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why why why,!

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    why why why,!

    MORNING 7.50, i got hr b4 work, man its gonna b a long day, i was really reallyy silly last night, i think im gonna pay for it later tho, thats bloody brandy for you, i cant belive how quick i polished the brandy of, i did nt even taste how strong id made it, just poyured it down me neck, bf didnt realise i had had it, just checked the fridge, 36 beer last night, 12 left ,, thats really not good, i need to get some serious will power, Es as well as anphetamine 2 last night , bloody neighbour, im gonna have 2 tell him, bf an i had good chat, i think i scared the daylights out of him, an oh shit i told him just how serious a problem i got, he didnt realise, 100 % he is comin dr, made me feel better cos he said there is no chance they r gonna take my boy away from me as he wont let em, i didnt give my bf enough credit, he is gonna really help if he sticks to his word that is, i deserve to feel this rough this morning, may teach me a lesson, hope u guys r all good,
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

    why why why,!

    Good morning Rachel,
    Sorry you feel like s***, but not long `til Mon. Just muddle through the weekend as best you can. Glad your man is behind you 100%-you deserve his total support.

    I imagine you must feel rather overwhelmed thinking about the enormous life-style change you are about to undertake-is only natural that you should feel that way. But you will be O.K. Have faith in yourself and your doc., and try to spend some time on here over the weekend.

    Am keenly following your progress, and I for one can hardly wait `til Mon. to hear how the doc.`s appointment went.

    Keep focussed. You`re gonna come through all this and enjoy all that life has to offer.

    Much love,

    Starlight Impress


      why why why,!

      i do deserve to feel like shit, i told him loads of my stupid drinkin secrets, cried a bit but just a few tears not the uncontrollable im a bad mother cryin, its good to know i ve told him, he knows what he is dealing with, i was good , when he got home he was gonna take me 2 the pub, i put him off, said better of at home, save money, i just didnt want to show me self up, 35 cl a brandy, then pub thats a receipee 4 disaster he was proud a me for recognising that, i ont think he fancied me sobbing into my pint tellin the world an his wife that im a use less drunk, i know i screwed up but im looking forward to mon, i got questions for em, im quite excited, i want to prove i can do it, i got 2, i got my 15 yr old step lad home, he ws meant to b stayin out but to much beer ann row wiv his gf he come bk, had to lock the little bugger in as he wnted to go bk out at 12 to sort it out, not a chance, he was nt happy but im not havin that, i even remembered where i id the keys , nit badd ey,
      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


        why why why,!

        Rachel, please be careful with what you are taking .... you have lots of people that care about you you know .............

        When I confessed my secrets to my hubby I cried as well, told him all my hiding places, sneaky ways etc, it does help when they are aware ....

        Try not to binge too much this weekend love.

        Love & Hugs, BB xx


          why why why,!

          I dont know you keep it all together ,your amazing .Just imagine what you could do with your life drug and alcohol free............................


            why why why,!


            I'm glad to hear that you are feeling positive about going to the docs, as you know I'm wrapped that I did. And I know how hard it is to change your whole lifestyle, but slowly it can happen, I'm so much better than I used to be, still got a long way to go, but I can see a big difference in myself, and it's even starting to show in other areas of my life, I've just posted a thread about it, and honestly never thought I could ever do that, when I think back to how I was at my worst a few years back.

            It's been an up and down journey, but the ups are starting to get a bit more common, which is great! I'm holding on to each positive thing that happens, and trying to let go of all the bad shit, hope you can too!

            Luv Ya! Jas xx
            :thanks: :h


              why why why,!

              Rach, you will get better. Glad about the bf, it will help a lot
              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                why why why,!

                Rachel,just a step at a time and a day at a time you will cover so much ground. I really want you to reach your goal, you are an amazing woman with a huge heart. I will be thinking of you Monday, be well sweetie


                  why why why,!

                  Rachel, you are not the first to slip and you won't be the last but at least BF is being supportive. You have done great so far. Climb back on. :l
                  Enough is enough


                    why why why,!

                    Take care this weekend, booze and pills are very dangerous.
                    Best of luck with doc.
                    Love Paula.


                      why why why,!

                      thanks guys, bf s sons 21, 23 r coming over in min, going for a few games a pool, not me them, im useless!!!! i only ever pot the white, i told my boss today, bit about liver test , i eel bit better tellin her, at least she knows im gonna try sort my self out, she s put up with a lot, i owe her some honesty to, post later if im of sound mind. i hope all a good sat, thank u 4 all your comments, it means a lot thank u guys xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                        why why why,!

                        good luck

                        Don't give up, try and moderate tonight and tomorrow if u can.
                        Please try not to pop 'em. It is so bad for your body and you with slinky bod and pretty face.

                        Good Luck for Monday xx
                        I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                        I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                        Marilyn Monroe


                          why why why,!

                          Stay close Rachel, keep us posted. We are all behind you and care very much about you.

                          If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


                            why why why,!

                            One step in front of the other ... And should you need someone to steady you, your BF is there and don't forget we will do all we can too.... Tomorrow is another day Hon...

                            ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                              why why why,!

                              Hi Rach, sorry you are not too good just now. Want to ask a question (sorry if it is stupid), I have heard of E's (Ecstacy tablets) but what is amphetamine exactly? Of course I have heard of it (speed, fast, whizz) but is it is a slimming aid tablet?? Does it do harm? Wishing you well.

                              Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

