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What's in a name?

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    What's in a name?

    I posted before, but I'll do it again
    Amethyst is considered to be the sobriety stone, helpful for controlling addiction, as well as many other things
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


      What's in a name?

      Thanks for bumping this thread Nancy, I had not seen it before.
      I was originally "imatree" - because if i could choose the life i get to be next go around i want to be a tree. Tho I barely remember choosing it, as i was quite sauced at the time!

      My current name... one night I was plagued by my constant anxiety of always worrying about what others were thinking of me, how I impacted everyone else, realizing that I was more concerned with everyone else than with my self, and I wanted freedom from it. I remember struggling to come up with an affirmation to try to change this way of thinking. Finally, I thought of "I am MY OWN WOMAN". I repeated it over and over and over again, and began to feel like yes, I really AM my own woman. It was such an important step for me that I changed my username to reflect it. (Oh, and I had been wanting to change my name as my ex-bf had been on this forum and posted something obnoxious so I wanted to be more anonymous to him.)
      FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


        What's in a name?

        MOW that's perfect, plus really love your awatar. I picked Janka in a rush, it's my mother's nickname in Polish ... wish I hadn't done that though, as she had nothing to do with drinking. Whatver, j
        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


          What's in a name?

          You guys are all sooo creative!! I, on the other hand, lacking absolutely no creativity whatsoever, have the most BORING story behind my name....

 initials and my birthday...

          formerly known as bak310


            What's in a name?

            Lorelei is sort of a homage to my german ancestry and my real name.

            The Lorelei is a siren on the Rhine river who used to lure sailors to the rocks with her beautiful songs. My real name is Lori Lee, which my mother picked as a tribute to Lorelei and also to name me after my grandmother on my father's side Leila.
            Suddenly I see
            This is what I want to be
            suddenly I see
            Why the hell it means so much to me.

            -KT Tunstall


              What's in a name?

              When I registered, I choose "Bestlife" since I hoped this would be the solution that would help to bring about the best life I have had to-date, and then added my childrens' and my initials.

              As far as life to-date? --- Best I have ever had!
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                What's in a name?

                I love my name so doubled it for good measure...
                Jane Jane


                  What's in a name?

                  Hmmm... I must of missed this thread way back when. The definition of my name is pretty obvious. I don't even remember how I came up with it or even finding this place really ;-)

                  A lot has changed for me in the last year since finding this place.

                  However, I wish I had of thought of something a little shorter. I would have it changed but I think I am VERY attached to it now.


                    What's in a name?

                    Bessie - the name of one of my dogs. A real sweetie. Boring but I like it.


                      What's in a name?

                      I picked Mags because it's short and I figured it's easy to spell sober or drunk :H . It has nothing to do with anything. I just like short things.
                      Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                        What's in a name?

                        ah, what the heck.

                        I was born and raised in Texas, and still feel a strong connection to a lot of things from Texas. Moved to Kansas, then back to Texas, and now I live in Tennessee.

                        Hence, ex-Texan, or "xtexan"



                          What's in a name?

                          My avator is my dog, Misty. "Hannah" came from the fictional novel, written by Janice Holt Giles, called "Hannah Fowler" - very good story, bet I've read it ten times since I first read it as a teenager. Hannah was a pioneer woman, seemed fitting somehow.
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            What's in a name?

                            wonderworld: the carnival in my head :schmokin: :whee: :rockon: :danthin:


                              What's in a name?

                              Spent 20 years flying around the world as an Aircrewman in the U.S. Navy. Retired as a Chief Petty Officer....hence, Chief


                                What's in a name?

                                Magic was the Rough Collie we adopted when my third child was born.

                                She would guard and herd all three gently and lovingly; she passed away 3 years ago at 12 years of age. You could hear her feet on the hardwood floors at night as she made her rounds to make sure all was well.

                                I could not stand to be with out a Collie so shortly thereafter Sable came into our lives, a bit smaller than Magic and not as wise but a beautiful Rough Collie indeed.

                                magic xx
                                ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                                I am in the next seat.
                                My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir

