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Why we deceive everyone around us ?

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    Why we deceive everyone around us ?

    It's hard! I have been married twice. You got to make it what it is ! Make sure you love the one your with . My 1st marriage was full bad decisions & sorry mistakes!
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      Why we deceive everyone around us ?

      Tired of hiding it too!

      Nobody knows but me that I am taking the supplements, and Topa. I keep drinking! It's so stupid that I can't get this under control because I don't like drinking this bottle of wine each and every night. I want to be alert so that I can read and play with my grandkids, talk to my husband who must be sick looking at this person across the room (me) who has nothing to say every night.
      Today I start the rest of my life in a new and improved way! I've gained 20 pounds in the last 2 years and I want that to come off as well. Use to walk 4 miles a day and now I'm not even walking a mile a week! Things have to change starting now!


        Why we deceive everyone around us ?

        Today is 1st day of the rest of your life. Begin anew, that's the only way we can go on. Thier will be a lot of set backs but we must move forward! & Keep trying ! For if you give up you loose. We're her to help, as we in return need help' Good luck. IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Why we deceive everyone around us ?

          Everyone here has been there, done that, and worn out the T-shirt I'm pretty certain. I've hidden it from my daughter for a yr. and a half now, she thinks I got it together, and only have max 2 glasses, ever.... I panic when I think she may have called on an evening and "heard it in my voice"....its happened a few times, and I've blamed, denied, excused why I may have "sounded that way"....its been only once since I got on this site, that I "blacked-out", (used to happen at least once wkly, or twice)...I woke up in a total panic, anxious, crying, pacing, shaking, praying, being sick, not remembering if I may have talked to anyone who would "know"....she's 21, and lives nearby, and I thought I'd die before I could call her and make sure I hadn't blown it....Its awful, if we don't overindulge, we don't have to wake up worrying, it takes so much STRESS OFF... I takes up too much time to "watch it"...and worry about it, I'm ready to have a handle on this, and not be consumed by it....Hopefully with each other and the grace of God, we'll all make it!!!
          "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


            Why we deceive everyone around us ?



              Why we deceive everyone around us ?

              This thread reminds me of a poem I wrote awhile back. I posted it about a month ago... seems somewhat fitting here.

              I?m hiding I?m hiding I?m hiding I?m hiding
              and I don?t want to hide anymore

              I hide in my theories my thoughts and my mind
              I hide in my coffee and I hide in my wine

              I hide in my worry my thoughts and my frets
              I hide in my shadows and I hide in my mess

              I?m hiding I?m hiding I?m hiding I?m hiding
              and I don?t want to hide anymore

              I hide in my shame my doubts and my fears
              I hide in my laughter and I hide in my tears

              I hide from my child my friends and my mate
              I hide from my self and my ultimate fate

              I?m hiding I?m hiding I?m hiding I?m hiding
              and I don?t want to hide anymore

              I hide from love from joy and from all that is true
              I hide from knowing and that which I knew

              I hide from my body my home and my life
              I hide from success and I hide from my strife

              I?m hiding I?m hiding I?m hiding I?m hiding
              and I don?t want to hide anymore

              I hide from doing from living from being
              I hide from my knowing and I hide from seeing
              I?m hiding I?m hiding I?m hiding I?m hiding
              and I don?t want to hide anymore

              I?m hiding I?m hiding I?m hiding I?m hiding
              and I don?t want to hide anymore


                Why we deceive everyone around us ?

                that is a very deep and beautiful poem imatree. speaks volumes to where we have all been and where we play now as well as we recover. recovery is never ending. tis good to see also that at least here no one has to hide at all. i knowthe bottle is a lonely friend. it doesn't give anything back but an endless next day of wanting to sleep. so it robs me of the nite and robs me of the next day of remorse. it is amazing how after days of not drinking i realized i can actually put intelligent thought together. i had thought myself incapable before. i just forgot what it was like to not be hung over everyday. how amazing.

