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What's in a name?

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    What's in a name?


    I always had in my head it was Pinot Noir.

    Now I find out it's Pinot Grigio!

    I just don't know if I can get over this.......

    and Young at Heart, I've never seen you but somehow I just can't imagine you with long blond hair:shocked: LOL

    My daughter and I were in the pediatrician's office last week and they had free samples sitting on the counter. She is six and just starting to read. She said Mom, what does that box up there say? I said, "sound it out".....
    it said Butt Paste (diaper rash ointment) She said it, and started cracking up.
    She said BUTT PASTE! and her eyes got real big. Now I am getting that she is six and she is thinking paste, like glue.... we both were busting a gut over it.
    :h :h :h :h


      What's in a name?

      It's funny to have to Imagine someone much differently that what you've thought, isn't it, Quiescent? I was quite thrown off balance when you changed your name, and it took me so long to consistently place you with who Iknew you to be! Now I've gotten used to it. Same thing with PP, I always thought of Pinot Noir too!!

      Anyway, I'm fed up with my hair as it it, and I will shortly be getting it cut and waved so it's easier to take care of!
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        What's in a name?

        my user name is my ponys' registered name. nothing to do with reds lights or wearing dresses lol. i dont know if its a gaelic spelling or the breeder couldnt spell. i call her rosie but that just isnt me, so roxane it is.
        she is (strangely) how i would love to be, intelligent, takes no nonsense, level headed and fair. she is also 30, so living the golden years. i aspire to that!



          What's in a name?

          Another Great Question! My favorite word is "chrysalis". It is the jade colored cocoon that hold the stunning Monarch butterfly before it emerges. There is a whole set of symbolism assoc with the chryslis that I like.


            What's in a name?

            Chrysa - I love your name and what it means. Just beautiful.

            Of course, I wanted to be supportive to Determinator, thus Determinatrix.
            He always tells me I am wonderful and can do anything, thus the Wonder Woman avatar.

            Well, and everyone wants to be sexy (including Paddy!).

            * * I love Determinator * *


              What's in a name?

              :H funny thread!

              I was originally 'DooDoo' because Mick calls my Dettie-Doo or just Doo as a nickname. I changed it to ScoobyDoo when I discovered some people refer to doodoo as dog shite :H so RJ put her admin hat on and changed my name for me. Scooby is one of my favourite cartoons... all those mystery adventures Scoob and his gang went on. Smurfs is my other favourite.

              Simey, I reckon your nicknmae is adorable and I think Lucky (Lucky duck) is clever.

              :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                What's in a name?

                Duh, I'm just sooooo boring....

                Ten to twelve here so night night all.

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  What's in a name?

                  Nighty night Tea.......I love your bouncy toast!
                  :h :h :h :h


                    What's in a name?

                    I study alternative healing- amethyst is the sobiety stone in crystal healing!
                    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                      What's in a name?

                      Great thread!

                      I will give you a clue.

                      She is a super sleuth.


                        What's in a name?

                        As I am the MWO sleuth of the day, I safely report that I think you are Nancy Drew ...


                          What's in a name?

                          Um, actually I meant the sobriety stone! Get in a hurry and see what happens:H Actually, I have found myself wondering about TawnyFrog, MDbiker(are you from Maryland or are you a doc ) I HAD been wondering about RR, Saint Jude, and Chysa, but that has been explained! I'll have to think of others that puzzle me!
                          ps Nancy Drew-toooo funny!!!
                          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                            What's in a name?

                            Most BORING Name

                            Mine came from what I do.

                            I do DB2 Databases and I live in Alabama.

                            Hence, DB2fromAla.


                            My work defines me.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              What's in a name?

                              I think this is a great thread.

                              When I first came here there were no men on the site. I too was drunk and on a long run of drunkenness (as per my normal mos). I didn't know if I was allowed on here with the women??? (There were no men and I was drunk!!) and I sure didn't want anyone I knew to know who I was. So I used MDBiker because I was riding with a club called the Magic Dragons. I wish we hadn't lost the first post I made, I went through this whole harangue and at the very end admitted I was a man. I am actually very creative when I am drunk. lol I signed my post as bear since that is what my road name is and what everyone calls me on the scooter. When I told a few of you what my real name is I was told no, that won't work; so I guess bear is my road name and my pen name too.

                              God Bless
                              What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                              ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                                What's in a name?

                                Mine is quite random, I'd just got a new mobile phone a motarola Pebl...


