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Hi gang !!!!!

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    Hi gang !!!!!

    Hi all I hope all is well today!!!!

    Just thought I would keep you all up to date with my progress plus I like telling you all hehe

    Basically as some of you probably know im a binge drinker and mainly drink the week before my (period) dont know why????? But thats what ive been trying to find out for years anyway I found a website sunday and found an artical about my blood sugar level dropping a week before my period hence my bingeing (is that a possibility i thought) so I went docs this morning and showed him the artical he said( thats rubbish) so he suggested I try the contraceptive implant which will basically put my ovaries asleep for 3 years hopefully calming down my hormones which make me that depressed I crave alcohol.

    And he has also asked me to have a blood test done for the following:

    Liver function

    Plasma glucose level

    Thyroid hormone

    Serum gamma-glutamyl transferase level

    I am going for the test tommorrow morning nothing may come of these tests but anythings worth a try

    Anyway thanks for reading and keep your heads up and smile

    Luv Keepon:h

    Hi gang !!!!!

    hi had to be a male dr, i think u may have a point, a good 1, i always binge more b4 during an after my periods, always i get really bad pmt, an also bad cramps, an the drink takes the edge of, i usually drink as ive argued wiv bf cos im so snappy, a week b4 my period i get so tierd its like i got that sleep disorder narcolepsy, i just can t keep my eyes open usually fall asleep on the bus, or as soon as i sit down, my eyes go, i guess thats to do with a dip in blood sugar, i have heard good an bad things about the implant, im tryin to remember, i think 1 friend gained a lot of weigh t an was really snappy, the other seemed fine, i cant ask them as i dont speak to either anny more, xxxxx
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


      Hi gang !!!!!

      sounds like your doctors been thorough which is great ,good luck with the tests but dont go on a big bender if you get the all clear!!!! Use it as a starting point for a new healthier lifestyle. Good luck and looking foreword to hearing you get the all clear.


        Hi gang !!!!!

        I don't think I'm gay, but will you be my girlfriend rach...

        I think I love Ya!!! Jas

        Possibly hormones, or just a hore moning, lol
        :thanks: :h


          Hi gang !!!!!

          aww some 1 loves me then jas, lol, my bf always says moaning hore every time i mention hormones, i did nt have a period 4 3 mths then i had 1 for a week had 4 days off an now i been on again for nearly 2 weeks, so this hore has moaned a lot!!!! i think i always drink more beandy then , medicinal, love u to jas xx
          :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


            Hi gang !!!!!

            oh i meant brandy not beandy!!!!!!!!!
            :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

