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The addiction clause

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    The addiction clause

    I was recently at my psychiatrists and he was worried I may get into a cross addiction since I am tapering down on the 'ol alchy. So I have been thinking a bit about that.

    Why is it so damned hard to have a positive addiction?

    Why can't we become addicted to gardening,
    working out,
    taking care of the house,
    teaching our children,
    being the best father you can be,
    becoming a master chef,
    learning to play the guitar,
    roller blading,
    martial arts,
    and you can see the list goes on.

    What makes it so much easier to have alcohol as an addiction and not have the same pleasure centers in the brain be effects by some of the things listed above?

    I know from experience taht excersize can release endorphines and that sometimes gives a high but it is in no way addictive to me. I would say I have a near addiction to these boards and the internet in general though. And it isnt like they do the same thing alcohol does either. I am just curious what the rest of you think. I wonder if folks that are on some form of SSRI also feel less joy out of simple things as well, thus preventing desire to want to do some of those things. I also wonder if depression has the effect of stopping normal activities from becoming near addictive things so the only thing that can punch through and truly become addictive is alcohol.

    The addiction clause

    I do have a lot of positive addictions including cooking, music, reading, etc., but somehow still found room for the wine addiction.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      The addiction clause

      i know what you mean

      I enjoy lots of things like gardening and cooking but if I go a day or a week without it - I'm not cranky, I don't have withdrawals etc.
      I feel compelled to exercise but am in no way addicted - wish i was
      Yeah, why can't i be addicted to playing board games with my son or saving money
      but no it's that d--- beer!


        The addiction clause

        Hablur, You have a good point there. all my addictions have always been bad ones!!!!! Alcohol, ciggarettes, chocolate, junk food etc... If only I was addicted to greens!!!!! theory is..........I have always lacked confidence and have had a problem liking myself and feeling worthy of anything good coming my way. Totally irrational thinking but hey ho! So, feeling like this, I have tended to be interested in things that are bad for me. Its a bit like, "Oh what the hell, I'm not worth much anyway" . This is a very stupid way of thinking and I'm beginning to change this mind-set. It can be very, very self-destructive, as you can imagine! and of course, when you get that buzz from drink, you want to repeat it, again and again....until finally it takes over completely.

        Good post and I will be interested in reading what others say. Bella xxxxx


          The addiction clause

          As defined: An addiction is a recurring compulsion by an individual to engage in some specific activity.

          Ok so this doesnt limit anything that I wrote in the good list but we all know that people dont have addictions from that good list unless they have OCD. I would ammend the last part where it says specific activity to be ... some harmful or anti-social behavior.

          Ok .. so I was thinking one of the reasons it is easier to have this addiction is because it travels so well. You can do it while doing just about anything else. You can do it while doing just about any other activity. It is an obsession that fits in so nicely within anyones lifestyle.

          Thats what makes it such an insidious bugger to stop. Because it fits into your daily life so easily it turns into a habit. Once it becomes a habit it becomes entrenched and almost impossible to shake because now we not only have an addiction but we have a habit.

          So my way of thinking to help beat back the monster is to change the habit. Completely upset your routine. If you normally cook dinner have the hubby take over duties for a bit or vice versa. If you plunk down and watch TV from 8 to 10 read a book or excersize for an hour and then take a long relaxing shower ...

          I really am beginning to think that there is no such thing as a positive addiction, at least I have never heard of one. So it all boils down to positive and negative habits. By changing our habits we can change our environment and hopefully help change what we do during that trigger time.


            The addiction clause

            I like that way of thinking Hablur. To change up all the habits and routines or incorporate new routines to redefine the way our brain thinks and to get rid of the triggers. Good plan.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              The addiction clause

              I have heard of people addicted to exercise - it was on tv about people were exercising hours and hours every day and couldn't go even a few without exercising.

              They were damaging their bones and organs and everything, because of the pressure on them and because most o the people weren't eating enough or the proper food to keep their body fit.

              I wish I was addicted to exercise - may be for one hour every day though, not 8 or 10 !! LOL
              I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
              I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

              Marilyn Monroe


                The addiction clause

                Yeah Diamond-my best friend is an exercise junkie. Taking away a day of her running or exercising is like telling a drunk the package store is closed & they can't have anymore. She goes insane.

                Addiction already has a negative connotation to it. If one were to have a positive addiction it would be considered a hobby of sort. Addiction is almost like taking something beyond the normal baselines.

                One needs to do something between 40-60 days in order to form a habit. My alcoholic drinking aka addiction is easy because I did it for 20 yrs! Now that a hard habit to break-but I'm doing it. Now exercise-that's another story.
                :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                  The addiction clause

                  I went to a counselor about a year ago who quoted some writer/researcher who said that the only effective addiction to replace substance addiction is meditation. I don't remember what exactly she said that made it make so much sense to me... and I wish I remember who the source was. I wanted to give it a try - but haven't been sober long enough to get it going.


                    The addiction clause

                    imatree;155209 wrote: I went to a counselor about a year ago who quoted some writer/researcher who said that the only effective addiction to replace substance addiction is meditation. I don't remember what exactly she said that made it make so much sense to me... and I wish I remember who the source was. I wanted to give it a try - but haven't been sober long enough to get it going.
                    Not exactly the same as meditation, but I think I am becomming addicted to those hypno CDs. I am eager to do them every night and get bummed if it is not the scheduled night to do the ones where you are actually hypnotized (clearing or hypno). I do the sleep learning every night. Even on nights when I went out and drank (telling myself I don't have to do them when I get home), I still do them when I get home because I really want to. Now, I realize that one of the embedded messages is that you really enjoy the CDs so maybe I've just been brainwashed by them. LOL

                    By the way, I enjoy them so much that I went to the hypno guy's website and am planning to order the ones for ultimate weightloss as well. After that, maybe I can get one that would give me motivation for cleaning the house. He seems to have one for just about every issue you might have! :H


                      The addiction clause


                      Do those CD's really work or are they more of a comfort thing? Just curious.


                        The addiction clause

                        Hab, I have OCD, so whatever good or bad I am currently obsessed with I do it to the nth degree. My husband always says it amazes him I can do anything I stick my mind to. It's because I can't think of anything else but that thing and doing it. I am that way with my workouts miss one I go nuts. The new thing for me to focus that energy on is staying sober via MWO.


                          The addiction clause

                          I believe that my addictions are caused by my own way of thinking about them.
                          I have convinced myself that cigarettes are an effective stress-buster, to such an extent that I call them "my little bit of sanity" lol
                          I have also convinced myself that the buzz I get from wine gives me a temporary happiness and sense of well-being.
                          I think to truly overcome my addictions, I would have to find a way to disable the associations I make, i.e., wine = happy, ciggies = calm.
                          Being happy and calm are probably more important to me than the positives I can glean from any mere hobby.
                          Absurd way of thinking really, but that`s addiction for you.......

                          Starlight Impress


                            The addiction clause

                            Actually, Mar that doesnt sound so bad too be honest.

                            Starlight - to be frank the fact that wine = happy and cig = calm is perfectly normal. It is hitting the normal spots in the brain that everyone feels. What I think happens to us that are addicted to the booze is that we are unable to process normal things that would bring happiness to normal people. As an example my Mom loves to Garden. It is her hobby and she honestly is happy doing it. Also she is calm afterward. My SIL likes to knit and she spends hours really enjoying just doing that.

                            So what I am saying is that somehow our addictions have turned mere hobbies into something that no longer bring us joy. Its almost like this... if we were little kids and we couldnt bring our best friend with us where ever we went we would pout the whole time and not enjoy ourselves until we got our way. In our case we need our alky and we can do our hobby and have a coog ol time Stupid huh?

                            Thats kind of why I was remarking about completely tossing up the habits and abandoning the old and creating new ones that have no place in them for our old friend.


                              The addiction clause

                              I'm definitely addicted to reading, though that didn't stop me being addicted to alcohol as well. But I do get cranky if I don't have a book with me. I read everywhere - while cooking, when waiting for anybody, in the bath, on the toilet, in serious traffic jams (the ones where you don't move at all for ages). on trains, buses.....

                              It's another form of escapism, of shutting off those unpleasant thoughts and feelings.


