Just thought I would keep you all up to date with my progress plus I like telling you all

Basically as some of you probably know im a binge drinker and mainly drink the week before my (period) dont know why????? But thats what ive been trying to find out for years anyway I found a website sunday and found an artical about my blood sugar level dropping a week before my period hence my bingeing (is that a possibility i thought) so I went docs this morning and showed him the artical he said( thats rubbish) so he suggested I try the contraceptive implant which will basically put my ovaries asleep for 3 years hopefully calming down my hormones which make me that depressed I crave alcohol.
And he has also asked me to have a blood test done for the following:
Liver function
Plasma glucose level
Thyroid hormone
Serum gamma-glutamyl transferase level
I am going for the test tommorrow morning nothing may come of these tests but anythings worth a try

Anyway thanks for reading and keep your heads up and smile
Luv Keepon:h