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Garden check!

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    Garden check!

    OK my garden is still alive. I am getting weeds now so I will have to spray down with bug repellent and get rid of them. I am just happy everything is growing except the eggplant which rabbits ate.


    Garden check!

    The tomatoes are ripe!
    I've made 30 pints of salsa so far.
    As you can see, squash is plentiful and hubby is beginning to say..."again"? for dinner!
    The cumcumbers we plant are also ripe. It is a green house variety and can get huge! I try to pick them when about 12 inches.
    I'm gonna "bless" someone today...not sure who yet with a few bags!
    Wish you all were nearby to share!
    Still not much rain down here, but we have drip systems going.

    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      Garden check!

      We are still prepping our garden and at this rate do not see us getting anything planted.

      As always Nancy your garden makes me green with envy..
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Garden check!

        Oh man Nancy that is so great. I wish I did live close I would love those veggies.



          Garden check!

          Oh you are all so lucky to have gardens, nothing lovlier than home grown fruit & veg.

          I am curently growing a little tub of Cat grass that's as near as I can get right now.

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


            Garden check!

            oh Nancy-cool cucumber sandwishes.....yum!

            I love cukes & cucumbers & am going to take a stab at pickling cukes this year! My mother did it since I was a babe & just recently stopped so I want to continue the tradition. My son & I are pickles freaks!
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              Garden check!

              you should read what macrobiotics has to say about pickles (just good stuff).
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Garden check!

                Oh Nancy -- how wonderful -- so much work -- but sounds like it is you & part of your life

                I am only doing tomatoes and herbs this year. The deer, groundhogs are out of control in this area. I have a stream with holes in the banks where the chucks live. Several deer families live my woods . I gave up. But other swho live here haven't. You just have to be more serious about it like Nancy.

                I have green plum tomatoes about to turn & big boys & girls starting to bud. In my pots I have basil 3 varieties, sage, lavendar, rosemary 2 varieties, oregano, chives, tarragon. I have to get more basil as we eat it like crazy. I may put in a whole lot of arugula. I love potting this year.


                  Garden check!

                  I am green as a pea with envy! I have finally given up trying to grow tomatoes here, as they always get a fungus on them. I just don't have enough room. I did have a townhouse once with a great southern exposure in the backyard, and I got some great veggies then.:sigh:

                  Meanwhile, I am vicariously enjoying your stories about the veggies and the herbs etc. Last year, the Japanese beetles even destroyed my basil! I'm sticking to flowers this year!


                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Garden check!

                    Winter here so started pruning roses yesterday. Planted 300 oriental and asiatic liliums. Daffodils and tulips starting to emerge. Wattle trees are forming blossoms as is purple hardenbergia. Been eating wild mushrooms for weeks. Yummmm.

                    An unexpected huge patch of arugula has self-seeded as have butter lettuce. Strappy silver leaves of giant garlic now about 1' high.

                    Pincushion hakea and red grevillea in full bloom. Everything is greeen, green, green. So good after long, dry summer.


                      Garden check!

                      Tawny it is so odd to hear that everything is green in winter, do you pick the wild mushrooms yourself as some where I live are very poisonous so I do not pick any, afraid I will mess up with that. Sounds wonderful where you are.



                        Garden check!

                        Sammy - yes, I pick the mushrooms - I know which ones are safe and very tasty sliced and sauteed in butter. Some of them are the size of my hand and are locally known as "Poor Man's Meat".


                          Garden check!

                          Hello all isn't it great to see things grow !!! I'm sad to say however I showed some of my garden too much love by putting in 7-7-7 fertilizer along with the seed... Only thing that is happy with that stuff is potatoes.... I do however have 2 healthy tomato plants though... My flowers are also really pretty.. Next year I'm not gonna show them quite soo much lovin' tee !! heee !!

                          ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                            Garden check!

                            It's so much fun to read about what and how you grow! I've learned so many life lessons in the garden...Worms and compost and ashes and "stuff"...Nature is a great teacher. "Unless something dies, there can be no life"....

                            My DIL'S mom was "blessed" with several bags of cukes and tomatoes and squash yesterday....She was so happy and I was soo happy to hand them over! LOL!

                            Going to plant fall tomatoes in our hoop house (high tunnel poly) tomorrow. Jettsetter and Homestead.....we'lll see how they do.
                            The Brandywine are delish....but ugly!:H

                            Happy gardening all!
                            :h Nancy
                            "Be still and know that I am God"

                            Psalm 46:10


                              Garden check!

                              Hi all,

                              I planted a garden for the first time in quite awhile this year. I planted tomatoes, green peppers, peas, beans, watermelon, and pumpkins. The rabbits gnawed off all of the green beans, but the rest are still thriving. I've dusted them with a bug repellent. Hopefully, that will keep the pests away. I just love my little garden. It will be another month of so until things are ripened. I can't wait!


