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Help Strange Dreams on Topamax

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    Help Strange Dreams on Topamax

    Hello Everyone,

    I'm new here; I have been reading through all the threads and learning so much from all of you. I'm so glad and feel very blessed to have found this group.
    After reading through most of the post here I decided I needed to go to my doctor and discuss getting on Topamax. He agreed and I started with 25 mg last Tuesday. Then on Sunday I bumped up to 50 mg. Monday I sleep real restless, I felt like I never really went to sleep, like I just laid there with my eyes closed (All Night). But I was able to get up and work out and get through the day at work. Tuesday night I thought I would sleep well, because I didn't sleep very while the night before, so I took my benadryl (which always helps me sleep like a baby) and went to bed. OMG, I had strange dreams all night long, very vivid strange dreams. The kind you feel like you didn't sleep at all from. I felt tired from the crazy dreams I had all night. One after the other, I felt like I was on a roller costar ride all night long.
    I know this drug is mind altering. I have never dreamed like this before. Has anyone experience this, will it get better or should I back off and go back to 25 gm?

    Thank you for any help you can give,


    Help Strange Dreams on Topamax

    I actually slept like a baby & had dreams(that I could vaguely recall) or no dreams at all.

    I think it might have been the mixture. Benedryl-hate it! It does weird things to me. One time I took it for allergies & visited my mother who later said that she thought I was drinking cause I was so blah. Thank goodness I mentioned I took it or she would have thought I was off the wagon.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Help Strange Dreams on Topamax

      yeah, I agree with Breez. I've had some weird nights on Benedryl. I'll bet it was the mixture of the two.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Help Strange Dreams on Topamax

        I've been sticking with 25 mgs and don't plan to change as long as it keeps my cravings under control -- which it does. I also feel sleep restless sometimes (It's only been 1.5 weeks) but I'm not sure if it's the topa or just the radical change in my drinking habits! Anyway, like I said, I'm planning to stick with 25 mgs until I feel the need to add more to my regime. And as for the Benadryl -- yuck! I'd try a night without that -- how good can that combo be???


          Help Strange Dreams on Topamax


          Thank you for responding, do you think it could be the mixture of Topamax and Benedryl? I take Benedryl all the time or at least before the Topamax. With no problem at all.

          Funny thing happened to me. The day after I started my Topamax I came down with a severe Cold. I have been taking cold meds with Topa. I feel pretty good today. Today I'm not taking any cold meds. So hopefuly that won't be an issue.

          I won't take the benedryl tonight and to see how I sleep.


            Help Strange Dreams on Topamax

            OK, it looks like more folks agree. It could have been the mixture. Thank you everyone for your help. The funny thing is, all though I sleep restless, I'm still able to get up at 5:30 am and work out for an hour. My body is ready to go, my head is just a little slow. That's the only way I know how to describe it.


              Help Strange Dreams on Topamax

              I don't take anything, but when I quit drinking I didn't sleep at all for 4 nights (awake constantly etc) then had very weird, vivid dreams for a few weeks. We'll see where it goes from here, it's only been 2 1/2 months... but I'm sleeping soooooo good, comparatively, and feel good when I wake up too!


                Help Strange Dreams on Topamax

                OMG, I LOVE my crazy dreams on topa. I feel like I could write movie scripts. They are the coolest things ever!!!!
                Gabby :flower:


                  Help Strange Dreams on Topamax

                  Things will probably level out for you soon tho.
                  Gabby :flower:


                    Help Strange Dreams on Topamax


                    I could sleep good with a drink or without a drink. I actually sleep better if I didn't drink at all. That was the only good thing for me about not drink. The Topamax gives me energy. I have read that some people here are tired, but I'm not feeling tired at all. Hearts alittle racy during the day and at night in bed. Takes awhile to get to sleep.

                    I wasn't that way before the Topamax. I'm not complaining, it's just everyone seems to be tired. Does anyone get energy from the Totamax?

