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Question about Evil

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    Question about Evil

    Q, while i agree with the body of your statement for the most part. I have to share, I was molested by 3 different people before I was 10 years old. My father was physically abusive towards my Mother and me. I would never dream of touching a child in an inproper way. I think with molestation it is mainly the males who were molested that tend to repeat the pattern. Everyday we have to make decisions, sometimes unfortunatley someone has to get hurt. Some do choose evil, sometime I think evil chooses them. I think people can be possessed by evil spirits. Oh my word I'm getting to deep for this early hour! I love you Q!


      Question about Evil

      I'm so sorry. I just want to hug you.

      :huggy :huggy :huggy :huggy
      :h :h :h :h


        Question about Evil

        Q,hug most accepted and Thanks! Things happen in life. Why, I don't know. I just hold a belief that one day it all will be made clear as to why. A higher power knows better than I.
        smiles Always


          Question about Evil

          OK guys...don't get me started!

          I've read the last of The Book.........evil looses out in the end

          There IS evil in this world.....

          I don't think people are BORN evil.....
          People are born human

          The evil in this world does affect people through.....
          a pre birth or birth injury.....lack of oxygen or something...
          Curses passed down through families.....meaness, abuse or alcoholism, divorce, poverty, ahhh.....stealing ......"learned" behavior.
          And in Hitler's case.........religion taken to the extreme....He thought he was "cleansing" the world .

          "satan is a liar" he runs in ALL on this earth.

          But .....the GoodNews is.....
          This world is not my home....
          Or yours.....That gives me Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and Patience with myself and others...
          There sure are some sad times here though...
          I love you all,
          :h Nancy
          "Be still and know that I am God"

          Psalm 46:10


            Question about Evil


            Great squash and cucumbers!
            :h :h :h :h


              Question about Evil

              Why, thank you mam! )
              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                Question about Evil

                Great question Lucky. I love this kind of question & reading the responses. I too read People of the Lie. I think there are various levels of evil in the world. As Pisces called them psychopaths. There are sociopaths that look normal which is what I think Peck was describing in his book. The Sopranos is a prime example of a level evil walking around that can really fool us.

                I do also think there is some real dense pure evil out there and it is more rare -- some of the serial killers, etc.

                I think Petersen was a psychopath/sociopath.

                The Church has never ever denied that pure evil human exists in human form. So yes a few rare children are born evil and some become possessed. Not a lot.

                Why do people go bad? Must be varying degrees again. What do you think? Some people can be driven to bad things out of desparation or illness or abuse but are not even really psych-sociopaths but they have done bad things. Others are disturbed and bad but not aware they are evi. Some are fully aware of their evil. All levels.

                What do you think?? It use to bother me what if me or my family were susceptible. But I never think that ...we have God & love & light. But someone says evil deeds beget evil deeds...those people doing evil deeds are walking in the dark without God. What level of evil do they have? Who knows?

                What do you think?


                  Question about Evil

                  I believe that we are all sinners. We choose every day whether we will lie, cheat, steal etc... The Bible says that Gods laws are written in our hearts. I believe that we make a concious choice to break them. I think that when we break these laws we put ourselves in a position of being our own God and that is what Satan wants us to do. I think when you do it enough, you loose a sence of right and wrong. I think you still know it is wrong, but there's no bad feeling that goes with it.


                    Question about Evil

                    I think there are all kinds of answers - most of which I don't understand. I don't think we are supposed to understand it. GOD doesn't want us to - and just doesn't want us to choose it. Its called SIN. Satan on the other hand does want us to choose sin and is there all time to seduce us from little to big sin. So the choice is left up to us because we are human. It all started with Adam.

                    The world is bad and its continually getting worse. Ya your right Lucky......its damm scary. Sometimes I think anyone who has their head screwed on straight doesn't
                    bring children into the world. But then again there is a purpose for everyone.

                    As far as Jessie Davis, her unborn baby and whatever her child Blake obviously witnessed ....I have been sickened by it.
                    Gabby :flower:


                      Question about Evil

                      Pisces;154602 wrote: Hi,

                      I'd like to add to the discussion something I've learned.

                      My last bf had killed a bloke (amoungst other things he had done that I didn't have any idea about), his story was the bloke was an asshole and deserved it, he had no remorse, no guilt whatsoever.

                      At first I believed him and even though I could never condone murder, I thought this guy must have provoked him to the point my ex lost it and killed him in a fit of passion, so to speak.

                      When I got the full story of what happened, though his family, ex friends, and even through my exs own words, I found out that my ex and the guy he killed disagreed, and my ex just didn't like him, the bloke had a nice wife, money, and his life was going well...

                      My ex decided well before hand that he was going to kill him, planned it for months, even had a list of people he was going to kill, this bloke at the top, he told me this himself...

                      Anyway, to cut the story short, my ex shot this bloke 10 times at close range, got caught and did 6 years for manslaughter, bragged about it in goal, to me and anyone who would listen, he had no remorse.

                      The point is, I now believe there are psycopaths around us, and having looked into it, theres 1 in every 100, or more, most don't kill, but they have no conscience, just seem to be born without one... look up psycopath on the net and learn about them, it will give you the signs to watch for, I got out lucky, he was on parole, and they only do anything if it's to their own benefit, and hurting me wasn't good for him, hopefully he finds a new distraction before he gets off parole...

                      Yes, I think they are born that way.

                      Love Jas xx
                      they're pretty easy on murderers where you live it sounds like.
                      I am glad you got out.
                      You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                        Question about Evil

                        Have you guys read that story in the brothers grimm called "how some children played at slaughter"?
                        I think that every human being is born with a tinge of evil in them. we are animals after all, and agressive ones for that matter. It's part of a survival mechanism.
                        We are blessed with self awareness, and are able to control the urge to commit evil acts.
                        Some people in my opinion, are much too self absorbed or loathe themselves to the point where they can't understand the concept of love in it's true sense. I guess it has something to do with both, we are born with a little evil in us, but according to outside influences (how we are raised primarily) we either learn to be evil or to know that evil should be avoided.

                        I am sure everyone here has had an evil thought or two.
                        You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                          Question about Evil

                          I tend to seperate mental illness from "evil". Not to say mentally ill people don't behave in an evil way...I have a friend who was married 4 years to a man who was diagnosed schizophrenic and was extremely abusive and was evil toward her. So in that sense, people can be born evil, I think. She is divorced now, thank god. Naturally, she felt she could "cure" him.

                          From a theoritical perspective, I don't think people are "born evil" (outside of the aforementioned mental illness scenario)....there was a famous psychologist - Jung? Ellis? - who took in two orphaned children from the same orphanage. One was from a "good" home (parents killed in accident and no other family) and the other from a "bad" home (parents in prison for opium addiction/prostitution and burgulary/criminal activity). Both were boys around 4 years old.

                          At any rate, the experiment he performed, which would no doubt be quite unethical today, was that he taught the "good" boy to be very bad, and the boy grew up to be a "bad" adult (criminal activity, extreme drug abuse, rape, etc.) and the "bad" boy grew up to be a missionary and physician. The psychologist did this to prove a point to his peers. I'll try to find the link to this study. Interesting read.

                          At any rate, I believe people on the whole are "made" bad or good during youth by outside factors, if we are speaking strickly of their behaviors toward others. I also witnessed this on a different level when I worked with kids in a psychiatric hospital in the past. There were four year olds who were treated so violently - horrifically - by family or family friends that to turn them into society later would have been criminal on the part of the staff. There was no "treatment" for them.

                          This was one of the reasons which caused me to leave this course of study and practice after some years.

                          I believe we are born "neutral" with a tendency toward curiousity and then our experiences form us. I have a fraternal great-aunt who was sexually abused for years by her father and she never showed a thread of trouble in her life. I was amazed when my mother told me this.

                          We are what we are, and our ways of adapting to the myriad things that hit us in life are so incredible.


                            Question about Evil

                            I do believe some people are just born bad- I agree that there is something wrong with their brains. They are sociopaths which means they have no conscience, they don't understand the magnitude of what they are doing the way you or I would. It's a mental illness. People that get off on killing people are just born evil, bad, whatever, but I don't think they can help it. And if you know of any child that gets off on killing pets get them locked up immediately because you know what's coming next.
                            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                              Question about Evil

                              The one thing though, we are not borne evil. I am a good person as are all those that I have met and read on this "thank you for for giving me my life back" Just because we "fancy" A drink, love to get loaded, like to get trashed, etc. I have never met a drunk who will kill a child, rape a person, steal a life, ...........well atleast I wouldn't and I have never met a person online here who would. We like to drink. OK. But......................I would never hurt someone, and I love to help everyone. How about you? I would die for someone less fortune ate, LOL. I really would.


                                Question about Evil

                                I believe 'bad', 'psycho', 'evil' people are born with a deficiency of some kind that makes them follow a bad path.

                                What about a lovely couple, with a nice home, don't smoke, don't 'drink', don't swear etc have enough money etc and they adopt a child who 'becomes' or is 'diagnosed' a psycho !!
                                Like I mean mass murderer, murders adopted parents + relatives etc for no reason.

                                Is that child born evil or develops it? I dunno ?
                                I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                                I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                                Marilyn Monroe

