Evening all,
pain is turning out to be, well, a pain to get sorted xD doctor referred me by bloody text, without speaking to me, but didn't prescribe anything, I called them, they said call out of hours service 111, called them, told me to call my gp, being stubborn I made 111 call my gp so they'd take me seriously. GP calls, wants to give me gabapentin which a)is a drug I don't trust, based on mounting evidence its not the wonder pill the pharma companies made it out to be and b)takes 4 sodding weeks to work. I'm not planning on this situation lasting 4 weeks so why jump straight to a drug that won't do anything for me? They sent a prescription for the same painkiller I'm on now that isn't working. So now I'm waiting for a call back from a nurse at 111 - all I want is a painkiller to get me through until I see the guy they referred me to and can find out whether this is another long term situation or just a rough patch. I could scream honestly, I'm so tired and spending all my time chasing this, I didn't even want to be on painkillers any more now I can't stop taking them and can't focus worth a damn. Can't catch a break.