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HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

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    HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

    Marilyn Monroe

    HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

    Prune juice mocktail?
    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

      I had the same problem. No bread, more fruit.

      BUT NO WINE!!!!!
      Enough is enough


        HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

        Marilyn Monroe


          HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

          Here's what works like a dream for me any time I need it...
          It's an herbal tea - now, don't laugh, this really is the name of it... "Smooth Move". Made by Traditional Medicinals. Gentle and very effective. Drink before bed and in the morning ... well, take a magazine to the br with you...
          If you can't find that brand, just get some senna leaf tea. That's the primary ingredient, and senna is well known as an effective herbal laxative.


            HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

            Diamod, try colace. it works. My daughter has irritable bowel and swears by it. hope you feel better. Or drink lots of grape juice, like wine only without alcohol


              HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

              That tea, Smooth Move, helped a friend of mine who had serious problems...

              Me? I eat a ton of beans on a daily basis! Fantastic!
              "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

                I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                Marilyn Monroe


                  HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

                  Due to my recent intestinal problems I have been reading a lot about this the last few days. It is not unusual for people who stop drinking to have a problem with constipation. Sometimes drinking kills all the beneficial things in our intestines and with the laxative effect of some alcoholic drinks the body quits having to work hard to keep the system regular. They recommended yogurt along with fruit to build up the intestines to where they are functioning properly.

                  I know, I know, a lot of you thought I didn't know crap didn’t you!

                  What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                  ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                    HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

                    Oh Diamond....

                    I have been wanting to post the same subject for weeks but didnt quite know how to word it.....I have been having the same problem since I have been AF ( 6 months today I do believe ) Sometimes I feel like I am going to explode.

                    I will be watching this post!!!! Thanks for being the brave one:flush:

                    AF Since December 2006


                      HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

                      Imatree got it right. The tea called "Smooth Move" (horrible name, I know) works very very well. If you can't get that, its main ingredient is licorice root. You can always buy some licorice root (local health food store) and make a nice tea out of it. If that doesn't work, senna leaves will do a better job than you would ever want it to do - but it works - just make a tea out of them also - but be careful - they can be very strong - about five dried leaves per cup is a good start. Give both of these about six to twelve hours. Then there is always Psyllium husks (major ingredient of Metamucil, I think).
                      This is not trivial. After major surgery several years ago - well, you don't want to hear about that. But I became a little bit of an expert.
                      Good luck. My best to you.
                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                        HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

                        Pears, tabouli salad works great, veggie burgers especially the black bean ones. Don't peel your fruit or veggies at all. Add as much fiber to your diet as possible. You want to do this as naturally as possible because your body has been getting unnatural help for too long.

                        Good luck. don't feel bad it's a good thread.
                        If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                          HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

                          yah - psyllium husks for sure. When I need I drink that tea as I mentioned, then psyllium husks - which are an indigestible fiber and will grab hold of anything and sweep it out. So thats why I use it with the tea. First tea to get the flow going, psyllium husks to sweep...
                          Be sure to drink lots of water. And as mentioned - yogurt. You want to reestablish a healthy flora, and yogurt with live cultures can do that. Or even better is kefir.

                          MD - I guess you showed us that you do indeed know "crap"!!


                            HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

                            Only drink senna tea in the evening.
                            "There are two types of education... One should teach us how to make a living, And the other how to live.? ― John Adams


                              HELP !! I'm in need of bathroom advice!!

                              oh, and zin reminds me... if I'm really backed up and need the tea, I make sure I drink it on a night before a morning where I'll have a lot of opportunity for free time - for example, if I have a meeting scheduled for 8:30 -11 in the morning - no poop-tea for me. (that's what my daughter calls it - i use a diluted bit for her as needed. in fact, she requested some tonight but I decided to wait til tomorrow because tomorrow is the last day of school and I don't want her spending it in the lutrine.

