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January Army 2022

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    Re: January Army 2022

    Great news JC, sounds like you two clicked.
    I just read this: the pandemic started and finished with a Bat out of Hell.
    Amazing musician.

    Good luck trying to choose paint Rustop!
    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


      Re: January Army 2022

      Hi Army folk. I too was saddened by the passing of Meatloaf. I had the pleasure of seeing him in the 70’s at The Bitter End in NYC. It was memorable because he passed out on stage and was given oxygen by his roadies. Also, Woody Allen & Mia Farrow were there. Evidently, that is not the first time he passed out on stage and I think he was probably at his heaviest weight. It was such an intimate venue and he was AWESOME!
      Last edited by techie; January 23, 2022, 02:47 AM. Reason: Typo
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Re: January Army 2022

        [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION].............I've been e-mailed all stuff for this weeks 'tasks'. It'll have to wait until tomorrow as my phone's gone weird,battery on my watch has died and its our niece's birthday. Tomorrow will be nice and quiet so I'll start then. I need a new mobile phone as well.

        [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION].......always lovely to see you. Watched a document last night and he was massive, but what came across was a kind and lovely man he was. Well apart from falling out with his lead guitarist. Might sound ridiculous but Bat out of Hell saved my sanity when I was getting divorced 30+ years ago.

        We're going vinyl again...............I got Mr JC The Who live at Isle of Wight in 1970 for Christmas. He nearly fainted with delight.

        I'd better get a wriggle on.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: January Army 2022

          Good morning everyone

          It is always the same JC, when one electrical or electronic item goes two or three of them go. Good luck with your homework.

          Well we are officially out of lockdown, can only imagine the madness of the next few weeks. Love the wit Mary, it did indeed start with a bat out of hell! Had a nice walk in Clontarf yesterday and lunch in the Baths with my crochet group, that is about as mad as I will go. We have been very lucky for it not to come into our house, all thanks to daughter having had her booster. She has had her skiing holiday and is working next two weekends and for that I am grateful.

          Nice walk this morning and now feet up with a coffee. Making a cottage pie for dinner, have a craving for comfort food.


            Re: January Army 2022

            Hi folks...bit gloomy today sorry not posted...will get a good night's sleep and feel great tomorrow..hope you're all tomorrow xx
            Last edited by mollyka; January 22, 2022, 03:56 PM.
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: January Army 2022

              Evening all
              I was working and you know the drill after a day in there. Rosie & Abd Girls on the telly.
              [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION] ( I'm not scared )
              Hope the glooms pass quickly .... :hug:


                Re: January Army 2022

                off to the coalface :llama:
                laters .......


                  Re: January Army 2022

        's everyone?
                  D'ya know something...I think I feel insecure without drink to hide that fact and really need to stop worrying about what others think and just live my own life and do the next right thing....that is all:victorious:
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: January Army 2022

                    Aaah Molls, sorry about the blues hope one of these will do :hug:

                    Yesterday was a busy one. Got an upgrade on my phone and haven't got a fecking clue how to use it. Its just taken me half an hour to switch the fecking thing on. It doesn't help Mr JC just saying press this, do that, swipe this and expect me to take it all in in 30 seconds.
                    It was our lovely nieces 22nd so popped in for a bit of a cake. When I say popped we were there about 3 hours.

                    And I didn't get to bed 'til 2am. We'd watched Midway himself went to bed and got drawn into one on the worst film I think I've ever seen Gods of Egypt. Thankfully I managed to drag myself away from it after nearly an hour.

                    And today we're off to buy and squabble about getting a new bathroom...............should I ring in advance so they can bring a referee in.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: January Army 2022

                      Good morning everyone

                      Hugs to all feeling blue. All any of us can do is do the next right thing Molly but it has to be right for us not just to keep others happy if that makes sense.

                      Good luck bathroom shopping, would love one but not the mess it would entail. Google how to regarding the phone, much better and more patient than family members! Right off to take the dogs for a walk, the big fella is driving everyone mad.


                        Re: January Army 2022

                        Hello Army. The phone upgrade LMAO [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]. I had a funny story I shared on Cowboy’s thread. I was at a Best Buy yesterday afternoon (Tech stuff store) having my wife’s data transferred to a new laptop. I’m waiting outside because the weather was gorgeous. This guy chats me up. After a bit he asks, “want a cigarette?” I said, no thanks I don’t smoke. He says, “they’re gluten free!” I nearly wet myself laughing. Have a beautiful day folks
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Re: January Army 2022

                          Originally posted by techie View Post
                          Hello Army. The phone upgrade LMAO [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]. I had a funny story I shared on Cowboy’s thread. I was at a Best Buy yesterday afternoon (Tech stuff store) having my wife’s data transferred to a new laptop. I’m waiting outside because the weather was gorgeous. This guy chats me up. After a bit he asks, “want a cigarette?” I said, no thanks I don’t smoke. He says, “they’re gluten free!” I nearly wet myself laughing. Have a beautiful day folks
                          :haha: well this eejit missed the barley when i was cheating on a salad (lidl, v nice) and my celiac dad wolfed into it last night! he normally hates salads.. he was fine today. that’ll teach me for taking shortcuts.

                          Why do you think your worried about what people think Molls? (note, i am not brave enough to @ you!)
                          could be that you’ve a lot going on right now? This break from work will be great. Best of luck tomorrow, hope you can jump on from your posh hospital bed :happy2:

                          Apparently my actual windows arrive tomorrow.. I won’t hold my breath :cower:
                          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                            Re: January Army 2022

                            Good Monday morning

                            And it is a good one, good luck Molly with your op and you Mary with your windows. Glad your Dad was ok.

                            Is there a bit of Mammy guilt Molly? Some Sprogs not 100% delighted with your move? Don’t think our two are over the moon at the idea of himself spending so much, especially in its current state. Sod them, he had worked hard all his life and should spend his money on exactly what he feels like and I let them know that. Just a thought.

                            Better move as have work.


                              Re: January Army 2022

                              Sorry not to be posting. Off to the hospital as I now have been diagnosed with a heart condition . You couldn't make it up!!.
                              Good news is that I don't feel ill, just pain in my chest unrelated to broken ribs, also not driven to drink although tempted.
                              Love to you all!
                              I hope your op goes well Molly.


                                Re: January Army 2022

                                Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                                :haha: well this eejit missed the barley when i was cheating on a salad (lidl, v nice) and my celiac dad wolfed into it last night! he normally hates salads.. he was fine today. that’ll teach me for taking shortcuts.

                                Why do you think your worried about what people think Molls? (note, i am not brave enough to @ you!)
                                could be that you’ve a lot going on right now? This break from work will be great. Best of luck tomorrow, hope you can jump on from your posh hospital bed :happy2:

                                Apparently my actual windows arrive tomorrow.. I won’t hold my breath :cower:
                                oh best of luck with the windows -- LOVE that stage -- it's like you get a proper house back -- why do I care what people think? mmm -- do we all not care to a certain extent? I don't care if people think badly of me because of faults I have... well I do -- but I know that's my choice to have those faults -- but I do care when people mis-interpret what I say and do -- and as I said before -- I have a problem with 'deep and meaningful' conversations cos I seem to always cry - so avoid those convo's...

                                Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                                Good Monday morning

                                And it is a good one, good luck Molly with your op and you Mary with your windows. Glad your Dad was ok.

                                Is there a bit of Mammy guilt Molly? Some Sprogs not 100% delighted with your move? Don’t think our two are over the moon at the idea of himself spending so much, especially in its current state. Sod them, he had worked hard all his life and should spend his money on exactly what he feels like and I let them know that. Just a thought.

                                Better move as have work.
                                That's very interesting Rusters --- I wonder is it the two different sides of the same card (your lot and mine) -- I was reared to be independent - maybe that's a generational thing...? and I never ever EVER want to be a burden to my young people -- to the best of my ability -- and tbh I thought mine would be thrilled that we felt well enough and young enough to up and have an adventure -- and I would feel the same if it was your situation -- as you say - you worked hard for your money -- hubbie deserves this next adventure -- we all do -- we have done the hard yards and it feels like it's 'our time' for a while... but yes -- there is a bit of mammy guilt -- but then -- half the time I don't see the boys for weeks on end and without a doubt it's very different being a grandparent to sons' children and daughters' children -- I even remember it with my own mum and Joe's -- ach -- I'm backwards and forwards between crossness - sadness - and excitement... I fully intend to be up in Dublin a couple of times a month at least - now that Jilly has a house we'll have a spare room she promises!! anyway -- today I'm not going to think about them -- and in fairness they seem to have gotten over it altogether -- everyone is fine --- Joe reckons a lot of it is in my head!!! Don't let the girls take the fun out of it for your hubbie... and I bet you'll love it too! We really do deserve a bit of fun and freedom surely!!!???

                                Originally posted by brit View Post
                                Sorry not to be posting. Off to the hospital as I now have been diagnosed with a heart condition . You couldn't make it up!!.
                                Good news is that I don't feel ill, just pain in my chest unrelated to broken ribs, also not driven to drink although tempted.
                                Love to you all!
                                I hope your op goes well Molly.
                                Oh MrsA -- talk about being through the wars!! Best it manifested itself like that tho as you well know -- I'm sure many of us have major ailments underneath that we don't know about -- Covid certainly showed that up -- so many people with unknown underlying conditions -- hopefully they can medicate you and send you home --- thinking of you lovely lady xx

                                Right off to the hospital in a wee while so best go pack a bag -- talk later hopefully xx
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

