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April Army Assembly

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    Re: April Army Assembly

    Oh Molls, that is truly shite, poor all of you. Do you have a surgery suit rather than the cone ? I seem to remember that he wasn't happy in cone. I too would be pissed off about hols. Hope you can reschedule it. Mr S refuses to have covid jab even though they keep pushing it on him. He will have all the others such as flu and pnuemonia but doesnt trust the C one. Dont blame him at all.

    Rustop, we use the power of swimming to clean our boys too. Much better than a bath!

    Fen is still a bit lame but seems keen to go out so going off to meet my friends new dog in a min. I can turn back if he's really sore but I think it will do him good to get out. Staying in will only stiffen him up. The stick went right through his paw as I can feel a little scab on the top. Vet said it was fine to go out and about if he's up for it. I reckon its probably bruised inside. Given him a painkiller so off we go


      Re: April Army Assembly

      Oh thats a bugger Mary. At least you will have an answer though. They gave me iron supplements a few years ago they helped too


        Re: April Army Assembly

        Originally posted by starty View Post
        Oh Molls, that is truly shite, poor all of you. Do you have a surgery suit rather than the cone ? I seem to remember that he wasn't happy in cone. I too would be pissed off about hols. Hope you can reschedule it. Mr S refuses to have covid jab even though they keep pushing it on him. He will have all the others such as flu and pnuemonia but doesnt trust the C one. Dont blame him at all.

        Rustop, we use the power of swimming to clean our boys too. Much better than a bath!

        Fen is still a bit lame but seems keen to go out so going off to meet my friends new dog in a min. I can turn back if he's really sore but I think it will do him good to get out. Staying in will only stiffen him up. The stick went right through his paw as I can feel a little scab on the top. Vet said it was fine to go out and about if he's up for it. I reckon its probably bruised inside. Given him a painkiller so off we go
        No twas the surgery suit he had the problem with...refused to eat..drink..wee..poo..sleep..anything with it on (vet said some dogs hate them but will wear a t-shirt....nope...wasn't having it!)...he didn't mind the cone tho and when he got the giant one he wasn't able to get at the stitches...
        Poor Fen...when the little dog bit Max's paw it healed up very quickly so hopefully Fen was okay on the walk

        Morning all...I hear you NS...everything gets eaten!
        Anyway Jilly is down today so I can unleash my frustrations on her...poor thing:beaten:
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: April Army Assembly

          Ahhh just lost a long post.

          Don’t blame you for being peed off Molly. Hope poor Fen managed his walk Starty. Had nice walk with the doggies this morning. Going to do a bit of painting and then just relax. Himself gone fishing.

          Good to hear from you No Sugar. Had not heard that regarding iron, hope you get it sorted Mary. Waves to everyone else.


            Re: April Army Assembly

            Hello all. Thinking of you all, furry ones two. Life is good. Off to range to trial new golf irons. Wrist and thumb better but not 100%. Have a beautiful rest of your day!
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Re: April Army Assembly

              Originally posted by satz123
              Love & Kisses to all the sick furry fellas & Mers

              Exactly the same happened to my boss. Rest of the family detached themselves but she helped him. She eventually realised after he passed that she had aided him to keep drinking by giving that help.
              With what I've been learning over past years that is starting to make sense.
              We actually enable them to continue drinking by helping them. We're told to 'detach with love'.

              "In the context of the Al-Anon program, "detach with love" is the idea that the family has to let go of their loved one's problem. It gives you permission to let them experience any consequences associated with their drinking or drug use and focus on your own health and well-being."
              It take more than courage to do that. It takes loving and respecting ourselves as well!
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                Re: April Army Assembly

                Originally posted by techie View Post
                It take more than courage to do that. It takes loving and respecting ourselves as well!
                I agree Techie...but it's what has to be done ...when I was in rehab the main cause of relapse was co-dependency and enabling....bloody hard tho...horrible watching someone you love and standing back...very hard

                Morning all!
                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                  Re: April Army Assembly

                  Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                  I agree Techie...but it's what has to be done ...when I was in rehab the main cause of relapse was co-dependency and enabling....bloody hard tho...horrible watching someone you love and standing back...very hard

                  Morning all!

                  Morning all.

                  Very true especially if it is your child. How are our doggie friends this morning?. My lot had an early walk again and are wrecked with all the swimming and running around yesterday.

                  Need to do some shopping and go to a hardware store. We are going out for dinner so don’t need to cook.

                  Bidens visit to Ballina is doing some good. All the councils are out litter picking. Saw them on my way down and noticed a sign on my way to the woods this morning.


                    Re: April Army Assembly

                    Good morning Army. In the event I do not check in tomorrow, Happy Easter to those celebrating. Blessings x
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      Re: April Army Assembly

                      Evening all. Cleaning and cooking here. Gang arriving early for brunch and the treasure hunt (no smalls but we'll keep the tradition). Then we'll drop them to the airport, so free agents by 1pm, with a clean house and loads of food

                      Thats interesting [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION], thanks, didn't realise low iron was that common with coeliac disease. My dad was diagnosed in his 70s, so wouldn't be a shock, just a pain. Still, might be nothing.

                      Bought a bottle of red wine for a beef casrole. Poured in what I needed and the bottle went back on the shelf absently, like any other ingredient. Delighted to be able to do that and not fight with myself about downing a glass/the bottle/getting another bottle before I start. Or 4, just in case...

                      Happy Easter xxx
                      Last edited by IamMary; April 8, 2023, 03:06 PM.
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: April Army Assembly

                        Evening! Lovely day out with Jilly...dumped Joe and Max as the latter is definitely (so far) on the mend...FULL of beans but obs can't be walked..

                        Doing the big spring leg of lamb dinner for the 4 of us tomorrow...Nice to do the whole hog..haven't done too many posh table setting dinners down here...lazy mare!!

                        Night folks...I've more or less decided not to go on hols ( Joe and jilly want me to go on my own as flights are paid for) just don't feel right bout leaving Joe so might have a few wee treats instead in the next couple weeks...cut my losses!
                        Sleep well and get ready for the bunny!!!!
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: April Army Assembly

                          Happy Easter folks, please don’t mention bunnies my garden has been overrun with them recently and nothing is safe from being chomped. Other than annoyance life is good, I’m sitting here listening to the beautiful spring dawn chorus. Its not yet 6am on a Sunday morning and my waking sober and proud of that fact is quite simply self empowering. Have a lovely day and don’t be nicking the kids Easter eggs!
                          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                            Re: April Army Assembly

                            Happy Easter Tabs and all to come. Think us early birds got the best of the weather. I was also up with the dawn chorus and walked the doggies. Rain came before the end of our walk and it’s miserable now. Not much planned, none of the fuss of a normal Easter. Things are very basic here so it will be steak and baked potato for dinner. Going to have a relaxing day, hope everyone enjoys theirs.


                              Re: April Army Assembly

                              Morning all,

                              Happy Easter! Had way too much choc already this weekend and feeling like a beached whale. However, I will persevere through the day and put the brakes on my gluttony on the morrow. Been out for a lovely chilly walk. Fen is much better but still tender on his foot so kept him on the lead. Got housework today as was out all yesterday and friends this afternoon, This evening I will collapse

                              Hope Max is on the mend Molls

                              Have a lovely day whatever you are doing!


                                Re: April Army Assembly

                                Happy Easter

                                Glad to hear that Max is on the mend.

                                Off down to York for Sunday dinner with jenny and Ads. Hope is mum's there as well as she's a hoot.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

