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Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

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    Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

    and all the other Aussies...

    We have a state of emergency on our hands. I just caught The Bold and the Beautiful on Channel 10. They're in bloody Sydney, near the Opera House and outside the Stamford Plaza.

    Brooke has just told Ridge that she wants "a naughtie with a franger!"

    What will this do to our international relations? OMG .... I shudder to think. In fact, I can't stop shuddering.

    Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

    Lordy, Tawny and the rest of the Aussie's, please run as far as you can. If not don't tune it. Unless of course you like it................ hmmmm
    Enlightened by MWO


      Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

      SK - you don't get it ... this is on just before the 5pm news ... so, sometimes we suffer a bit of cross-over but YIKES! we finally make it to an American Soap and this serial bride utters our most immortal, national phrase of "don't spit the dummy".

      My life, as I knew it, is over. I may have to go into therapy. Or sue.

      (smilies abound)


        Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

        Nothing wrong with a naughtie with a franger - quite as it should be (pursed lips.)

        But who's Brook and who's Ridge(??) and who's spitting the dummy at who?


          Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

          :H So Ridge and Brooke are still at it?! I used to be addicted to that show in the late 80's :H
          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


            Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

            Sorry to be a DUH brain, but, what on earth does " spitting the dummy " mean ???
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

              Second DUH brain here - I don't even know what a "franger" is ?


                Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

                Scoob, its always Brooke Ridge Nick! My Mom is addicted to this show she come up once a year and stays for a month( so I watgh it with her) and I swear to God, its always the the same! I think she has been married to each of them at least 3 times. I'm an as the world turns gal.


                  Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

                  Naughty should always be with a franger unless it's with someone you've been naughty with for years. I reckon a good dummy spit is in order just cause they were here - who let the buggers in????

                  "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                    Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

                    To spit the dummy = To go completely mad

                    Now I'm not Aussie, but I sort of adopted Aus as my 2nd citizenship since doing university there. But, must say totally ignorant on what Tawns in on about re- Soap?

                    Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                      Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

                      Padster, Padster, Padster ...

                      To "spit the dummy" does NOT mean to "go completely mad". A dummy, also known as a pacifier, is spat out by babies and toddlers when they are unhappy - ergo a dummy spit is a childish, immature, show of displeasure.


                      So don't you go spitting it now, will ya.


                        Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

                        Y'all crack me up
                        What St. Frances of Assisi said of himself is true for me.
                        ?If God can work through me He can work through anybody.?


                          Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

                          Hey Tawn ... I caught the show too.... what the heck is a franger??? excuse my aussie ignorance!!!! Is it legal in Australia??
                          Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down


                            Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

                            Wattle .... what IS wrong with you? ..... a franger (whispers) is a condom.

                            I thought the Opera House looked beautiful - not at all like six nuns in a rugby scrum, as Clive James once described it ....


                              Flip, Wattle, Bluebell, Cashy, Scooby, Katesm, ...

                              Thanks Froggie... cor that coulda been embarrassing....

                              It's almost time.... for the next episode... wanta watchit over ere?? got the popcorn ready..
                              Failure is not the falling down... it's the staying down

