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No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

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    No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

    Your strength and courage shine so bright,
    Your commitment to sobriety is a beacon of light.
    You have come so far in such a short time,
    Your transformation has been a truly sublime.

    In life, you will face many tests,
    But your sobriety is one that you have mastered the best.
    Your journey has been long and sometimes hard,
    But now you can celebrate with your ten-year card.

    We are proud of all that you have achieved,
    For your sobriety, you deserve to be relieved.
    So keep on walking down that sober road,
    We know that you’ll never let go.
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest

    Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

    Well done on the 10 years No Sugar!
    I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

    Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

    Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


      Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

      Congratulations on a major milestone. Blessings to you. NS x
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

        Ah NS - thrilled for you lovely lady to be celebrating 10 years free from alcohol.
        MWO has changed so much since we came here a decade ago but thank you for staying on to help others. No doubt it is sometimes a thankless job as people come & then go without warning and we wonder what happened to them.
        (But then again, I think we all did it when we were starting out - this can be seen in our join date compared to our actual quit dates.)

        Personally I have so enjoyed your posts over the years on ALL topics - so insightful. I've learned a lot.
        I know I can always find you by going to the Nest where you will be (with others) sharing your wisdom & encouragement.

        Take a bow !!!


          Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

          Hey, Byrdie. I didn't know you were a poet, too! Thank you. xx

          I really appreciate all the good wishes - so nice to wake up to them this morning.

          10 years ago, I fast-forwarded to this day in my mind. I fantasized about how after 10 years, days and even months would cease to matter so much. Even at the start, I wanted to be done with the day to day obsession with not drinking that is needed at the beginning. It took awhile but it is so nice to be to the place that living a life not controlled by a drug is comfortable and normal. I rarely think about alcohol at all and even more rarely does it have any appeal (which fortunately is easy to dismiss).

          Thanks for being here, everyone. It makes such a difference to do this with others :heart: NS


            Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

            Well done NS can start counting in decades now...omg when I came to MWO first in fear and trembling I think Lav and Jackie were the only ones with more than a year under their belts and I was in absolute AWE! Now look at you!!! Xx
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

              Happy 10 years sober NS. Seems like such a long time but as we know the beginning is hard but the journey is never dull. Its been lovely to be on that journey with you. Heres to many more years to come.

              much love xxx
              AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

                Congratulations, NS, on a solid decade of alcohol-free living! That is quite a milestone. And what you described truly is the reward: to be comfortably living a life that is NOT controlled by a drug! Thank you for sharing that, my friend.
                Last edited by Slo; January 25, 2023, 09:05 AM.
                Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                  Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

                  Congratulations! And thank you for all you’ve done over the years, but most especially for being so supportive of me, personally, and an inspiration. When I first got sober, or rather, the first time I got sober and in the early days, I lived on MnMs, the peanut variety, because that was my healthy option. lol
                  Reading your posts about the effect sugar had on the body made me shudder, but also made me do the research into health and nutrition needed, especially in early sobriety. You were way ahead of your time.

                  all the best to you. Xo


                    Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

                    Thanks, all. I really appreciate your taking your time to write a note. I'm very happy with where I am and know that this site and its members were instrumental in making that possible. My hope is that anyone who wants the peace that is on the other side read what we all write on MWO and realize it really is possible. The thing I was so afraid of - life without my crutch - was such an unfounded fear. Life is so much better this way!!


                      Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

                      Originally posted by NoSugar View Post
                      Thanks, all. I really appreciate your taking your time to write a note. I'm very happy with where I am and know that this site and its members were instrumental in making that possible. My hope is that anyone who wants the peace that is on the other side read what we all write on MWO and realize it really is possible. The thing I was so afraid of - life without my crutch - was such an unfounded fear. Life is so much better this way!!
                      Succinctly put as usual NS - and so true :welldone:


                        Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

                        Hi All
                        Congratulations. NS. 10 is a big one.
                        Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
                        AF 5-16-08


                          Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

                          :congrats: Great job on 10 years NS!!!
                          This way of life IS so much better.

                          All the best to you :welldone:
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Re: No sugar racks up 10 years!!!!!

                            A tad late for the celebrations but congratulations on your decade AF. Well done you. :thumbsup:

                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009

