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July Army 2022

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    July Army 2022

    White rabbits and all that.

    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009

    Re: July Army 2022

    The Book of Mormons was fabulous. I didn't know it was a musical but it was hilarious.
    First time I've ever seen an audience give a standing ovation and clap and whoop at our theatre.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: July Army 2022

      Afternoon everyone

      Thanks for starting us off in July JC. I had forgotten that it was a new month until I logged on. Glad you enjoyed Book of Mormons, must put it on my list.

      Longitude is indeed a music festival. Glad to be over those days, you probably won’t rest easy until she’s home Mary. One of mine went to Slane one year, walked miles and miles, has blisters on her heels, put her right off concerts.

      Long day on the road yesterday but pony is lovely seems to be settling in well.


        Re: July Army 2022

        I went to Lisdoonvarna (the music one not the matchmakers) back in god knows when and got lost...eventually found Joe and the car in Doolin. Have never been to a festival since! Nightmare!
        Didn't know it was July either
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: July Army 2022

          I KNEW today was 1st July - 'cos 45 years ago we were married.
          Went out for a nice Thai meal with my SIL & husband ( not the Greece one) - and it was lovely. They are great company - kinda like putting on an old pair of slippers - no stress or nonsense & neither of them bothered to drink.
          She's just recovering from her second bout of breast cancer but delighted with life even though she's had it tough.

          Mr S was the only one drinking - he had only 4 pints - which inevitably lead to him criticizing my driving all the way home - and ended in a shouting match.
          I told him he needs to reconsider his drinking if it affects him that way ..... i.e. a grumpy f*cker like his father was after a few pints.


            Re: July Army 2022

            Anyone on here watch Stranger Things ?
            For lack of something else to watch .... I got drawn in.
            On Season 3 :egad:

            It's like a mix of the kids films I loved to watch with my 2 when they were young. The Goonies & The Gremlins with a bit of Carrie thrown in.


              Re: July Army 2022

              Yo troopers,

              Happy anniversary Satz!

              Lol at the festival experiences.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Re: July Army 2022

                Ah here...lost big long post and I'm on my phone:hopelessness:
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Re: July Army 2022

                  Nutshell stuff then
                  Hi G-ster...Good to see you
                  Happy anniversary benjy...mine was 26th June...sort of got forgotten in the fuss of moving
                  Haven't seen Stranger Things but it's on the to do list
                  Morning all
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Re: July Army 2022

                    I'm in work today

                    Adios 'til this eve :horse:
                    Last edited by satz123; July 2, 2022, 02:28 AM.


                      Re: July Army 2022

                      Congratulations to
                      a)Satz for her nine years sober and wedding anniversary and giving Mr. S an earful.

                      b)Mollymoo for her wedding anniversary, retirement and down sizing.

                      Got to doing the big shop then we're going to see Alfie. :heartbeat:
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: July Army 2022

                        Good morning everyone

                        Belated happy anniversaries ladies. Have not seen Stranger Things. Just finished The Secret, based on a true story in Northern Ireland. James Nesbitt was in it, very good.

                        Hoping to get out in the garden today but looks like rain at the moment. Have a lovely Saturday everyone.


                          Re: July Army 2022

                          Roight -
                          I've done a day's work - watched a few episodes of Stranger Things which is getting stranger and now in bed chilling.
                          WTF are yous lot ???
                          [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION] Stranger Things is very odd. Set in the 80's with it's music music I can why it's popular but I can't decide if it's taking itself seriously or just taking the pi*s out of other series. I like to think it's the latter & I'm down with the cool kids :haha:
                          [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] how was young Alfie ? you besotted?


                            Re: July Army 2022

                            Howryiz....MIA today...Jilly and Tilly arrived down we had a lovely day and finished up with a bbq on our new was very nice indeed but jaysus I'm tired now. Joe is doing one of his quiet moody sort of things which I genuinely find exhausting...he hasn't said or not said anything 'wrong'...its just an air he has...pox on him.... I'm just ignoring him...too old and tired to be dealing with it!
                            Is it from that that 'running up that hill' came Benjy?

                            I'm off...hope all is okay and Alfie is wonderful Jack's? Night all
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Re: July Army 2022

                              Is it from that that 'running up that hill' came Benjy?
                              Yep. All things 80s is having a revival apparently - so that's why the show is popular.
                              Must dig out me shoulder pads.
                              LOVED shoulderpads - kinda 'evened' you out if you had 'good child bearing hips' which a male work colleague once told me :egad:

