Feeling much better today as I have been forgiven during the week (once again) by all my friends that I offended last weekend, when I got totally shitfaced, agro and made a total arse of myself..
Excessive drinking turns me into an idiot and I hate that feeling of guilt the next day and not knowing exactly what I have done...not only in person but emails and text messages I send when smashed (just love turning my mobile on and checking emails the next day!)
I also suffer mild anxiety and depression (mild.. but enough to stop me being myself a lot of the time) which I am certain is made worse by alcohol, as it seems to improve dramatically with a few AF days..
I really don't need convincing to cut back ...
This first week of cutting back by half and a few AF's is already a relief...
And I am going to do much better than that...
Thanks for reading and posting :thanks: