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January Army 2022

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    Re: January Army 2022

    Originally posted by satz123 View Post
    My advice - keep it to yourself Jacks 'till you get your head around it . Answer if asked by MrJC but he probably feels helpless so keep it to you & your therapist for now.
    Safe to say you are not alone in this. I've heard many stories of people who are suffering with agoraphobia since lockdowns were lifted.
    I won't pretend to understand it either but it's not a madey-up condition I'm sure.…:hug:
    I agree with all that -- until you can explain something that seems unesplainable to someone else (think addiction -- 'just drink with me' ... 'just drink less' etc) it's best keep your counsel - - explain that at the moment you can't do anything about it - that you wish you could -- and you will be able to -- just not yet... maybe if he read something about it he might be more sympathetic -- a few articles online by sufferers or something?

    Anyway -- I'm home --- I'm PTL home --- so tired it's been the longest day ever... but feet up now and Joe has a lovely dinner made and all .... the care which of course has given NO trouble for almost 14 years decided today was the day to go on strike - so it was a while before Joe could collect me which made it very very long!!!!

    Haven't properly read back -- I only had Wifi on my phone for some reason and the battery on it dies in 10 mins so just sort of gave up after a while -- will do so now!
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Re: January Army 2022

      [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]
      You are so kind. :hug: Had a word with Mr. JC when he got in from work and explained that it will be between me and the counselor from now on. It didn't put his nose out of joint and he understood completely that this is my journey......................geez I hate that word journey but can't think of a better word.
      Also it dawned on me there's no right or wrong to what I write in my daily journal.

      [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]........what a nightmare. Hope you've got a mountain of books to read.

      luckily I run out @@@@@s so I'll say goodnight.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: January Army 2022

        Good to hear your home Molly. Your making progress too JC.

        Laughing at the pair of cranky hikers [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION], the cheek of them, walking around in paradise!

        Up at silly o'clock. Appointment with my son in town. Might stick my nose into BTs, need new makeup.
        Men still wandering around this house (not right now, office hours) We're all best buddies now.

        Last edited by IamMary; January 26, 2022, 06:06 PM.
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Re: January Army 2022

          Good morning everyone

          Another beautiful one. Glad you are home Molly, enjoy being waited on. Good you had that conversation JC, as the others say go at your own pace and there is no right or wrong way.

          God, have not been in town forever. Enjoy Mary. My hairdresser said she had a few hours in Dundrum the other morning. Nobody around and it was bliss to just browse in the shops.

          Have to go out now and do the weekly shop. Hate it.


            Re: January Army 2022

            I think I've turned into a bat..............I lounge around all day doing sweet FA and suddenly about 10pm get full of busyness. Still its nice to wake up to a tidy kit hen.

            [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]..............hope you're doing well. I'd forgotten that when Mr. JC had his hip done I got tangled in Bess's lead and fell with a right cousin had to take me to emergency. Luckily nothing was broken but I was badly bruised and ended up in a sling. So between us we had one working leg (him on crutches ) and my one working arm (one was in a sling). It was a right faff cooking. All we could do was laugh.

            Actually going out tonight to a quiz..........its held at a local gym......we've won it 4 times in a row and ended up having our photo taken for their in house magazine. December issue. No we didn't buy a copy. Thought I'd have a little brag while I was on about it.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: January Army 2022

              Hello you beautiful Army folks. Sending gobs of hugs and love to you, JC. Mary, I am beginning to train for a 50 mile ultra. I’m going to do 30 on Saturday with a training buddy over in Santa Cruz. This will be the tell as to my ability to be competitive or realize ultras are not for me. Blessings everyone x

              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Re: January Army 2022

                Evening folks, same old same old here, nothing new to report and nothing much to contribute, just wanted to check in and hope this finds everyone well. Off for a long read back.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Re: January Army 2022

                  Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                  Actually going out tonight to a quiz..........its held at a local gym......we've won it 4 times in a row and ended up having our photo taken for their in house magazine. December issue. No we didn't buy a copy. Thought I'd have a little brag while I was on about it.
                  God I love an 'ol quiz.
                  The last one I was at in a pub. As everyone got drunk ... being the only sober one, I got better at answering the questions :haha:
                  BUT .... also as they got drunk the cheating started & I HATE cheating. Don't see the actual point .... teams swapping answers ?
                  I suppose it's the same old story that we know so well - with time the alcohol becomes is the most important thing.


                    Re: January Army 2022

                    Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                    I suppose it's the same old story that we know so well - with time the alcohol becomes is the most important thing.
                    Good morning everyone

                    Well done JC and Mr JC on the quiz win. You are right Satz, bloody alcohol does take over, especially in this country. Only quiz’s I have ever been at have been pub quizzes, even the school ones. Why the pub? Why can’t they be in a community hall? Because they will entice more people to come if alcohol involved and of course the pub gives their space for free because they will make money on the bar. Our culture too steeped in alcohol.

                    How are you today Molly? You too Brit, check in and let us know how you are if you get a chance.

                    Off to meet my crochet group for a stroll and lunch. We have not gone back to classes yet as we used to meet in teachers house and then one of the ladies got Covid so we were all contacts. Maybe when things settle down a bit.


                      Re: January Army 2022

                      Morning!! Well done on the quiz Jacks -- I too love them -- back in the dark ages when I worked in the bank - we used to have a women's team from round where I lived and we HATED the librarians team -- the poxy buggers ALWAYS won... we trailed in after them every time... but yeah --- it is a pub culture thing really -- it was as much a fun boozy night to us then as the quiz itself -- now I think I would take it awful seriously!!!!

                      Feeling a lot better today Rusters thanks for asking -- I was sore and tired and gloomy yesterday - but a cloud seems to have lifted off my head this morning -- everything to be done yesterday seemed like climbing a mountain!! Money has now changed hands for the house so no going back --- very excited but sad I can't get stuck into moving stuff up and down and learning about where we will live... time enough I s'pose -- Jilly also has her keys so she's just waiting for an electrician to give her the all clear on the wiring...

                      Right -- must have my brekkie and do my exercises -- my gawd they are boring!!!
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Re: January Army 2022

                        Second session today with the counselor today. I've had to keep a daily diary and got fed up with that so decided to fill in bits and pieces as they struck me. Scatterbrained was a word made just for me. But she did say in our last session its person lead or words like that. I've taken that as do it at my way. Doubt they want to know many times I patted the dog or what we were having for dinner. We'll see at 11am this morning.............I might get chucked off.

                        We were fifth in the quiz................we lost our crown. :sad: Its a good laugh and we get a curry with the entry fee.....................although I spent a lot of the time looking over Mr. JC's shoulder watching the ski jumping over his shoulder.

                        [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION].......glad to hear that Jilly's got her keys. Ahh Molls, bonnie lass I know through Mr. JC's experience with his hip..............he got very frustrated. His boss used to bring him files home so he could do some work.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: January Army 2022

                          How did the councillor go Jackie? Howdy all...quiet lot aren't yiz??:happy2:
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: January Army 2022

                            Evening folks, just taking a moment out before bed reflecting that with the al fog lifted how I now see clearly enough to count my many blessings. While we all have our problems, despite them, I try to remember I personally have so much to be thankful for. Finally kicking the poison out of my life was only the start of seeing the world in a new way. I am amazed at how alcohol clouded everything, my thoughts, words and actions for so many decades and truly stifled my growth. I lied not only to the people I care most about but also to myself. But it’s never too late to look forward to the possibilities tomorrow may offer, it’s up to us to find them and embrace what they may bring with open arms. I am loving the gift of sobriety.
                            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                              Re: January Army 2022

                              @mollyka.......glad to hear that Jilly's got her keys. Ahh Molls, bonnie lass I know through Mr. JC's experience with his hip..............he got very frustrated. His boss used to bring him files home so he could do some work.
                              Same here with MrS. He wasn't going to just sit - up & out with him - up & down the road just a few feet first but gradually the walk got longer & longer.
                              The only downside was that fecking chair.
                              Plonked in the middle of the floor. It became the nearest thing to Fr Jack's chair in Fr Ted.
                              Surrounded by cups & crumbs :haha:


                                Re: January Army 2022

                                Accidental double post
                                Last edited by IamMary; January 28, 2022, 07:33 PM.
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

