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Is there a Difference?

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    Is there a Difference?

    Married to a true Non-Addict

    My husband likes beer. He will very occasionally buy a six pack, drink one, truly enjoy it and the rest sits there until my kids (25 and 30) finally ask, "Can we drink it, dad, before it goes bad?"

    He, my husband, DOES NOT LIKE GETTING DRUNK. He does not enjoy the experience, he does not feel good when it has happened, probably 6-7 times in the 35 years I have known him. However, he truly likes a good beer.

    The same with pain meds. This is a man with back problems you cannot believe. He is missing 3 lower discs. (not bulging, not herniated, literally eroded away from spinal problems). The doctors have given him the usual pain meds. They sit in the cabinet unused. I have to help him unlace his shoes and pull off his pants. However, he would rather deal with the pain than be anesthetized. My husband is NOT an alcoholic personality. He does not enjoy being "anesthetized" to avoid pain.

    We, collective WE (alcoholics/addicts), on the other hand, would rather deaden whatever pain it is we are dealing with.

    My husband believes it is not a "will power" issue but a difference in our brains. He does NOT think we are somehow inferior, just different in how our body wants to deal with pain and stress.

    Okay. Layman's point of view. Binge vs everyday, who cares. There are those who don't do either and there are those of us who choose (because of some difference in our physiology) to deaden the pain/stress.

    However, as my husband points out, that does not relieve us from the effort of trying to deal with the problem, just recognize it and firgure out how to make it better.

    I wish I were like him, but as he says, I could have been born a pathological serial killer or something and that would be much worse!! (and he loves me as a drunk anyway, and is supporting me in every effort to get sober, ohmygosh!!!) My only hope is that I can get sober before I lose him..... Even the best of love can be lost through this diease.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Is there a Difference?

      This is a really good article (Alcoholism: A Physical Disease) and at the end is a link to the 'Difference in Drinkers'. I recommend reading this article and then go to this link. There is a quiz you can take to find out what type of drinker you are. Its very interesting. I think that eventually alcoholism treatments will be tailored to the type of drinker you are (maybe this is already done in some treatment centers). It makes sense that different types of drinkers might respond better to different types of treatments and medications. For example, a binge drinker probably does not have daily physical cravings so maybe Campral would not work that well. But, if there is another drug that can activate the 'stop switch' in the brain, that would be a better drug to help a binge drinker. Just an example. I don't really know whether what I'm saying here is true, but it just makes sense to me that different treatments might work better for different types of drinking problems.


        Is there a Difference?

        Fantastic site, Ada! Thanks--
        "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


          Is there a Difference?

          Db2from, your Hubby sounds like mine. He'll barely take asperin for a headache! He does enjoy his beer though. But he's amazingly forgiving, I can't believe some of the Hell I've put us both thru before finding this site.

          I thank God everyday for second chances & this place...:h
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

