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Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

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    Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

    Hey all you beautiful witchies & Kanga & sunshineBri & other brave souls from the male species...just a little report..seems like that is thing to do ... hate to start a new post -- not my caterpillar in the hanging chrysalis nature really... not much to report...well have you ever thrown a party or partied with newly graduated is a weekend trip & half...needless to say I am still exhausted

    Relevant to us... I weaned off the topamax last week ..was just at 75mg struggling with dopa & insom...I just could not afford either of those two effects with so much to do..

    I was too exhausted to drink much & as hostess was like a dizzy top swirling from catering to family to collapsing deck (yes ! no one hurt) to giving orders to these babe JDs for when to ....everything ..put out food, build fire, light tikis, ...on..on

    I think I had about 3-4 diluted sitting around vodka & orange juices... no time...finally got to enjoy my fire pit very very late/early AM...

    So ... I guess I want to report that I really feel so clean & good from not taking the topamax. Like I have my body back. And I love it !the clean feeling!. I really hated that feeling from the topamax.

    HOWEVER....I am well aware that I will most likely drift back to drinking vodka when I go back on the topa this time I must have a different plan. For me I think I must exercise much much more than I did before. I am too physical. As some know I was not on the abstinence path -- & still drank wine in eve -- but like normal person -- I was still proud.

    I think one of the super features of this program is the jump start that it gives you in changing habits/behavior. You know they say takes 30 days to adopt new habit/behavior...for sure I did that.

    I am going to re-org my supp plan & cds.. & have not quite decided yet on the topa

    Anyway...So I am open to advice, cautions, ideas.....

    Also wondering if anyone one can relate to the "feeling clean" feeling...

    Sorry to be so long winded..
    Regards to all,

    Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

    Re: hello - a little report

    Hey there
    Have you tried looking into Vivitrex? I have been doing some research on this and it looks promising. I am also afraid of the dopa associated with topa (I am a lawyer and cannot afford to be "dopey" even for one second, though at this point, I am still open to the topa idea). I have not tried it because its been hard for me to get it here in Canada.
    Do some research into Vivitrex - maybe this site could be a starting point -

    Maybe it would work better for you? (I am no expert, just a concerned soul like the rest of us here...)
    Cheers to you


      Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

      Thank you Jen -Re: hello - a little report

      Thank you Jen! I will look into it. The topa was very very hard on me (a systems consultant)-- & I agree as a lawyer probably not a good idea for you. Although it does affect each one differently as you know. Peace.


        Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

        Re: Thank you Jen -Re: hello - a little report


        I tried the vivatrex link but they said, "did you mean valtrex?" Heck no! That's for herpes. I have enough problems.

        I haven't tried the topa for the reasons you describe. I have found a couple of things that are workiing for me. I am going to describe them in a separate post. They are simple things, not drugs.

        All lthe best,



          Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

          Re: Thank you Jen -Re: hello - a little report

          Ned - hahahahah! I'm sorry that was really funny about the herpes thing.
          Actually the spelling is vivitrex - so try searching under that.
          You made my day! :rollin


            Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

            Re: hello - a little report

            Vivitrex is just the new long acting injectable Naltrexone.
            This drug has been around a long time and is discussed in MW O book. The idea behind the injectable form is to get patients to be more compliant and to not have to take pills all the time.


              Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

              Re: Hi- little report--now Vivitrex Info

              Piper -- thank you.I saw one article. Has it been approved in US yet for alcohol dependence. I want to research its side you know...


                Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

                Re: hello - a little report

                I am happy to be free from Topa Dopa but very unhappy to be wanting my Chardonnay on a regular basis again. There is no way I can do the Topa. I have tried THREE times and my brain just doesn't cooperate with it. I feel so SAD about that.

                I am feeling hopeless again. It's like "OK Maggie...just drink your one bottle of chard, at least it's not two, and you're functioning just fine."

                So that's where I'm at. I remember posting "Topa rocks" and it DID until the side effects kicked in for me. So anyway...maybe something else will come along. I am just feeling bummed about this drinking thing tonight. Thanks for listeining.


                  Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

                  Re: Hi- little report--now Vivitrex Info

                  Maggie ...I so relate to you & experience. I am sad & worried also. But I just cannot tolerate the topa. Yes -- hoping something else comes along -- I am sure it will -- seems we are in the beginning ....Please let me know if you have other tips for me that might be helpful ...supps..I am thinking of trying 12.5 mg of topa ...I am sad -- because I was so excited about the miracle...Keep in touch ..gotta go ..more later...Thx...Chrysa


                    Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

                    Re: Hi- little report--now Vivitrex Info

                    If I may join the Topa conversation,

                    Yes, I have been Topa-free for about a month and I feel absolutely great. I have my sharpness back now and have recovered my grasp of the English language... yeah! I hate to discourage anyone from taking it though, as it does work for a great many. It did work in the beginning for me, but something compelled me to mentally crave alcohol even while the Topa took care of the physical craving.

                    Don't feel too badly if you're not able to obtain or tolerate this drug. There are plenty of us here who have not found it to be the magic pill we thought it was going to be. Not that anyone ever sold it to us that way. There are many alternative approaches that will also work for you.

                    I'm actually glad it didn't stop me from drinking, I did cut down considerably though. Drinking to excess while on Topa taught me quite a bit about the nature of my addiction, something I wouldn't otherwise have known. I realized alot of my overdrinking was to fill an emotional void and probably was not a physical dependance.

                    So aside from feeling like a loser because this drug wasn't working for me, I'm grateful for the learning experience.

                    Many wishes for success whatever you decide,


                      Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

                      Re: Hi- little report--now Vivitrex Info

                      When I took 100 mg of Topa I had no craving for Chardonnay. I still liked the thought of coming home to a glass of it but the key is "a GLASS of it." I would drink a single glass. So...there is something to the brain GABA thing. I still loved the thought of my chardonnay but drinking a single glass was just fine. That is what I miss about the Topa.


                        Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

                        Re: Hi- hello-now Vivitrex & topa probs share

                        Thank you for saying "don't feel badly" & for sharing. I feel too that I learned a great deal about my patterns & getting into new behavior which was eased with the topa . I want to ask you more if that is OK & will write again tommorrow. Too tired at moment. Mixed feelings -- relieved I am not alone esp with such good bright company...disappointed/worried on other hand ..but I have to go with what my body & mind are telling me
                        Live Strong! (Do you like that?) Think I do. Thx..Chrysa


                          Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

                          Info on Vivitrex

                          Here is some random info I have found on vivitrex:




                          See what you think!


                            Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

                            Re: Info on Vivitrex

                            I am not sure if the injectable Vivitrex has been FDA approved in US yet. See article here below. But you could certainly request your Dr. put you on Naltrexone in the meantime which is the pill form of the drug. Its done wonders for some people as it not only helps the craving but blocks the opiate effects of alcohol and drugs. Best to you.



                              Hi- hello-now Vivitrex Info & topa probs share

                              Re: Info on Vivitrex

                              Thanks piper, lorik, jen, maggie for tips. I don't know what to do. I feel myself slipping already -- littl e more wine each night. Leftover vodka from party in garage has my full attention. On the other hand I hate going in circles as I have done that so many times before in lmy life. I hated the topa problems & gave it a good 8 wks. But maybe I will experiment with 12.5 or 25. Is naltrexone as effective in reducing cravings??

                              They need to come up with a combo drug -- topa with counteractives all in one for our particular problem. You know like how they did with pain killers -- codeine + caffeine + tylenol or barbit+caffeine+tylenol..

                              NOTE: But it does work for so many -- so any newbies reading this -- it is definitely worth the try to see how it affects you.!!

