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February Army Thread

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    Re: February Army Thread

    Originally posted by satz123
    n fairness I also don't see the appeal of most humans full stop, quite happy to spend all my time in my own little bubble with just the pets.

    Jesus Inchy I thought I was bad. MrS calls tells me I'm totally anti-social.
    I remember years & years ago a psychologist was giving a class in something or other at work. She asked the question : "give me a sentence when
    I say : people are ..... ?"
    Lots of flowery replies but I wrote just one word "there". People are there.

    She said "very interesting that" "you just tolerate people if they happen to be around - but you don't go looking for them"
    I'm afraid that may be it in a nutshell. :egad:
    MrS is FOREVER on the phone talking to someone or he is out on the road talking to someone else or making plans to meet in the pub. He invites people to meet him.
    I rarely phone anyone - just do not feel the need for idle chat I suppose.
    If I meet someone I can have great conversations and in work I'm all yap - I love talking to the visitors - especially new ones . I'm even turning into one of those ol biddies who talk to you in the Q at the bank or the supermarket- but only because people happen to land in my space. Sometimes I'll learn something new - other times I won't and I then head off on my merry way.

    I think if I ever sat in a shrink's chair he'd have a field day :haha:
    I regularly make my phd supervisors laugh with my hatred of people, I have probably the lowest need for social contact of anyone I know, in fairness I'm autistic and have social anxiety so I don't really 'get' people. I find them interesting to watch but heaven forbid one should talk to me. I'm lucky my work is super accepting of neurodivergent people and they just let me walk around with my headphones on in my little bubble, and my PhD supervisors know I'm not a people person and find ways to work around it. I talk online to a couple of people regularly - my best friend of 17+ years and I message throughout the day, just whatever nonsense we're up to, and I trade memes with a friend from my old job but that's about as social as I get. I make friends at gigs sometimes, but I'm one of those folks who queues for 12-18 hours and you have to talk to people so they hold your spot when you need to pee xD I can go weeks without speaking to someone in person without it being a problem though, just the way I'm wired, I'd rather be studying xD
    Last edited by Battle_for_the_sun; February 27, 2023, 05:20 PM.

    SH free - 25/11/2022
    AF - 15/02/2023


      Re: February Army Thread

      Evening. Missed so many days, took me ages to catch up. But have the summary now, no babies or real life humans allowed, inchys getting there, dragster too.. is that 2 days in the bag now?
      Great quote by Molls, hope it worked on YS.
      Loads of drugs in Ireland, read that too Rustop. Although I don't think it's anywhere near parts of the US, if Ozark is anything to go by!
      Havnt watch the Last of Us yet but son also insisting that I'll love it.

      Snowed under, especially the weekends. It will all pass, but everything happening over the same 2 weekends.. pulled something on my calf.

      Hope you got home safely Techie.
      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


        Re: February Army Thread

        Hey all!

        So much going on lately I see.

        So sorry about Max Molls. I hope the vets visit was productive and gives you all some comfort. He has been through so much as is probably not feeling the best. My advice would be to leave him be as much as possible. Keep as calm as possible along with muzzle with any necessary handling but if you can, leave the wound to do its own thing. He will come back, he is protecting himself from further pain. Any calming sprays that can be put around or in his space are a great idea as is Rescue Remedy (Bach flower remedies) that can be put in his water are definitely worth a try.

        Sorry you are still in pain Inchy, must be a nightmare. I bet the cold doesn't help either.

        Re people, I too am not a people person and struggle in crowds especially when expected to be social. I have signed myself up for a couple of outings that are out of my comfort zone such as London this weekend with Chill and a 40th anniversary party for our company in May. I will have to find something smart to wear which is another stressor. Both my next door neighbours are very sociable and love to chat to everyone in the village. In my case I know little about anyone and when I go walking, a quick hello is about all I can manage :haha:

        Drugs everywhere here too Dragon, we have a about 3 dealers living in our street. Police dont seem bothered really. Fortunately they keep themselves to themselves and dont bother anyone.

        Glad YS didnt turn into a full on bender and fingers crossed he can continue with complete sobriety.

        Pulled calf muscles are no fun Mary, hope you can get it sorted quickly. Lot to be said for a sports massage and some laser treatment

        Phew! exhausted now


          Re: February Army Thread

          Morning folks...hope all doing well...thanks so much for words of comfort and advice will take each and every bit on board...the stitches will come out next Monday so hopefully normality may resume!!!
          Funny how we all hate people:hahaha:
          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


            Re: February Army Thread

            [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] another Ozark fan. We've been known to watch three episodes on an evening. Loved Ruth. We also demolished was a case of looking at the time and wondering if we could squeeze another episode in.

            I've got the same friend that I've had since we were in infants school. We don't live in each others pockets, don't see her very often and won't see her for 6 months as she's off to Australia for six months. It works for us................she did spend the day here when her cat died and she cried for nigh on six hours.............I gave her a kitchen roll.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: February Army Thread

              I loved Lucifer! Mazie's full name is Mazikeen.


              "Never laugh at live dragons."
              ― J. R. R. Tolkien


                Re: February Army Thread

                Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                Funny how we all hate people:hahaha:

                Yea, I’m an only child and definitely need time on my own. Can live quite happily on my own, don’t need a lot of people around me. Have to watch it or could easily become a recluse.

                Work for the afternoon and then off for my five days. Will catch up later.


                  Re: February Army Thread

                  Hi all. I am starting to feel like myself again. I hope Max is better? On another subject I can’t stand any of you :-)
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    Re: February Army Thread

                    Originally posted by techie View Post
                    Hi all. I am starting to feel like myself again. I hope Max is better? On another subject I can’t stand any of you :-)
          're in the club so:welldone:
                    Really glad you're getting to feel is Max actually...much more himself today...actually coming to us looking for affection (and treats! ) and of course for us to play ball which he's not allowed yet...he did get a gentle walk in (allowed) so beginning to feel normal round here!!

                    Howdy all else...must read back proper like...How's the pain Inchy? And day 2 is it Dragster?
                    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                      Re: February Army Thread

                      Mollyka, glad to hear pup is feeling better.

                      No day 2. Rather than feel crappy about failure, I am replanning. I am using a CBD cartridge that I bought months ago by mistake. It annoyed me at the time, but its working out. I had it in the fridge. It is low THC, but it's in there. I have a basket of "roaches," (old vape cartridges with a little left in the bottom) in case I get desperate, but they are unappealing, and I am not going to buy anymore.


                      "Never laugh at live dragons."
                      ― J. R. R. Tolkien


                        Re: February Army Thread

                        Evening my fellow misanthropes,

                        Studying hard, pain is less but not gone, got some stuff going on and generally having a rough week thus far but, positive side - guess whose two weeks AF?! Still getting cravings but much less.

                        Talk of drugs - my brother was a dealer, half his friends sold drugs, sick to death of being around that business, my upstairs neighbour deals as well, apparently there's two more dealers just up the road. I stopped smoking weed when it started giving me panic attacks, used to be a daily smoker but now I can't even stand the smell.

                        Haven't seen The Last of Us - I'm a huge fan of the games from watching playthroughs on YouTube (not my style of gameplay but a good story). Want to watch it but probably be three years before I get chance - only things on the watchlist now are for the project.

                        Glad Max is feeling better Molly, and glad you're feeling better Techie, your comment cracked me up

                        SH free - 25/11/2022
                        AF - 15/02/2023


                          Re: February Army Thread

                          Congrats on two weeks, Battle!

                          Originally posted by Battle_for_the_sun View Post
                          Talk of drugs - my brother was a dealer, half his friends sold drugs, sick to death of being around that business, my upstairs neighbour deals as well, apparently there's two more dealers just up the road. I stopped smoking weed when it started giving me panic attacks, used to be a daily smoker but now I can't even stand the smell.
                          I cannot tolerate smoke anymore. Even candles bug me. I am pretty sure I have undiagnosed COPD. Even cigs, I do vape. My eventual goal is to give up abusing my lungs altogether, hopefully before they give out altogether.


                          "Never laugh at live dragons."
                          ― J. R. R. Tolkien


                            Re: February Army Thread

                            Well done Inchy! 2 weeks is a good solid chunk of time. When the cravings ease, you know it all makes sense.
                            Dragster.. your up now, stick in there behind Inchy and you won't regret it in 2 weeks either..
                            [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], you should watch Yellowstone. Beth is the new Ruth!

                            Love my own space too, but seldom get it these days. People wear me down. I'm happy in small groups, in the corner. I do mentor adults In my club, but as my friend says, I push from the back. I'm def not an extrovert!
                            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                              Re: February Army Thread

                              Hi Molly, JC, Inchy, DBTS, and Mary. I am ok (comfortable enough) in groups as I led a fairly large organization for many years. However, I consider myself a situational extrovert. I can rise to the occasion but happy to shutdown and isolate afterwards.
                              Last edited by techie; February 28, 2023, 07:39 PM.
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

