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Take it or leave it?

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    Take it or leave it?

    Hi all

    I just can't seem to get by more than 3 days of AF then I start drinking again. There are days I can just leave it, but then I think I've done really well and reward myself for not drinking by drinking. How crazy is that? I'm just fed up of not being able to knock this on the head once and for all.

    Why do I feel that because I'm not drinking till I blackout, that it is ok to "treat" myself? Why do I not realise that is how it all started. The occasional drink becomes an everyday thing and before you know it you want to cut down but your hooked.

    Sorry for rambling but I needed to get this off my chest.

    Hope you have a good day.

    Take it or leave it?

    That was me when I tried to moderate. I would not drink that night nd because I was sober the next day I used to drink more the next night. So not only being drunk but double - blackout !!

    The only way I have managed so far is abstaining. There was a thread a while back about moderating and abstaining, and on the long term boards too maybe they can help you better?

    Good luck
    Diamond x
    I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
    I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

    Marilyn Monroe


      Take it or leave it?

      I am just the same, I can't moderate for me it's all or nothing. If you drink to blackout
      like I would, it's a problem. Like Diamond the only way I can manage is by abstaining,
      which I have done for 18 weeks, and have never felt better. Hope you find the help you
      need. Best of luck. Paula.x


        Take it or leave it?

        im the same Lotus, 3 days is about the average. And I would so love to be af for ever, ive been trying to give up for years and during the day I feel strong but come 9pm and I feel like somthings missing ! And sat nights are the worst, I way over drink on a sat ! I think I must be one of the biggist idiots in the world trapped in this cycle of s**t!


          Take it or leave it?

          Limers, have you tried the supps? I took topa for some time, now I take kuzdo,
          I really find it helps. Your not an idiot, you are trying to do something about it.
          I have had problems for years, but since I found this site I have found so much
          support and non judgemental people, it has really helped me.


            Take it or leave it?

            thanks Paula ,no I havnt tried supps. I must send away for them .I thought I could do it without, I will send away for them and your right ,this site is amazing ,I feel very lucky I found it.


              Take it or leave it?

              I haven’t posted for a while. Basically I keep doing what I have always done, not drinking for 5-6 days, then drink on Sat., not excessively, but enough. I am questioning whether this is doing that much harm, to be concern about? I am after all healthy, happy, exercising a lot. I really don’t know!


                Take it or leave it?


                It's interesting how we all have the same common denomonator(BOOZE) but our patterns or habbits differ. If someone told me I had to go a week or even days without booze, I
                would probably panic. Well, I wouldn't actually panic, because I don't do that, but at said
                habitual hour in the night, I would be in a pickle . I drink every night at exactly 10pm and go to bed at 11:30. Outside of that I NEVER think of booze. Oh , and to add to my nightly
                ritual, I have one mini,pipe tobacco cigar.Otherwise, I hate the smell of smoke . Yea, I know, weird!:nutso:


                  Take it or leave it?

                  Hi all

                  3 days AF then a drink or two, or a few? sounds ok to me. that's pretty much my life. compared to what it was before, that's sobriety!

                  I suppose it depends what you do on the fourth day - if you're not getting totally wasted, just drinking, going to bed and getting up in the morning to do a days work, then frankly you are on a totally unproductive guilt trip about what a lot of"normal" people do every week of their lives. it's just that we MWO-ers obsess about every drop we consume and whether it is good or bad.

                  If I were you, i would work on keeping the volume down on the drinking dyas, and not beat yourself up about being totally AF. Topa and supps do the trick for me. I can now stop at half - 3/4 a bottle of red wine, even on a major "session". Twice a week, that's ok by me.

                  Rip x


                    Take it or leave it?

                    Hi all and happy Friday!!!! Im new hear dont write a whole lot but sure read alot! Love your post Lotus and all the other ones to. I am a all or none person I have been drinking almost all my life my first drunk I was 4 got a hold of my moms martinin and off I went. I have never experienced that feeling again and oh how I have tried. Thats what I learned from my mother just keep your mouth shut and have a drink. And thats what I did. I used to have a great time on booze but I crossed that line many years ago. Every reason was a reason to drink sad, happy, mad, etc. I am not a social drinker I drink to drown everything out, Today again I have almost 2 months AGAIN and still am so full of guilt and shame its scary. Thanks for everyone being here I know I am not alone in this


                      Take it or leave it?

                      That's me too.... 2 to 3 days AF - feeling great, going to treat myself with a drink, and bam!!! Drink till blackout........... Seems like we just keep backing up, and running head on into that same tree over and over again....

                      I don't understand WHY.... just keep doing it...

                      We have to keep trying........................

