How that Burke person was ever left in charge of young people beggars belief!
My daughter Jilly ...her best friend goes by them/they...I stumble sometimes forgetting but they are grand about it...I just tell them I'm a bewildered old dear:victorious:
Back to normal today..Max able for walks so went out to the river in Cong...just lovely!
Living the dream...mmm...NO ONE lives the dream I of my sons is very distanced from upsets me a lot but there really doesn't seem to be anything we can do...he's the same with his siblings...he seems angry a lot of the yeah..that's my burden!
And good on you Inchy coming here with a plan..get the drugs out of the way...then the booze. I didn't quit smoking for over 2 years after getting sober and glad I did it that way.
Howdy everyone else..and on that note I'm going to bed..few things I want to do on the laptop and I'm on a good book so talk tomorrow folks! Xxx