation test for me tonight...

      Adagirl, it feels like a big test because the presedence (SP?)has been set. Your mind and body are primed for the excess. Take all of our good wishes and thoughts with you. Inhale the positive MWO vibe before you leave, repeat your favorite mantra to yourself. Drink Virgin Mary's or whatever you need to stay WITH IT during the after party. Good luck-let us hear how it went!
      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


        Big moderation test for me tonight...

        Ada, please be careful. It is indeed a test and I have myself failed at mods several times in the last month...but the driving thing makes it different. Can one of you be a designated driver or is a cab possible? I am sure you don't want to drive blacked out and have something happen?

        Congrats on your success so far and good luck tonight. Please plan ahead so that you don't have to worry about any consequences.


          Big moderation test for me tonight...

          Ditto, Ada--please plan so that you don't ever have to drive drunk...even 2-3 glasses can impair your reaction time....I know, I know--I drove on that and more--and I'm so grateful that I didn't hurt me or anyone else by being so....well, irresponsible. I could live with getting drunk and doing what I need to get back to AF--causing anyone else injury or worse would be the end of my life....I would NEVER be able to get over it....

          My prayers and best wishes are with you--
          "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


            Big moderation test for me tonight...

            This is definitely a major test - it is so hard to break old habits - and you may not want to have to explain things to your friends. Bring something else with you to drink and tell them you have a headache or something so don't want to drink much tonight. Take lots of Kudzu before you go and take some with you.
            The driving thing really scares me. What if you hurt yourself or someone else or even killed someone? It happens, you know. Your life would be totally ruined. It is very very dangerous. DO NOT DRIVE if you are not fully in control.
            Take care of yourself and good luck. Let us know how it goes.
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              Big moderation test for me tonight...


              Consider not going. A girls night out preparing meals is not worth the risk. Better to stay home than to potentially harm yourself or someone else while driving home drunk. I thank god that I've never hurt myself or someone else when I did drink and drive. When I met my husband a few years ago he expressed that he was adamantly opposed to drinking and driving. He's a firefighter and in his line of work he's had to deal with a lot of really grim scenes. I'm thankful that he has a hugely strong opinion about that. It's helped me recognize that I need to absolutely limit my intake if I am driving. Invite everyone to your house on a Saturday. Prepare meals together, drink, and have a slumber party at your house. Make it a silly, fun girl night, and be safe. Good luck.



                Big moderation test for me tonight...

                You`ve proved to yourself that you can moderate as you`ve already managed 3 nights out doing so, and this is gonna see you having successfully moderated on a 4th night out-RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!

                We`re all rooting for you!!

                Good luck,

                Starlight Impress


                  Big moderation test for me tonight...


                  We have supperthyme here. I did it one time and loved it, but haven't been back yet.

                  You can do this! Just sip slow and try to "visualize" feeling great in the morning.
                  :h :h :h :h


                    Big moderation test for me tonight...

                    cant you get a taxi home if you go and leave the car at home?


                      Big moderation test for me tonight...

                      Ada, I think in the back of yoour mind you have the guilt of driving home impaired, wondering what could have happened if you didn't make it safely. I think you can do this, just keep focused on your goal, sample lots of the food. You can burn the calories later. But and this is a big but, If you find yourself going over your preset limit, please arrange for other transportation home. We like having you around!!. All the best


                        Big moderation test for me tonight...


                        If you can't skip the "girl's night out," then at the very least get a cab or ride so there is no way you will drive home drunk.

                        Remember, it only takes a couple of drinks in an hour to make you over the limit, much less than most of us drink to consider ourselves drunk.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          Big moderation test for me tonight...


                          Just wanted to wish you luck, It's a big test for you, and only you know if you are ready for it.

                          I was watching a programme on TV last night and a policeman was saying that even a liitle bit of alcohol can impair our driving skills and that we don't neccessarily need to be over the limit to run into problems. Arrange transport home for yourself and as Mar says eat as mch as you can throughout the night.

                          Anyway be careful and have a nice time. It sounds like fun.

                          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                            Big moderation test for me tonight...

                            I did it! I stuck to my plan and only had three drinks.

                            Please realize that this is over the course of five hours so I was well under the legal limit (especially since I weigh 173 pounds). I hope none of you think that I take the driving drunk thing lightly. It is exactly the reason why I decided to go to my doctor and stop hiding my problem. Realizing that I had driven home drunk was my 'bottom'. It was something I never would have done before and made me realize my drinking had gotten out of control.


                              Big moderation test for me tonight...

                              congrats ada, well done ,no one is judgeing you ,just concerned for you.

