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Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!

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    Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!

    I got an email from my boss that I cannot wear the skorts that I wore to work today anymore. They are too revealing.... I wore the same skorts last year, but I've gained 30lbs since then and now the sit much higher on my hips. Gosh I'm sooooo disgusted with myself. Maybe if I have a bottle of wine I'll feel better? Ok, I won't do that. But ouch!


    Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!

    I am infuriated!! I woul d like to use all the words we use about men when we are angry. But First -- Marcie why do you think it has to do with your weight. Perhaps there is a new policy in the offic e-- which still infuriates me!!!! How many people in your office?

    No matter -- unacceptable --- law suit material -- I am going to ask my daughter -- know you probabbly won't go that route --

    You need to be disgusted & furious at him ..He is he is..well I will have to write it in ezbox mail thing

    TOO MAD -- CAN'T THINK RIGHT NOW! oh and the weakling cannot even tell you in person -- but by email -- I AM TELLING YOU THIS IS HARRASSMENT -- BUT i WILL CHECK OUT WHEN i CALM DOWN..Please let mw swear in your ezbox



      Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!

      Marcie -- read my email


        Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!

        marcies boss

        I wouldnt have any problem putting a thumb tack upside down in his chair. :evil Gabby


          Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!

          Re: marcies boss

          Geeeeeeees Marcie,

          Lemme tell ya a little story... Waaaaaaaay back in the day, a guy I once dated asked me if I was happy with the size of my abdomen. (OK, HUH? I weighed like 110 soaking wet back then! But have always had and still have a lil "pooch") Well that just ticked me off! So, without missing a beat... I tilted my sassy little head sideways... Looked at his crotch and asked, "Uhmmm, Are YOU happy with the size of your d*ck?!"

          Subject changed. End of story.

          Insensitive morons should be required by law to have a proof-speaker in tow...


            Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!

            marcies boss

            Homemade treats glazed by dog licking. Especially for him of course. Gabby
            These are called make my day paybacks. I highly recommend this Marcie. :evil


              Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!

              Re: marcies boss

              My boss is a woman. I always thought to myself I was getting a little fat for these skorts, but now I am so self conscious. I could cry.


                Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!

                Well.. I'll be Stuffed!

                Hey Chrysalis, don't you go beatin' around the bush now. You went bloody bananas when you assumed that Marcie's boss was a bloke! Blimey! talk about doin' yer block! Yer average Joe Bloggs is alright, maybe the blokes you have came across are RS but in the main WE'RE ALRIGHT!!!!!

                Don't tell me, your American? Right? SUE SUE SUE!!! Struth!

                Don't you go spittin' the dummy at the Kanga now. Just had to stick up for us blokes. :hat

                Sorry Marcie that you had to put up with that crap from your Wombat of a boss (no offence to Wombats). Don't let her get up yer nose. :hat


                  Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!


                  We had that one comin ladies. Good one Kanga. Anyway Marcie...I know how ya feel. :c gab


                    Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!

                    Re: humm

                    I had a feeling it was a woman because I have always only worked for womean and they can be serious bitchies sometimes.

                    Sorry about the skortches. I am hope she is really really fat. And fugly :lol

                    Let it roll off your back honey, I know easier said than done. Could it be the Ramen? :rollin


                      Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!

                      Dear Marcie,

                      Maybe there is a new policy - since she is a woman - maybe she is thinking you look too good!



                        Nothing like having your boss tell you you're fat!

                        Sorry to Kanga -- I'm still mad!!

                        I do apologize Kanga & I know you are not like that & there are many who are sensitive or at least respectful.:eek As far as I am concerned it is still harrassment -- true very true women managers are often brutal. This was unprofessional & uncaring... anyway Marcie -- I know you will handle it the most political & intelligent way ....

                        Dear are special & unique. Can you ever ever forgive me ...

