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Lost 33 pounds - anyone found it?

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    Lost 33 pounds - anyone found it?

    Diamond I too have lost a ton of weight since laying off the booze...I eat so much better, my energy level is through the roof...I feel great...I love life again! i NEEDED to lose weight was ALL alcohol weight though...I have never been fat. EVER...I love feeling good again...CONGRATS to you...I know you love finding your old self again, I do!


      Lost 33 pounds - anyone found it?

      Weight loss from no wine?

      Hi -

      are you guys serious - lost weight from no wine? Are you taking the Topamax? I am getting set up to do the plan, but don't want to do the Topo, but the weight loss is a tempting reason.......LOL

      BUT, if it for real that weight comes off just by quitting the wine, WOW, new incentive. I could lose about 3 stone, but just can't seem to do it these last 10 or so years. I knew the wine added calories, but I didin't think it alone would be the reason the weight stays and grows.......

      Any more info about this correlation - wine & weight - ?

      Thanks - oh........ 1st day no wine. I have been thinking moderation, and drinking a little less, but still getting in the daily 2-3 glasses of wine. Maybe weight loss 'carrot' will get me to really cut back......Love it here........feels real:goodluck:
      "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"

