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July Army 2022

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    Re: July Army 2022

    [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]...............let him go. You've done cartwheels for him and its time for him to man up.You're a lovely woman who doesn't need this so don't blame yourself.

    [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION].........Its between Nana or Grandma. I'll find out when he learns to talk.

    [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION] cousin had her first at that age smack in the middle of training to be a nurse. So she would be about 20. He's now 30 with a baby of his own. Then she married one of the surgeons and had another 3 children.

    Oh and I'm 13 years sober today. :applouse:
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: July Army 2022

      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
      [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]...............let him go. You've done cartwheels for him and its time for him to man up.You're a lovely woman who doesn't need this so don't blame yourself.

      [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION].........Its between Nana or Grandma. I'll find out when he learns to talk.

      [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION] cousin had her first at that age smack in the middle of training to be a nurse. So she would be about 20. He's now 30 with a baby of his own. Then she married one of the surgeons and had another 3 children.

      Oh and I'm 13 years sober today. :applouse:
      JackieClaire - I KNEW the date today meant something special but couldn't but my finger on it. 13 years!! Huge congratulations! You have always been an inspiration and have helped so many here with your wise words and suppport. :heartbeat:

      Satzy - thinking of you. Yep. delusional. And definitely not ready yet to get his shit together. Unfortunately for ALL of you. Sending you :hug:

      Waves to all the Army!

      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Re: July Army 2022

        Ho folks...well done Jackie.. and yes let him go Benjy..not that you could stop him an extent
        he's living in an unnatural cocoon at home...let him see (again) how non-functional he is in the real world..might wake him up.
        No Rusters...for where and when I'm going all airports bar Dublin are indirect....couldn't hack it...give me a few hours in Dublin any day!

        I'm granny...the boys other granny 'baggsed' nana...which personally I to Tilly I'm Granny as well and to Éabha and I presume Bobby as well I'm GrannyMary cos they have about 4 grannies and 10 great grannies ;-)
        The sun is pumping down...too hot to do anything so I'm doing nothing!
        Last edited by mollyka; July 7, 2022, 08:21 AM.
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: July Army 2022

          Originally posted by mollyka View Post
          I'm granny...the boys other granny 'baggsed' nana...which personally I to Tilly I'm Granny as well and to Éabha and I presume Bobby as well I'm GrannyMary cos they have about 4 grannies and 10 great grannies ;-)

          I like Nanny or Nana.
          Ultimately it's the parents who will teach the child what to call you.
          I'd hate Granny - it conjures up images of 'ol granny grey' - sort of Peig Sayers type.
          That ain't you Molls !!


            Re: July Army 2022

            Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
            Oh and I'm 13 years sober today. :applouse:

            WELL DONE NANNY JACKS !!!
            :welldone:What an achievement ......
            Did MrJC remember ?


              Re: July Army 2022

              Originally posted by satz123 View Post
              I like Nanny or Nana.
              Ultimately it's the parents who will teach the child what to call you.
              I'd hate Granny - it conjures up images of 'ol granny grey' - sort of Peig Sayers type.
              That ain't you Molls !!

              Nah I love being granny...its a family thing mebbe...mum was granny as was her mum...the other ones are made up...just my opinion!!
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Re: July Army 2022

                Happy sober anniversary JC! Thanks for all you do here and for sticking around. You're a beacon of stability for many many people. thank you.

                Big waves to all. Surf's up.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Re: July Army 2022

                  Morning Army!

                  Congratulations, Jackie, on 13! years of sobriety!!! what an accomplishment... :welldone:

                  Satz, thank you for the update on YS.. i think of you all often and wonder how you're doing..:hug:

                  with all the Granny, Nanny and Nana talk here, i'm warming up to the names.. we have Grandma and my dad's mom insisted on being called Grandmother (which actually really fit!).. i was leaning towards Lolo, which works with my name and is what i've been called by little ones in the past.. but my daughter doesn't like that! her guy is Gambian and there's a lovely sortof neutral sounding name they have for granny.. which i might be able to take since his mom is so far away!! but i'd have to remember it first..:happy2:

                  Molly, seems like the drinking thoughts have subsided a bit today.. i don't feel as on edge and annoyed! yesterday i thought, this must be a bit of a test..? i don't know.. i didn't come close to giving in to the thoughts, but they were more present than i'm comfortable with.. maybe that's the point.. to learn not to be afraid as they're just "thoughts".. they can't hurt me and i can just leave them alone, NOT act on them.. that's what NS is always talking about.. anyway, so far so good!!:happy2:
                  are you off to the Canaries on your own in September or is Joe going with you?

                  wishing you all a lovely Friday!! xxxx


                    Re: July Army 2022

                    Don't know what time it greetings to the Army.
                    Would have been here a bit earlier but trying to work out a text on my phone I got was real or a put my Sherlock Holmes hat on. Definitely a spammer. Now blocked.

                    Thank you so much for the congrats. Mr JC did remember and when I opened my laptop there was a lovely card from him.

                    [MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION].............still love Minions..............we went to see their new movie on Sunday afternoon. Only adults in the cinema.

                    Alfie can call me anything as long as its not stupid I quite like Nana Jax. Jenny used to call Mr JC's mum Grandma Beads as she always wore a pearl necklace...............she still does.

                    [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION]..............when you get those thoughts imagine yourself wrapping them in kitchen roll and putting them in the bin.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: July Army 2022

                      Afternoon everyone

                      Congratulations JC, you should be very proud of yourself. What a gift to give Alfie, a sober Granny/Nana, whatever else you will be called it won’t be drunk Granny.

                      Totally delusional Satz and you have done everything under the sun so I guess he will go and find his rock bottom. At least it is not in your home. Thinking of you and sending you strength to deal with it.

                      Beautiful sunny day here, lot of catching up to do with being away.


                        Re: July Army 2022

                        3rd time trying to post àaaaaaaarrrrggghhhh
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: July Army 2022

                          Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                          3rd time trying to post àaaaaaaarrrrggghhhh
                          WHAT are you at Molls ? :haha:


                            Re: July Army 2022

                            Finding myself very bored today. I'll be glad to go to work tomorrow for a change of scenery - I feel my life has been on hold for the past 6 months.
                            MrS has gone racing - so just me & Rosie - snoozing & reading.

                            YS came home last night @ 10 pm & went straight to bed.
                            He got up @ 10:30 am & headed out without a word.
                            I text him - he said he just had to get out - couldn't face his Dad's criticism.

                            Here's a question : should MrS keep harping on about how badly YS is doing.
                            He'll state the bleedin' obvious ( as Basil Fawlty says) :
                            "What are you doing ? you're going nowhere. You've been drinking 5 days. You're a disaster - all stuff we know but he feels the need to reiterate everything.
                            He worries more than me but it comes out as anger.

                            What do yous think. Did this family criticism happen to you [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]? [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]? @anyonereading ?


                              Re: July Army 2022

                              Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                              YS came home last night @ 10 pm & went straight to bed.
                              He got up @ 10:30 am & headed out without a word.
                              I text him - he said he just had to get out - couldn't face his Dad's criticism.

                              Here's a question : should MrS keep harping on about how badly YS is doing.
                              He'll state the bleedin' obvious ( as Basil Fawlty says) :
                              "What are you doing ? you're going nowhere. You've been drinking 5 days. You're a disaster - all stuff we know but he feels the need to reiterate everything.
                              He worries more than me but it comes out as anger.

                              What do yous think. Did this family criticism happen to you [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]? [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]? @anyonereading ?
                              I think the very last thing YS needs is his dad’s criticism. Mr. S could keep his yap shut if he doesn’t have anything constructive to say.
                              Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                                Re: July Army 2022

                                Originally posted by Slo View Post
                                I think the very last thing YS needs is his dad’s criticism. Mr. S could keep his yap shut if he doesn’t have anything constructive to say.
                                I if the same criticism came from you Benjy I think he would have to sit up and listen ...but imo from what you've told us MrS is very fond of the booze if not somewhat dependent on it? If that's the case why on gods earth should YS listen to him? Joe really kept his mouth shut when I was ...shall we say ... acting up..cos he knew he wasn't far behind me...and I wouldn't have listened to ongoing hypocrisy from him. (Don't get me wrong...there were rows fuelled by my drinking...more my hiding of my drinking)

                                Hiya Slo!!! Hows it going?
                                Last edited by mollyka; July 8, 2022, 10:31 AM.
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

