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The addiction clause

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    The addiction clause

    I want to thank you all for participating in this discussion. Your input has truly been great. I havent really been pushing the exersize, it was a quick description as I know it gives endorphines... it was more about healthy activities that can take the place of alcohol, like reading, things that fill our time with something that our brains find pleasurable and are not harmful.

    To sum up this thread, there are still things that we can do that replace and bring joy it just is that there is nothing that is such a quick and stead as alcohol. Meditation seems to be mentioned and truthfully there are lots of things that can help like reading. Even a good habit, like excersize can still become an addiction that can hurt our families. The lesson here kids... Moderation in all things

    Oh and Scooby... I would love to get my hands on the CD's but have no idea what you mean about posting them up here.

