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December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

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    Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

    Morning everyone

    OMG that is appalling and to think of how our nurses and front line staff are being treated, makes the blood boil.

    Have tree people here. Getting rid of two of the neighbours trees that are totally blocking light and showering us with debris. Figure I need to get all these jobs done before we get the black hole in Mayo.

    Beautiful morning here and just had nice long walk. It really sets me up for the day.


      Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

      Do they want a threesome.......... you can have Boris at a bargain £166,888 (199,455 yoyos) but he gets a free house and he doesn''t have to pay his staff...............we do. And god alone knows what he gets as expensives. One thing we know he doesn't spend money on is a decent hairdresser.
      Woke up in a rotten mood and its still hanging about didn't help that I took a selfie by mistake on my phone ............I was looking for the calculator...............I'm praying that I didn't press send to all. I look like Shrek.
      So thanks ladies for letting off some steam.

      Send in Rustytop with her axe.She'll be a Shield Maiden......................yes we're watching Vikings for the 10th time.

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

        Was out having grub...went to buy candles....ffs....all gone????!!!!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

          No still around. Just finished dinner. Any Netflix recommendations? Watched the climb last weekend and that was quite good but then put on a new Colin Farrell, Barry Keohane and Nicole Kidman movie. Weird to say the least, didn’t finish it.


            Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

            Didn't see that ..I wasn't giving out that no one around candles! Bought a heap online tho ;-)
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

              Well just had a virtual row on family WhatsApp group. with my brother which I hate to say is a p****.
              He went in after YS left the house & I had cleaned up. He took photos and ranted about how dangerous it was with loose wires & no bulbs. And a water stain on the ceiling.
              This is the person who hasn't set foot in the house for 3 years - had NO interest - even to pull the weeds from the front & back gardens.
              He never even asked how YS was - or why he was going away for 6 months.

              So I said as much to him - I said YS was not well - and no I won't ask who started the job on the alarm system ( that was a white lie I told them as to why the whole control box was on the floor) ... truth is he disconnected it while drunk because he couldn't turn it off.

              & I left the WhatsApp group.

              this is the brother who now hates me & my sister because we 'outed' his daughter who was stealing
              ( over 2k ) rom her grandmother - my mother.
              We captured it on camera - taking my Mam's last €10 out of her purse.
              Evil cow .....
              Last edited by satz123; December 11, 2021, 03:12 PM.


                Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

                Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                Was out having grub...went to buy candles....ffs....all gone????!!!!
                What kinda candles ? For wot ?


                  Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

                  Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                  What kinda candles ? For wot ?

                  Joe loves billions of candles so yeah that'll put a bit of a halt to him...have ordered a box load to be delivered.

                  Morning all...woke up with a weird sort sense of dread this particular reason...talking myself out of it tho...wot you all up to today?
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

                    Sorry, have been absent and only catching up on the craic now. What a dickhead (autocorrect wants to call him a duckweed, interesting) [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION].
                    Emotions run high this time of year, you're right to walk away.
                    Crap day here yesterday, work project going live, didn't sleep much, half the local builders downstairs, himself giving out all day.
                    We now have no tap or dishwasher until the kitchen comes on Tuesday. Windows and doors not coming until Jan! Seriously, would one of you not have warned be about this before Christmas, especially you satz, not like you to hold back :haha:
                    Builders put in some temporary windows to get over the hump of Xmas, so we are now sealed up. Plastering started yesterday.. messy. Had a great sleep so can cope with anything now today.. including washing dishes in a bucket.

                    Yesterday they were chatting about beer and crisps on the radio, it obviously caught me on a low (as I was never really into beer, but it was all alcohol, so taste was less important) and its the first time in a long time that I really felt a string urge to drink. It passed of course.. my M out last night and has a lovely hangover now and I'm as smug as they come :happy2:

                    Any successful boosters yet? You have yours I think [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]?
                    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                      Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

                      Originally posted by mollyka View Post

                      Joe loves billions of candles so yeah that'll put a bit of a halt to him...have ordered a box load to be delivered.

                      Morning all...woke up with a weird sort sense of dread this particular reason...talking myself out of it tho...wot you all up to today?
                      Mr M loves candles too, maybe I should order a bucket load too..
                      That dread Is probably just the '2 weeks till xmas' knot which emerges regardless of how organised you are..
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

                        Good morning. Just been listening to a lovely woman on the radio talking about being a child of an alcoholic mother, and how she herself became a drinker and how she beat it, fascinating.
                        Nothing to report here, just keeping busy


                          Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

                          Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                          Mr M loves candles too, maybe I should order a bucket load too..
                          That dread Is probably just the '2 weeks till xmas' knot which emerges regardless of how organised you are..
                          You're probably right Mary -- and there's been a lot going on around here lately -- us buying house, Jilly buying house, generally angsting over different bits of family 'worries' --- why am I worrying tho -- it's like sometimes - particularly with the boys -- it's like they are gone from home so long that sometimes I don't even know them all that well -- sounds ridiculous - but... oh I dunno -- think that's just part of the anxiety maybe..
                          Originally posted by brit View Post
                          Good morning. Just been listening to a lovely woman on the radio talking about being a child of an alcoholic mother, and how she herself became a drinker and how she beat it, fascinating.
                          Nothing to report here, just keeping busy
                          Hi MrsA -- I wonder what I would have been like if I'd been the child of an addict... think I could have been very sorry for myself and unforgiving -- tho maybe that's just thinking it through in my teenage head.. never lived with my parents much really --- boarding school and then left home at 18... funny one really
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

                            Good morning everyone

                            Families who needs them. My cousin used to tell me how lucky I was to be an only child, think she was right. Well done for walking away Satz.

                            Washing dishes in a bucket, that brings back memories Mary. Keep repeating, it will be worth it.

                            Talking about candles, just got the Max Benjamin White Christmas one and it’s lovely. What was the name of the podcast Brit? Listen to them while I’m cleaning.

                            That’s my plan for the day, deep clean the
                            sitting room. Had the chimney and rug cleaned during week. Just had a lovely walk in an oak Glen, fabulous. Hard to be in bad humour after that.


                              Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

                              I hear you on hear you on the knot................we've got everything it just need wrapping. If I see one more Christmas advert on TV where its all so so perfect I'm going to throw a boot at it.
                              And I won't be making my own mince pies......................seeing as I'm the only one who likes them Lidl will do. I'm quite happy with them and and some squirty cream out of a can.
                              We have a proper butcher up the road and ordered everything from them...............we've got to know the lass behind the till and she's in at 4am on Christmas Eve.

                              We have just need two candles. They go in a lovely pair of candle holders the in-laws bought us for an engagement present only brought out special occasions....................guess what we have no red candles. We also have to shagging batteries either.

                              [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]............I know he's your brother but he sounds like a pile of crap. If he's that concerned get him to put it right. You're young one is poorly and vulnerable at the moment.

                              I've left the Mr JC's family whatsap group...............I'm over 60 not fecking 16 and most of them live within half a mile. I've got a whatsap for my side of the family and tbh just read on that.

                              IamMary..........we got our boosters on the 7th. Had no bother with the other two but this one feels like I've been punched in the arm and I'm so tired. Of course Mr. JC's fine or so he says.

                              He's just in from Slimming World and he's lost a total of 41llbs (18.5973 kilos)

                              [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]...............I would have loved to have been an only child. I was five and half when my brother was born..................I was quite happy being the little princess when this squalling being arrived.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: December Army Thread with Extra tinsel and Joy

                                Rusty it wasn't a podcast but Saturdays radio 4 programme starting at 9am. Cannot remember the title of the programme. My daughter may manage to get over from Norway on Christmas Eve as long as she doesn't have to quarantine when she goes back.

