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Am I the only one who worries...
Am I the only one who worries...
No, I worry too, Gabby. I have been thinking a lot about Glad these last few days and wondering what happened to her, as well as the others that have popped in and out of this site.
I have also been thinking about Yvonne, who I think was here before you came on the board. She hasn't posted since she came back from Ireland that I know of......
Am I the only one who worries...
Don't you think that people find this site....start to look at what is really going on in their lives and maybe some get started and progress on to other treatments if needed or they may need time to decide if they really want to cut down or quit drinking.
I don't believe any :h shown here is wasted!
As you all know, I live on a farm and we "plant" alot of seeds. I think of what we do here on MWO as "seed planting". We may never hear from somebody again...nothing we can do about that....just have faith that something we've shared will sprout in their life!:rolleyes BTW...sometimes it takes weeks for seed to sprout!
I love you guys. My day isn't complete until I log on and read and sometimes share. I know you understand where I'm coming from and where I want to go!:d
Am I the only one who worries...
Well, I'm fairly new and you guys are my inspiration if that helpsI have NEVER gone in chat rooms or anything like that so maybe that's part of it? I don't know. But, don't stop, because even if you said just one thing to one person to change their life for the better forever, it's worth it right?
A new friend.
Am I the only one who worries...
Hi, I am back! I have been logged off since Sat. and unable to logon. So this afternoon I just registered again! Nuts!!! I've been so alone and have missed you all. Watched the post, but could not respond, check my ezbox, or chat. Don't know what happened, but did not like it! So here I am again. Hope I can hang in here. Boo Boo
Am I the only one who worries...
I come and go on the board. I look in sometimes and see everything is as it should be, so I just go about my business. You guys are awesome! :h I've been coming and going for over a year and the love and caring which exudes from everyone here is amazing.
I'm staying sober, and sometimes I get so busy I forget to look in on everyone. I still care, and I will never forget how this one experience has had more effect on my life than anything I have done in 20 years.
In the last year many people have come and gone, but everyone who was here for any amount of time has taken a little bit of MWO with them. I can't help but think that is how this is supposed to work.
"You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find --
You get what you need"
Rolling Stones 1968
I didn?t really get what I wanted out of MWO, but I did get what I needed. I truly wanted to drink like normal people, but for me it is impossible. It took a long time for me to be willing to give up the alcohol. At first when I said I was quitting I still held out hope I could drink sometimes. For me that was a big NO. This board and the MWO program are what made it possible for me to return to a normal life. I will be eternally grateful.
God Bless
Am I the only one who worries...
Hi, Miss Layla and all. I am sort of a newbie, though I have posted and ranted and gotten much comfort from all of you in threads and in chat.
I have been off the boards mostly because in the NOrtheast it has been raining or extremely hot every weekend and my time, after working all day, is very limited. I"m lucky to check in and see how everyone is doing and I do apologize for not finding 20 more minutes to respond more often. I'm a guilty party!
Second, I DID actually have a rather unnerving experience which I wrote about somewhere - my 1 1/2 year old black lab/chow puppy wrapped her run around both my ankles and dragged me to the ground - it's been a week and still not healed. Had tetanus, oral antibiotics, change dressings three times a day for local antibiotics, so have been rather obsessed with myself.
Still, I think of you all often and I WILL be back.