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July Army 2022

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    Re: July Army 2022

    Good morning Army!!

    And a happy Monday to all!!

    Ah, the body image. When I was younger, my Mom insisted I clean up my plate from the helpings that she had given me (always larger than children's' portions) so I was always on the chubby side and I remember at a young age someone saying - she's pretty, too bad she's chubby. (not fat - never got to that point). When I was in my early teens, the "beautiful" girls at school were short, slim, blonde, big boobs, perfect teeth, and great skin. My Irish roots gave me freckles (with light skin and black hair). My Mom's family gave me my height (although not tall, certainly not short), gap in my front teeth that I hated (it disappeared in my early 20's) and defo not big boobs. So of course I was never considered one of the pretty girls even tho' I had (and think I still do) a rather nice face. I actually came into myself after we moved to Greece. I lost weight and got in shape (swimming, walking and racquet ball on the beach) and was finally happy with what I looked like. Hair still the same, freckles still there, boobies still the same size but I was in shape and physically very strong and that made me feel good. Not so happy these days as I am not in shape but it's not a matter of what I look like, it's a matter of how I feel physically - don't have the strength and stamina that I did but have some extra kilos. I definitely need to work on that but being in the office 10 hours a day takes a toll on my being inspired to get out and walk or whatever after work. I guess I should take an example from Mrs. A and at least get some walking in in the evening hours. I am at an age (70) that I really don't care what other people think about how I look. I wear makeup every day and dress nicely for work but I do those things for me. Body image is a big issue tho' especially with the teens. I think we have lost the ball as far as female roll models go. I mean, who are young girls/women supposed to look like - Lily Collins or Nicki Minaj? All the plastic surgery that goes on - girls in their mid teens getting nose jobs, later teens getting boob jobs and butt implants. Crikey. Nothing is real or natural anymore and these are the standards of "beauty" that are being thrown at us. And teenage boys don't have it much better. They're supposed to be in perfect physical shape with the 6-pack, broad shoulders a zillion tattoos. Dunno - really glad I am not raising kids in Canada in this day and age.

    Weather is a balmy 28 here in Athens with a cool breeze. The Mary wan will be landing in Thessaloniki in a while - similar weather conditions there. Hope they all have a great time here!!

    Waves to all - back to the filing!!:cuss:

    Have the best day you can make it!!!!
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      Re: July Army 2022

      Good morning everyone

      I think most women struggle with how they look. I was lucky enough to be really skinny until my 30’s. If I eat exactly what I feel like now I put the weight on and mainly around my tummy. Have dieted many times over the years, lost it and gained it again. Think I’m doing what you said Satz, feeling deprived and then binging. Sugar is definitely a problem for me. Very interested in your approach.

      Not as sunny here today and I am glad as I am stuck inside at work. Just on a coffee break. Enjoy your hols Mary.


        Re: July Army 2022

        Have a great holiday Mary...didn't know it was NOW!!! Safe journey!
        My sisters were tall-ish but not as tall as dad was 6'4" which was very tall back then mum was petite and a wee bit vain ;-)
        My kids are very tall...jilly same as me and the midget of the 3 boys is 6'2"!
        Yeah there was a family lived down the road and ach it wasn't in your face but those incidental remarks that hurt to the quick...' such pretty little girls'....and 'such neat little figures'...that sort of thing...I think all 3 of us grew up feeling like elephants!
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: July Army 2022

          Hope you can sort things with your fella Elsie...don't let things fall apart (if you don't want them to) if you can talk it out. I learnt that in treatment and Joe and I now talk everything out. If one of us says 'I want to talk about something' we sit down and do it...wish I'd learnt that 40 years ago!!!
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Re: July Army 2022

            [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]..................You know my love of google but I found this What Happens to Your Body When You Fast for 16 Hours? 16:8 Diet

            I was 7 stone (44.5 kilos) when I stopped drinking.........a size 8 hung off me.

            I rarely eat breakfast (apart from in a hotel and its paid for in the price). When I was a wee girl and my mum would plonk a bowl of cereal in front of me I'd wait until she'd gone to get dressed and it went straight in the dogs dish.

            It was as hot as Hell yesterday so to get a bit of respite from the the heat we went to the cinema...........Thor,Love and Thunder. Bit pricy for a few hours of air conditioning but it was bliss but it did include Chris Hemsworth (:heartbeat and a bucket of pop corn.

            Up to 29C today then by the look at our weather forecast its going to cooler and rain.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: July Army 2022

              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
              [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]..................You know my love of google but I found this What Happens to Your Body When You Fast for 16 Hours? 16:8 Diet

              I was 7 stone (44.5 kilos) when I stopped drinking.........a size 8 hung off me.

              I rarely eat breakfast (apart from in a hotel and its paid for in the price). When I was a wee girl and my mum would plonk a bowl of cereal in front of me I'd wait until she'd gone to get dressed and it went straight in the dogs dish.

              It was as hot as Hell yesterday so to get a bit of respite from the the heat we went to the cinema...........Thor,Love and Thunder. Bit pricy for a few hours of air conditioning but it was bliss but it did include Chris Hemsworth (:heartbeat and a bucket of pop corn.

              Up to 29C today then by the look at our weather forecast its going to cooler and rain.
    're like Joe...likes getting his monies worth (your hotel breakfast!). I never ate breakfast till I got sober...favourite meal of the day now ..we've discovered a hedge of raspberry bushes over at the side of the garden...laden down with big bowl full of them and the blackcurrants we also inherited with natural yoghurt and maple die for!!!
              My awkward son (he's a darling ...just very like me not great with the social niceties) who wasn't happy about us moving down here...he was on the phone today and himself and the lads are coming down this week or next...delighted I am...thought he'd make a point out of us being 'so far away'!!
              Is the Mary wan actually gone?
              Howdy all else and where's MrsA????
              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                Re: July Army 2022

                All I can say is I was a fat child, a fatter teenager & all that goes with that. Smart remarks, bullying at school, the one on the edge without the boyfriend.
                At age 11 I was getting size 16 from Dunnes Stores women's section.
                I used to pray in the church that I would wake up thin.

                At 17 I decided I was going to do something about it & I did.

                Every now & then I let it get out of control & yes it makes me unhappy. I want to look nice , not fat, and wear nice clothes & not 'ol wan clothes.
                So I do something about it. I know it may seem that I'm always obsessing about weight but not really. At the moment I am very happy with my 9 stone 8 lbs ( which was 11 stone. 8 lbs...... way too heavy for my 5'3".)
                I will never have the luxury of eating what I want - because genetically I am predisposed to weight gain - so I will always have to keep an eye on it.
                If I take my eye off the ball I will gain weight.
                It's just unhealthy & to my eyes unattractive because that is how I experienced it.
                I know at my age it's supposed to be unimportant - but to me how I look is important to my self-esteem.
                I believe in being the best version of yourself that it's possible to be.

                And yes I think everyone looks back 20/30 years & wishes they were still there. We never were told we were pretty or good looking so we didn't believe it.

                Funny..... I was looking back on my wedding album just the other day and my sister said - "why didn't we know we were attractive then"
                "God we were gorgeous "


                  Re: July Army 2022

                  Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                  @satz123..................You know my love of google but I found this What Happens to Your Body When You Fast for 16 Hours? 16:8 Diet

                  Thanks for that Jacks .... interesting stuff I knew but forgot I knew :haha:
                  Breakfast at 11 suits me - I was never a breakfast first thing person. So not a chore.
                  Not eating after 7 is the hard bit. It's when I'm plonked & could be in & out of the kitchen but it's just mindless eating.


                    Re: July Army 2022

                    hi lovely Army peeps!!

                    running by quickly on my way to work..

                    wishing you all a nice Tuesday and see you this afternoon..xx


                      Re: July Army 2022


                      Yes it's sad we didn't know how lovely we were...people didn't seem to compliment each other back then...however...nowadays a lot of people are very fake..younger ones ..think it's television:congratulatory: seriously tho...they've grown up with this whole 'I love you' to people they've met once so even if they tell each other it's probably fake. At least IF someone said something nice back in the dark ages they probably meant it!!
                      Really wasn't trying to get at you and even tho I've a lifetime of hating being so tall the advantage is that nobody would even see I put on a few kilos so I should keep my mouth shut.

                      No plan for today yet...looks a bit cloudy at the moment.
                      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                        Re: July Army 2022

                        Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                        Good morning everyone

                        I think most women struggle with how they look. I was lucky enough to be really skinny until my 30’s. If I eat exactly what I feel like now I put the weight on and mainly around my tummy. Have dieted many times over the years, lost it and gained it again. Think I’m doing what you said Satz, feeling deprived and then binging. Sugar is definitely a problem for me. Very interested in your approach.

                        Not as sunny here today and I am glad as I am stuck inside at work. Just on a coffee break. Enjoy your hols Mary.
                        [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION] - so you understand the issue - when we ignore it the weight piles on and stays there 'till we do something. It's just not healthy.
                        Of course you want to get back to where you were in your 30s but I've learned we can just accept we won't, and settle for when the clothes fit well.
                        If I was 9st.8 in my 20s / 30s I'd be battling to get it down but as we get older the weight is distributed differently and we can carry more.

                        You are a very active, fit person so I'm sure a few tweaks with 'when' you eat will make the difference to you.
                        And yes it's all to do with BLOOD sugars - insulin spikes. If you keep the spikes at bay you will lose fat.
                        White food - bread, pasta etc for instance will spike your blood sugars & cause fat to be laid down.
                        That is my simple explanation. If I read more about it my head hurts :haha:

                        Queue [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION] to post - she is the expert without being preachy.


                          Re: July Army 2022

                          Originally posted by mollyka View Post

                          Yes it's sad we didn't know how lovely we were...people didn't seem to compliment each other back then...however...nowadays a lot of people are very fake..younger ones ..think it's television:congratulatory: seriously tho...they've grown up with this whole 'I love you' to people they've met once so even if they tell each other it's probably fake. At least IF someone said something nice back in the dark ages they probably meant it!!
                          Really wasn't trying to get at you and even tho I've a lifetime of hating being so tall the advantage is that nobody would even see I put on a few kilos so I should keep my mouth shut.

                          No plan for today yet...looks a bit cloudy at the moment.
                          Molls - don't ever do that - your perspective on things has always been welcomed & thought provoking.


                            Re: July Army 2022

                            Soooooooooooo jealous of your raspberries,Molls

                            No sun today but still as hot as Hades.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: July Army 2022

                              Got locked into my houselease: electric gates clamped shut..wouldn't budge...finally got Malachy....loveliest Mayo man who fixed them...hate being useless cos I do imagine if Joe was here he'd have fixed it....blame myself cos have happily settled back for 40 odd years (odd in more ways than one) and let him do the 'blue jobs'...well at least I know where our bank account is:yay:
                              Last edited by mollyka; July 12, 2022, 06:32 AM.
                              Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                              contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                                Re: July Army 2022

                                Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                                Soooooooooooo jealous of your raspberries,Molls

                                No sun today but still as hot as Hades.
                                No sun here either Jacks....have to say ..I've never seen a raspberry hedge....anywhere...we also are gonna have a fab crop of wild blackberries....super love blackberries...actually that I think of it...Joe used to make blackberry wine in 5 gallon containers:egad:....and I wonder what happened to me!!!!
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

