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January Army 2022

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    Re: January Army 2022

    I suppose its the context of the quote. 8k race today (a techie warm up). I'll be tired at 4k, but I can't stop then!
    [MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION], totally get where your coming from and it's great that your helping out. When is the stent going in? My dad was back walking after a few weeks, now he's back hill walking and it's only a few months since he had it done.

    Understand how the agoraphobia works now [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]. You will get there.

    Out last night with some of the girls in work. I'm still stuffed. Weird getting dressed up.

    Thought the laundry fairies would appear last night and deal with the growing mountain in the landing. They did not.. fun morning awaits.

    Good article here on what hospitals are seeing around liver damage over covid.
    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


      Re: January Army 2022

      Morning and waves to the world.

      Got to make this quick as we've got an appointment with a man that can design bathrooms. We thought it was a splendid idea just to have a large shower in there when Mr. JC's hip replacement popped out. He's another one with a hip replacement.................his was more his weight and height than exercise (he's 6' 4''). He'll need the other one doing in the future. It wasn't a splendid idea its a pain in the backside so going back to having a bath with a shower over it.

      Originally posted by techie View Post
      After some consideration, I agree with you. Thank you for your insight and wisdom. TBH, I am hurting. However. I’m still going to do the 50 mile race then reevaluate from there. Thanks again XOXO
      Is that a promise?

      Better get a wriggle on as we want to go the cinema after.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: January Army 2022

        [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]...............I'll get over it come Hell or high water. I'm going to a grandma this year, get my pension and a free bus pass and a wedding this year I can't be hiding behind the settee for the rest of my days.

        Got the words of Meatloaf in my ears and in my mind...........I would do anything for love but I'll not run a marathon.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: January Army 2022

          Love you all x
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Re: January Army 2022

            Originally posted by techie View Post
            After some consideration, I agree with you. Thank you for your insight and wisdom. TBH, I am hurting. However. I’m still going to do the 50 mile race then reevaluate from there. Thanks again XOXO
            [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] to be honest I wasn't specifically talking about marathon running or any running really.
            You know you will be able for the 50 miles without wrecking your health - then you go for it :thumbsup:
            BTW the first man to run a marathon ( 26 miles ) delivered his message and then promptly collapsed & died :egad:
            Just sayin'

            I was really talking about the quote in relation to life in general & how some people feel ( not me I hasten to add ) they have to be always on the go & doing doing doing ......

            I know you love an auld quote - so here you go from one of my favourite men :



              Re: January Army 2022

              Thank you Satzy. I am officially hurting today. More exhausted rather than actual pain. I’m seeing a sports masseuse tomorrow which should help. I understand your point regarding the quote! Thank you x
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Re: January Army 2022

                OMG, Satz you have started to seriously frighten me. With all this marathon death talk. I’ve had this book for at least 25 years. It’s called @The Complete Book Of Running.” I just found out the author, a runner, Jim Fixx died of a heart attack while running at age 52. I’m now thinking of competitive ballroom dancing as an option. I’m not one to sit around, hahaha. BTW, I found this beauty by Rumi I thought you all may appreciate. It is quite beautiful.

                Let Them Sleep
                Those who don't feel this Love
                pulling them like a river,
                those who don't drink dawn
                like a cup of spring water
                or take in sunset like supper,
                those who don't want to change,
                let them sleep.

                This Love is beyond the study of theology,
                that old trickery and hypocrisy.
                I you want to improve your mind that way,
                sleep on.

                I've given up on my brain.
                I've torn the cloth to shreds
                and thrown it away.

                If you're not completely naked,
                wrap your beautiful robe of words around you,
                and sleep.
                Last edited by techie; January 31, 2022, 02:01 AM.
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  Re: January Army 2022

                  That's lovely Techie...
                  Morning everyone..beautiful day here...I relish and cherish our temperate climate more and more as I get maybe just a degree or two warmer in the summer ;-)
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: January Army 2022

                    [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION].......beautiful. I wouldn't knock ballroom dancing. My in laws took it up when they retired and it can get quite vicious and competitive and they were just amateurs.

                    We didn't make the cinema yesterday after sorting the new took over 3 hours. I was up and down so many times I was like a yo yo I feel like I've run a marathon myself. Just as I thought the man that can had finished it was time to pick what sort of taps.................then what kind of flooring..............then do we want a vanity cupboard under the we want it to encase (think that's the word) the toilet........what flooring and just when you thought it was the we trot to look at what type toilet we want because I did want the toilet to be encased...................then which end of the bath do I want the taps................I got to that glazed over look. Luckily Mr. JC loves that kind of thing ...................he was in his element.
                    We got there in the end its being fitted first week of May.

                    Weather report...................its calm and cold and sunny. A proper January day. The amount of damage we saw just driving to the bathroom place was horrendous........where we are we've got off quite lightly (touch wood).............bit of guttering has come down but nothing serious.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: January Army 2022

                      Afternoon all !
                      Sorry [MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] for scaremongering :hug:
                      Ye know we could live our lives scared to do anything in case it kills us.
                      It's all to do with quality v quantity of life at the end of the day I suppose.

                      So run Techie run ...........



                        Re: January Army 2022

                        Afternoon everyone

                        Well done on the running Techie and Mary and JC on choosing your bathroom. That must be the whole house revamped at this stage?

                        Have heard nothing about closing date for our cottage so must chase it up this afternoon. Would put years on you.

                        On lunch break so typing this on phone. Will Catch up properly later.


                          Re: January Army 2022

                          Hi all. Feeling so much better this morning. Took the doggie for a long walk and looking forward to massage. Only teasing about the scare tactics. I’m not generally afraid of anything. We’ll, maybe my ex. Have a beautiful day. If it didn’t start that way, flip the switch. Remember, the only one in control of of your happiness is you. Blessings x

                          Last edited by techie; January 31, 2022, 01:56 PM. Reason: Add image
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Re: January Army 2022

                            Id love to be able to dance, not ballroom though. Just not to be afraid of the dance floor if ever the need arises.

                            knackered, night :sleeping:
                            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

