This thread is one of the reasons I was obsessed with MWO back in the day. And am becoming obsessed again.
Not being Catholic, or particularly religious, I had to google what you all were referring to, and how things have changed, and why. I had to stop reading. It's not that I didn't know. I mean, even though I live in the US, I'm not totally oblivious. ha. But I have to limit my intake of the horror human beings visit on one another.
[MENTION=24767]battleforthesun[/MENTION], it's amazing how things change from day to day. And here's the lesson in that which gives me hope. Today, the world falls apart. Tomorrow, the world puts itself back together.
(Actually, not to be depressing, but I'm not talking about the actual world, which seems to be falling apart at a much greater rate than it used to be, and with little hope of recovery. But maybe I'm just getting old and am depressed, which are both true.) (And ffs, if y'all can get it together in Ireland to be inclusive, maybe there's some hope for the US, or at least my state, or my city...) (I'm totally joshing [japing?] about Ireland. I don't know enough to know anything. Just trying to be funny.)
Okay, I have a serious question. Who is Inchy? And all are of y'all British, except Techie, and Guitarista, who I know are from the US and Oz, respectively.
[MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION], I'm already feeling particularly sophisticated and bilingual, but your post was impossible to understand. lolol :hug:
JC, I know it was all of a day ago, or so, but loved that video. ty.
Techie, congratulations on the halfway mark!