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Congratulations Byrdie ...13 years booze free .

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    Congratulations Byrdie ...13 years booze free .

    13 years without a drink,
    Longer now than you ever could think
    Tried so hard in different ways,
    Couldn?t even do 13 days.

    Twas in the beginning at the start,
    Thoughts of booze in your heart.
    Surrounded with friend like walls in a fort
    All rallied round and gave their support

    You paid that all back more than enough,
    The folk you helped when the going was tough
    Newbies, Nesters and other threads too.
    All owe their ongoing to dear ole you

    So congratulations to you and really well done
    Proving you don?t need drink to enjoy life and fun
    Thank you from me in every way,
    Take care my friend y?all have a nice day
    af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12

    Re: Congratulations Byrdie ...13 years booze free .

    Oh, Mick, this brought me to tears. I’m so grateful for the kind words. Indeed, 13 was a magic number for me, I kept falling at day 12 and when I finally jumped over that mental hurdle, the path smoothed out like a fresh jar of Skippy. My gratitude for this community is without measure. I could have never done this on my own, and I proved that for 20 years. MWO gave me the tools and support that is crucial for recovery. I have not had one drop of AL in 13 years and I hold this to be my greatest accomplishment in life, and it’s not even close.
    Special thanks to Lav for the much-needed reality check when I was BS’ing myself. She didn’t enable me, she extended a hand and pulled me out of a hole. I will never forget her unwavering support.
    Thank you to all in this community. I am forever grateful and humbled. Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Re: Congratulations Byrdie ...13 years booze free .

      Congratulations, Byrdie, on your 13 years! :welldone:

      Wishing you well always, :hug:
      AF free since April 29, 2013


        Re: Congratulations Byrdie ...13 years booze free .

        You really captured Byrdie’s journey in your excellent poem, Mick!

        I miss you, Byrdie, and your fun phrases like “smoothed out like a fresh jar of Skippy”!

        Congratulations to you on 13 years without a drop, and it is good to “see” you again!
        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


          Huge congrats Byrdie!
          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


            Re: Congratulations Byrdie ...13 years booze free .

            Congratulations, Byrdie!


              Re: Congratulations Byrdie ...13 years booze free .

              Congratulations, Byrdie! You were active on here when I joined and turned out to be the friend I needed. Thank you. xx


                Re: Congratulations Byrdie ...13 years booze free .

                Where have I been? Sorry I’m late!

                CONGRATS on your 13 years AF Byrdie :yay:
                I always knew you could do it, very happy for you!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Byrdie many years ago you helped me when I was waffling between staying alcohol FREE and moderation. I clipped the words you challenged me with and in 2019, it finally stuck. .Thank you. Words cannot describe my gratitude.
                  I am grateful for MWO and the loving grace shared here.
                  For those of us still struggling.... Never Quit Quitting.

                  Here is what you said. Thank you dear lady!
                  "Moderating is exhausting to do.
                  Plus, it doesn't work, so there's that. You have a ZERO percent chance of success. If 99 people walk off a cliff and die and you are #100, what would you do?

                  Have you played this out in your head, what just on weekends really means? If you think being AF is deprivation, just wait until you start trying to limit yourself. EVERYTHING you do will begin to revolve around WHEN you GET to drink. When does the weekend start? When does it end, what happens when there's a holiday? How much do you get? If you stick to the rules, you are going to be the only person in history to do so long term.

                  You know what I found? When we start making RULES about drinking, it's time to stop. You KNOW you have a problem and you are about to reintroduce it. So what has changed? More knowledge? More self aware? What happens to heroin addicts if they just use on weekends? It doesn't take long before you are right back in that pit. Your brain knows where you've been. There is real science behind this. Knowledge is power.

                  Yes there are people who try to moderate, but try to find anyone who has successfully moderated (holidays, weekends) over the long haul. However, you must speak the goes something like this:

                  "I am really happy with my moderation plan, I have only blown it once this week and only one hangover. The rest of the time, I was really good, only 4 beers. I didn't feel great the next day, but that might have been the sugar in the beer. Over the last month, I have done great, I have not drank more days than I have."
                  Translation: You are now a binge drinker.

                  Denial is the strongest stage of grief, and one that is tough to break thru. If you don't think you have a big problem with AL today, let's talk again next year and see where you are. I'd bet my last dollar it's worse than ever if you are still using.

                  Moderation doesn't work. It can't. What happens when you have a couple drinks? You let your guard down. What happens then? You have ANOTHER drink. And so it goes.

                  I know that no words of mine can change someone's mind about trying this....and that's a real shame. I had to find it out for myself too, and it nearly cost me everything I've worked so hard for all these years. Now with some GOOD distance between me and AL, I can see it for what it is....a powerful drug that will do anything to get back in your life. This is ONE POWERFUL ADDICTION. I have never experienced anything like it...the only force to equal it is love, and sometimes, even that's not enough.

                  If you have been lucky enough to have an easy quit, take it and run with it, because they get harder every time. You can take that to the bank.

                  You can have the life you want, or you can drink. That's about the size of it for us. I hope you remain AF. Moderation has about a zero percent chance of working .....we are taking about the rest of your life trying to fight this battle. When I threw in the towel and accepted that I am an alcoholic, a huge burden was lifted. No more more more guilt, shame and remorse over this substance. It is the BEST decision I have ever made.

                  Protect your quit as if your LIFE depends on it....because it does.

                  "God didn't give you the Strength to get back on your feet
                  so that you can run back to the same thing that knocked you down."

